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  • Bonjour! Comment Ca va? Hi how you guys doing?

    ボンジュール コメ サ ヴァ?  みんな元気にしてますか?

  • If you don't know, I have a lot of French speaking viewers and you know that got me


  • curious about French culture. So today I have a fuck ton of French candy


  • and I'm going to eat it all. I'm actually super hyped to try these candies.


  • But maybe that's just because I'm a fatass. People always say money can't buy happiness,

    ただ単に僕がデブなだけかも?  人は「カネで幸せは買えない」っていうけど

  • but money can buy food which is pretty much the same thing.


  • But enough talking alright, let's try some French candy.


  • So first up we got the Haribo Tagada. Oh shoot this smells good.

    まず最初はハリボー・タガダ。 うわやべぇすっげいい匂いする。

  • Yo this tastes good. I fuck with this.


  • Im going to give these 8 out of 10. Next up we got the Haribo Dragibus.


  • Apparently, we're dragging a bus. These look like little jelly beans.

    どうやら僕らはバスを引っ張るようで。 これちっちゃいジェリービーンズみたい。

  • Some of these taste really good and some of them taste really weird, I don't know.


  • I'm going to give these a 7.2 out of 10. Now I'm trying the Carambar Caramel le original.

    これは10点中7.2点だな。今度はキャランバー キャラメル ザ・オリジナル

  • I'm probably butchering all of these names. I am a big fan of caramel so I'm excited.

    もしかして僕名前をとんでもなく間違って読んでるかも。 僕キャラメル大好きなのね。楽しみ。

  • This is so hard. Not as hard as my schlong you know what I mean.


  • This tastes like a dark chocolate version


  • of caramel. Not my favorite, I'm going to give it 5 out of 10.


  • So now I'm trying the la Pailled'Or aux framboises.


  • I know I nailed it, it's whatever. This looks like that one wooden flute thing


  • that you play. Yeah, that's good.


  • I can imagine myself on a date in Paris, eating some biscuits, drinking some coffee.


  • I'm gonna give these a 7.8 out of 10. So now we have the Curly peanut classic, and

    これは10点中7.8点! それじゃ次はカーリー ピーナッツ クラシック。

  • you know, I love me some nuts in my mouth. They look like Cheetos, but they're peanuts.


  • I don't think I like these, which sucks because I accidentally bought a whole pack of them.


  • I'll give these a 3.5 out of 10. Next up we have the Kinder Bueno which for

    10点中3.5点!次はキンダー ブエノ

  • those Spanish speaking viewers is hopefully muy bueno you know what I mean?

    スペイン語喋るそこの君たち、ムイ ブエノ(ベリーグッド)。 おわかり? あぁ

  • Yo Marcus you need to try this shit right now.


  • Try this.

    これ! んあぁ!

  • This is easily the best thing I've had.


  • Kinder? More like, Tinder and I swipe right you know what I mean?

    キンダー?どちらかっつと、ティンダー?ほら右にスワイプするじゃん? ほっひゃっひゃっ

  • This kinda looks like a cigar. What the f*ck?

    葉巻っぽくない?これ うわ!!

  • I'm going to give this 9 out of 10. Next we have the Arlequin Original.


  • Looks good. I like these, they're not that special but


  • they taste good. I'd say 7 out of 10.


  • Next up we have the Haribo Car En Sac. I can already tell I'm going to really like


  • this because the front packaging has a little boy throwing pills in the air, which remind


  • me a lot of my childhood. Okay.

    ちっちゃい頃を思い出すよ。 うぇ わかった

  • Not going to lie, I don't like at all. I'll give these 2 out of 10.


  • Next up we have LULU La Barquette. This is fraise flavored which is strawberry


  • in English. Uh, I'm not going to lie, these kinda look


  • like vaginas.


  • This tastes pretty good, or as they say in


  • France, Cest Bon you know what I mean? I'll give this 6.9 out of 10.


  • And lastly we have Vichy which kinda looks like cough drops.

    ボナペティート(いただきます)。 うん、ミント風味でいい。

  • Bon appetit. Yeah, this is like a nice minty taste, I would

    食事の後なんかにはもってこいだ。 これは7.3点!

  • definitely have this after a meal. I'll give this a 7.3.


  • Can we take a second to talk about in France, the word candy is bonbon?


  • That's freaking dope! Over hear in America, we're like, let's go

    キャンディーでも食べようか。 はいはい。 ボンボンのがずっとかっこよく聞こえない?

  • get some candy, pff okay. Bonbon sounds way freaking cooler, I'd bonbon

    僕ならボンボンてずっと言うわ。(?) 見てくれてありがとう!メルシィ ボク

  • all the time. Thank you guys so much for watching, merci beaucoup.


  • If you enjoyed this video please give me a


  • thumbs up to let me know and subscribe if you're not already.


  • Also, don't forget to add me on your favorite social media sites, my username is always


  • @MotokiMaxted. That's it for today, I'll see you guys next


  • week for another, Motoki Monday. It's back baby, it's back.

Bonjour! Comment Ca va? Hi how you guys doing?

ボンジュール コメ サ ヴァ?  みんな元気にしてますか?


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