字幕表 動画を再生する
MALONEY: We are entering a period of financial crisis
我々は 過去に 経験したことのない規模の
that is the greatest the world has ever known.
金融危機に 足を踏み入れています
The wealth transfer that will take place during this decade
この十年間に起こる 富の移転額は
is the greatest wealth transfer in history.
Wealth is never destroyed. It is merely transferred.
富は決して崩壊しません 単に移動するだけです
And that means that on the opposite side of every crisis,
there is an opportunity.
The great news is that all you have to do to turn this crisis
into your great opportunity is to educate yourself.
あなたには やるべきことがあります
I believe that the best investment
that you can make in your lifetime
あなたの生涯において 最良の投資となるものは
is your own education --
education on the history of money, education on finance,
マネーの歴史を学び ファイナンスを学び
education on how the global economy works,
education on how all of these guys --
中央銀行や株式市場など 金融機関が
the central bankers, the stock market --
いかに詐欺を行うかを 学ぶのです
how they can cheat you, how they can scam you.
借用証書 財務省
If you learn what is going on
社会の現象と 金融界の仕組みを学べば
and how the financial world works,
you can put yourself on the correct side
「正しい側」に 自分自身を位置づけられる
of this wealth transfer.
ウィンストン・チャーチルが 言っています
Winston Churchill once said
「過去を遠くまで 遡って見つめるほど
that the further you look into the past,
それだけ遠くの未来を 見ることができる」
the further that you can see into the future.
このプログラムの目的は 自分だけの水晶玉を見つけ出し
This program is all about creating your own crystal ball,
being able to gaze into the future,
being able to change this crisis,
the greatest crisis in the history of mankind,
最良の好機に 変えることにあります
into your great opportunity.
ゴールド&シルバー 隠されたマネーの歴史