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  • How to Make Brown Eyes Pop. You have so many color choices to use with those beautiful

  • eyes your only problem will be exercising some restraint. You will need Neutral and

  • lighter makeup Eye shadow Eyeliner A dome brush and mascara. Step 1. Select neutral

  • eye-makeup colors like blue/gray, teal, taupe, peach, and plum when using makeup techniques

  • to bring out brown eyes. Though brown-eyed people can pull off nearly any shade, overly

  • bright ones might detract from the eyes. Step 2. Prime the entire lid, then scheme in a

  • silver or gray highlight along the lid edge. Step 3. Touch up the corners with a dark shadow.

  • Lightly sweep the color into the crease. Bring in a lighter, matte shade toward the brow

  • that almost matches skin tone, to define the eyebrow without a harsh line. Purple enhances

  • dark or olive skin tones and complements brown eyes. Step 4. Choose any color but black for

  • eyeliner, and dramatize the eye more by brushing from the outer third of the lid and out, to

  • suggest an almond shape. Generally, use lighter color eyeliner and keep it to a minimum to

  • softly frame brown eyes. Step 5. Etch just under the eye's lower lash line with a small

  • dome brush in a slightly softer shade than, but the same color as, the corners. Step 6.

  • Apply black mascara, or dark blue as an alternative. Use brown for a natural look, going heavier

  • on the upper lashes and emphasizing the outer corners. Let everyone notice your eyes. Did

  • you know Research from the University of Copenhagen demonstrated in 2008 that people with blue

  • eyes, who comprise about 10 percent of the world's population, have one common ancestor.

How to Make Brown Eyes Pop. You have so many color choices to use with those beautiful


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ブラウンアイズをポップにする方法 (How to Make Brown Eyes Pop)

  • 472 13
    Xiao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日