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  • Inventors. People with messy hair sitting alone in their garages, tinkering and being

  • brilliant.

  • Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. That’s

  • what we learn in school: that a great genius invented a thing, because it’s a sound bite

  • that’s easy to teach and easy to remember.

  • But the truth is, it’s almost never that simple. Every great, world-changing invention

  • is the culmination of efforts by dozens or hundreds of people.

  • The last person to come along is usually the one who gets the credit, but they have all

  • of history on their side as collaborators.

  • So here are ten inventors who didn’t invent the things theyre known for inventing.

  • Or rather, ten people who put the exclamation point on a decades- or centuries-long process

  • to finally bring that thing into the light.

  • The late 1500s was a pretty good time to be in the glass business. Techniques for making

  • glass and lenses were getting much better, and the telescope was practically inevitable.

  • With all those lenses lying around, sooner or later someone was bound to pick up a pair

  • and go, “Haha! This makes your head look bigger!”

  • The first person we know for sure to have done this was a Dutch man named Hans Lippershey.

  • Others may have gotten there as well.

  • These magnification devices were massively popular in the Netherlands, so when Galileo

  • heard about them, he wanted one for himself.

  • No big deal--he just built his own. Without ever having seen one in person. And he made

  • some improvements.

  • So, that was pretty clever of Galileo. He was a smart person - not trying to take anything

  • away.

  • The other thing he did was to use it as a scientific instrument, making observations

  • of the solar system. Nobody else had thought to do this yet, that we know of.

  • But Galileo certainly benefited from the work of Lippershey and all the recent improvements

  • in the world of glass.

  • James Watt’s name is practically synonymous with the steam engine, but it predates his

  • invention by around sixty years.

  • English inventor Thomas Savery created the first steam engine -- which he patented in

  • 1698 -- to solve a very specific problem:

  • Coal mines tended to fill up with water, which wasn’t great for the miners. Using steam

  • power to haul it out was much better than buckets.

  • A few years later, another English inventor named Thomas Newcomen tweaked the machine

  • so it would work at close to atmospheric pressure -- earning it the nameatmospheric engine.”

  • The Newcomen engine stuck around for about fifty years, and while it was better than

  • buckets, it wasn’t great. It had to be heated and cooled constantly and was hideously inefficient.

  • James Watt’s key innovation -- which he developed in the 1760s and 70s -- was to create

  • a separate condenser for the steam.

  • This made the device much more energy-efficient, enough for Watt and his partner Matthew Boulton

  • to commercialize the steam engine and revolutionize the world. Industrially speaking.

  • If you went to school in the United States, you can probably recite by rote the fact that

  • Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793.

  • Whichis a slight exaggeration.

  • The way cotton grows, it has a bunch of seeds stuck in the fibers that we actually want

  • to make cloth out of.

  • Those seeds used to have to be picked out by hand.

  • There were cotton-separating devices made from simple rollers that worked pretty well,

  • except when they didn’t. Sometimes they squashed the seeds and made a mess. And they

  • really only worked for cotton with long fibers.

  • The cotton in most of Georgia -- which was often grown by slaves -- had short fibers.

  • So the state of Georgia was very eager for someone to come along and invent a better

  • fiber separator.

  • As part of a massive state-sponsored engineering push, Whitney was commissioned to make a better

  • roller gin. And he did, replacing the solid rollers with wire teeth. It worked great -- but

  • also led to a much higher demand for slaves.

  • So Whitney’s gin drew on earlier innovations, and it also changed American history -- probably

  • not in a good way.

  • Human-powered lifting devices date back to antiquity. The Ancient Greeks and Romans documented

  • using them.

  • So Elisha Otis can hardly be credited with inventing the elevator in 1853.

  • But the Industrial Revolution made it possible to power these elevators by steam or electricity

  • rather than some dudes pulling on a rope. And with buildings in the United States getting

  • taller and taller, people were getting pretty tired of taking the stairs.

  • There was just one problem. Early electric elevators were still held up by ropes, and

  • ropes have an unfortunate tendency to break.

  • Otis developed an unlikely but crucial safety innovation. He invented the safety brake,

  • otherwise known as the thing that will grab hold of your elevator if the cable snaps and

  • keep you from falling.

  • And I do say grab, present tense, because we still use pretty similar safety gear.

  • Without Otisinvention, we probably wouldn’t have skyscrapers. Lots of people contributed

  • to the idea of elevators, but Otis made them practical.

  • Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light-giving electrical device. He didn’t even invent

  • glass bulbs with glowy filaments in them.

  • He did, however, start selling a practical light bulb in 1880.

  • The first electric light, called an arc lamp, was created by Humphry Davy 78 years earlier.

  • But it didn’t last long and was way too bright.

  • People tried making filaments out of platinum for a while, but platinum is, uh, pricey.

  • In 1850, Joseph Swan realized that carbonized paper was a better and more plentiful material

  • for filaments, and started making light bulbs.

  • But he had trouble making them efficient and long-lasting.

  • Swan eventually landed on cellulose filaments in the early 1880s, which lasted a good long

  • while.

  • And around the same time, Edison found that carbonized bamboo could last for 1200 hours.

  • In 1883, Swan’s company merged with Edison’s, and the rest was mostly marketing.

  • The invention of the radio in the 1890s was a bare-knuckle death match between Marconi

  • and Nikola Tesla.

  • Tesla received many of the early patents for radio devices and invented the crucial technology

  • behind them.

  • Marconi, on the other hand, had more success developing them as a commercial product and

  • transmitting signals over long distances.

  • But these milestones were only possible thanks to the work of another man.

  • A decade earlier, German scientist Heinrich Hertz was the very first person to conclusively

  • prove that electromagnetic radiation was a thing.

  • He was able to both transmit and receive radio waves in his lab.

  • But when asked about practical applications of his discovery, Hertz drew a total blank.

  • To him, it was pure science.

  • It was up to more engineering-minded folk like Tesla and Marconi to make radio actually

  • happen.

  • When it started production in 1908, the Model T Ford was not the first car ever. Far from

  • it. But in some ways, it might as well have been.

  • Lots of people were involved in the development of transportation devices that didn’t need

  • horses to drag them along. The lion’s share of the credit belongs to Karl Benz, who made

  • the first internal combustion-powered automobile in the 1880s.

  • What Ford did was bring cars to everyone. He revolutionized car manufacturing, transforming

  • it from a specialized job for one highly trained person to an assembly line process.

  • Ford’s factory could turn out a car in a fraction of the time it took anybody else.

  • He sold large volumes for cheap.

  • So anyone who had a few hundred bucks -- in early-twentieth-century money, anyway -- could

  • get a car. And he paid his factory workers more than twice the industry average to boot.

  • Ford didn’t invent the car, but he did contribute a lot to our contemporary commuting way of

  • life.

  • It’s not like the idea of a flying machine had never occurred to anyone before Orville

  • and Wilbur Wright. Da Vinci sketched them in his notebooks.

  • Weve been daydreaming about flying for a long, long time.

  • And the Wright brothers drew on this legacy of daydreamers.

  • A lot of early designs for flying machines were ornithopters -- devices with flapping

  • wings inspired by birds.

  • But designing something that’s light and strong enough to fly and has all those moving

  • parts is a heck of an engineering challenge.

  • It was Englishman George Cayley who first focused on fixed-wing aircraft and made exhaustive

  • studies of wing shape around the turn of the 19th century.

  • A few decades later, Otto Lilienthal put his designs into practice, building gliders and

  • generating data that the Wright brothers drew on directly.

  • Not only did they have aviation pioneers to rely on, the Wright brothers also took advantage

  • of another major invention of their time, one weve already talked about in this episode:

  • the automobile.

  • See, people were designing lighter and faster internal combustion engines to put in cars.

  • Other engineers had tried electric airplanes before, but they were way too heavy.

  • The Wright brothers were at just the right time in history to have access to a lightweight

  • power source.

  • But their own innovation mattered too of course.

  • Objects are pretty hard to control in three dimensional space, and many people feared

  • a plane would be just too difficult for a human operator to fly.

  • But bike shop owners Orville and Wilbur figured it would be just likeriding a bike.

  • So, their crucial contribution to powered flight was building an airplane you could

  • actually fly.

  • Which was a pretty big deal.

  • Philo T. Farnsworth is usually credited as the inventor of television, but there were

  • a whole bunch of steps involved.

  • First, someone needed to invent the cathode ray tube. That someone was Ferdinand Braun.

  • You might have a super old CRT TV or computer monitor sitting around, though theyre mostly

  • outdated by now. But it was the innovation that allowed Farnsworth to turn radio signals

  • into light.

  • There was also some competition between electronic television, which scanned images using a beam

  • of electrons, and mechanical television, which used a rotating disc.

  • Farnsworth began to contemplate how you could use a CRT to capture moving images when he

  • was still in high school. He would then, using Braun’s technology, create the first electronic

  • television in 1929.

  • The graphical user interface: it’s the thing made up of your mouse pointer and desktop

  • icons and lots of the other elements on your screen.

  • It allows you to interact with your computer graphically rather than by typing commands

  • into a prompt.

  • And we tend to associate it with Microsoft, because they released the operating system

  • Windows, and windows are the things programs and messages appear in.

  • But there were a few steps before that.

  • If the GUI can be said to be one person’s baby, that person is Doug Engelbart. He was

  • inspired by an essay written way back in 1945 to make a computer that was more interactive.

  • And he demonstrated an operating system with a mouse pointer in 1968.

  • From there, the idea was picked up by Xerox -- yes, /that/ Xerox -- which made the first

  • commercial computers with a GUI.

  • Apple saw the idea and loved it. They eventually released the Macintosh computer, which had

  • lots of familiar things like menus and icons.

  • But some people thought the Macintosh was too slow and almost cartoony with its friendly

  • pictures -- not suitable for business.

  • It wasn’t until Microsoft released Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1, and eventually Windows 95

  • that the GUI became the universal way we interact with computers.

  • Invention is a process that takes years, sometimes generations, of collaboration. And while one

  • person’s stroke of genius can play a part, that stroke of genius never happens in a vacuum.

  • If these people invented something bigger and cooler than the people who came before

  • them, it was by standing on the shoulders of giants.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on

  • Patreon. If you want to help support this show, because you like it and you want us

  • to keep doing it, you can go to And don’t forget to go to

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Inventors. People with messy hair sitting alone in their garages, tinkering and being


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10の有名な発明の真実 (The Truth About 10 Famous Inventions)

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    g2 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日