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  • Ethan: Ok, can you just test your sound for me really fast? I'm just going to test all of the equipment here.

  • Ken: I'm screwing with you! Test test test.

  • Ethan: I think that's the perfect way to start the interview right there.

  • Ken: I'm old and I'm not actually a sick pervert, I'm just a regular internet pervert. (cheerful music plays in background)

  • Today, a man comes before us, not just any man, a great man.

  • One who dared to do an AMA on Reddit without clearing his browsing history, without creating a throwaway!

  • He is, the one and only, Ken Bone.

  • Ethan: Hi Ken, what up? Thanks for joining us! Such a joy to have you!

  • Ken: I'm glad to be here! How's it going?

  • Ethan: It's going great!

  • Ethan: If you guys don't know who Ken Bone is, he asked a question at the presidential debate,

  • but-but everyone became so infatuated...

  • with this man, Ken Bone.

  • Why do you think that is?

  • Wha-what was it tha-that people just set you-set 'em off?

  • Ken: I think it started as the debate could not have been anymore negative.

  • Ken: It was a bummer to watch. Ethan: Right.

  • Ken: It made everybody want to put their head down.

  • And here's this goofy guy in the front row with a cherry red sweater and a big mustache, you know, he's kind of funny looking.

  • And so it kind of sparked an internet meme,

  • it was something light-hearted to grab a hold of in the middle of all this negativity.

  • Ethan: On the next day, the next day on the internet, all anyone was talking about was Ken Bone.

  • I think the combination of your wonderful charming looks and the name itself, I mean Bone it's quite a last name.

  • I commend you on having such a won--, is that your real last name?

  • Ken: That is my real last name, my grandfather's name was also Ken Bone, his father's name was Bentley.

  • His older brother's name was Oral, they had it a little worse than I did.

  • Ethan: ORAL BONE, NO!

  • Ken: I swear to ya.

  • Ethan: No way, you have an Oral Bone in your family Ken!?

  • Ken: We had 2 of them!

  • Ethan: 2 ORAL BONES!

  • Do you have any plans for your son's name? Do we have any kind of... like uh... like uh

  • What do you got in plans for your children; do you have children?

  • Ken: I have one and I'm not having any more. His name's Logan. He turned 13 a couple of days ago.

  • Ethan: Logan Bone.

  • Well congratulations to him, happy thirteenth birthday.

  • Is there any chance of maybe legally changing his name to something a little more entertaining,

  • like uh, Big - Big - Big Bone, or?

  • I mean Oral, I can't even imagine anything - maybe just Oral. Go back to Oral.

  • Fulfil the family tradition.

  • Ken: Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen.

  • Even Uncle Oral goes by his middle name: David.

  • Ethan: That's probably for the best.

  • First of all. You definitely pull - I think you pull off the moustache a little better than me.

  • I think you've definitely got the totes adorbs.

  • Kinda cuddly look that everyone loves.

  • But for me, I just kinda look more like a Mexican drug dealer, a Pablo Escobar character.

  • I- do you have any tips? What am I doing wrong?

  • Ken: I think you look fantastic. Ethan: Thank you.

  • Ken: Uh, maybe, uh trim it a little closer to the lips. Ethan: Mm!

  • Ken: And let it get just a bit longer. Kinda train it.

  • And to be honest with ya, I don't even like the mustache.

  • Uh, I have it because my grandfather had it, and he was one of the best human beings I ever met. Ethan: Wow.

  • Ken: It's kinda my nod to him. He was the original Ken Bone.

  • Ethan: God, the Bone family legacy, the Bone roots go deep in your family.

  • So you're suggesting cut it a little bit closer to the lip?

  • Ken: Yeah, I like to keep mine, you know, like right here in the fat creases of my face. Ethan: Follow the fat crease?

  • Ken: Yeah. Ethan: Well, I'll tell you what. You hold on one second.

  • Kay, I'm gonna clean up my 'stache, and I want to come back and I want you to grade it, okay? Just gimme- just hold on one sec.

  • Ken: Alright, do your best to keep all sides even.

  • Ethan: Just like that.

  • Ken: That looks fantastic. That's a big improvement already. Ethan: You know what?

  • You take the handlebars off and you look less like a criminal and more just like kinda the Bone Stache.

  • Ethan: This is the Bo- the bone stache stops at the fat rolls, right?

  • Ken: Yea like right at the, right at the chub crease right here, like.

  • Ethan: (chuckles) The chub crease. Well, I couldn't have said that myself any better!

  • Ethan: Oh! Who-who have we here?

  • Ken: This is the original Ken Bone, my grandfather

  • That's a mustache there folks!

  • Ethan: It's so white, I almost can't even see it!

  • Ethan: So the whole thing was- the whole setup of the debate was actually interesting to me

  • It looked like there was maybe 20, 40 people in the room

  • Iike, how did they vet you?

  • Ken: Well they don't ask you anything about your questions. Once one you tell them (Ethan: No!) you're an undecided voter,

  • That's it! They say okay come up with 2 questions and we'll see you next Sunday.

  • Ethan: But you had to tell them your questions ahead of time.

  • You could've have been like "Trump, can-can you please tell me what-what tanner do you use,

  • and why do you avoid the space around your eyes?"

  • Ken: The only people we told the question ahead of time were Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddis, the moderators.

  • Ethan: That's incredible! That is an incredible insight!

  • And it was live, so you actuallyonce you got the mic, you could have been like "Trump, can you please explain why your hands are so small."

  • Ken: Yea, I could have said anything I wanted

  • I mean, anything too bad and I guess the secret service guys who were hidden amongst us would have tazed me or something.

  • Ethan: (chuckles) Just a straight up taze? Ken: Yea!

  • Ethan: Just as punishment, they're like "Look you already asked the question, but you're gonna get tazed."

  • Ken: Yea it's live TV, and it only has like a 10 second dump.

  • Ethan: That's amazing! They had tremendous faith in all the question askers.

  • Ken: It was well warranted for the most of us.

  • Ethan: Did you ever consider pullin' a little...

  • A bit of a meme, on the mic

  • Ken: I've thought about it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't–didn't think about it

  • But it's the chance of a lifetime to ask a question to

  • the next president. Ethan: Yea, absolutely.

  • Ethan: How quickly after you got home, after that debate, did you realize that you had become a living meme?

  • Ken: I got back out to my car, and my phone was locked up.

  • I turn on my phone, and I had already missed like a thousand messages.

  • My voice mailbox was full, and I didn't listen to that for days.

  • Cause' voicemail is for old people.

  • Uh...

  • My friend called me on my phone just as it was powering up

  • and started reading me articles about myself from Buzzfeed.

  • Which I thought he was jerkin' my chain...

  • until I got home and saw them for myself

  • Ethan: So, this is immediately from the time you left the debate, to the time you got home you were already a living meme?

  • Ken: Yea the debate had probably been over for about 45 minutes before I had gotten in the car.

  • Ethan: That's. Amazing! And you were already blown up, Buzzfeed was on that shit,

  • of course they were.

  • That time it was just pure luck, it was just like pure love shower.

  • LikeHow-how did that feel? Wha-what was your reaction to that?

  • Ken: I mean, it was weird because at that point

  • You know, I hadn't done any interviews, hadn't done any anything.

  • Ethan: Right. Ken: So the whole world's exposure to me is just the sweater and the mustache,

  • Ethan: Right. Ken: name,

  • and the one question, and they thought that y'know "Oh this guy is such a cuddly teddy bear!"

  • And there was this like-this characterization of me as some kinda

  • like saint, or-

  • Ethan: Right. Ken: or hero, or,

  • Ethan: And- Ken: or, whatever.

  • Ethan: And little-and little did they know you had looked at Jennifer Lawrence's butthole, and liked it.

  • Ken: Yea, i mean uh...

  • probably I shouldn't have done that.

  • Because that was a breach of her privacy

  • but, come on, everybody did it.

  • Ethan: That's, you don't need to defend yourself.

  • I am fully, dude, as I said,

  • in our previous video abut you,

  • Michelle Obama has looked at Jennifer Lawrence's butthole,

  • Ethan: you have nothing to apologize for. Ken: Yeah. Ethan: I'm waiting-

  • I'm waiting for the strange-like porn offers where someone

  • Those always end up coming with like the $100,000- we'll pay you $100,000 to like-have sex with a midget or some shit like that

  • Ken: There's been one of those, and they didn't contact me directly, they just float that out there for free publicity

  • Ethan: What was the offer?

  • Ken: It was a hundred thousand bucks for, I don't remember what it was, I don't think it was anything weird

  • but it would have gotten me murdered in my sleep, so I didn't do it

  • Ethan: Well the fact that the offer is there

  • just makes me happy.

  • I'm happy you didn't take it, obviously, that would have been pretty strange

  • to see you in a porn to be frank.

  • um...

  • But the fact that the offer is out there?

  • It's nice to know.

  • Ethan: I'm happy. Ken: I don't want to subject the American people to that

  • I'm all about positivity, and

  • you know, a good message.

  • A good message is not me, not wearing any pants that's horrible.

  • Ethan: Well some, well.. yea, some some.

  • We could find you a niche.

  • So, as some of you may know, Ken Bone went from national treasure, to-

  • most despised man in America almost?

  • In in.. in almost overnight.

  • Immediately.

  • As Ken went on Reddit, and did an Ask Me Anything.

  • Doing the fatal and classic error, of not creating a separate account,

  • which has no post history on it,

  • and using his own account, so everyone was able to go through all his history,

  • and see all of his comments, etc.

  • And basically,

  • as my favorite headline goes, SJWs sifted through his account history,

  • in an attempt to ruin his life, Ken what the hell were you thinking?

  • Ken: Well, I was naïve enough to think that people weren't paying that close of attention

  • I've never been famous before, I don't know how to do it.

  • Ethan: So when you, when you decided to do the AMA,

  • you just didn't even consider making an alternate account,

  • you didn't even consider that people would look through your history