字幕表 動画を再生する
I’m a health volunteer assigned to a health center
my job is education
and I've primarily worked with
people living with aids support groups through the CBO's out in the villages
I’ve helped them to be able to get some funding for their income generating activities
through community-based organizations
I primarily 0:00:27.739,0:00:29.589 have worked within
the health group
%uh with the people living with aids
Nets for Tests
is a project that was started two years ago by another Peace Corps volunteer she was not
able to complete the project but her counterpart did
it was very successful
is the largest
killer in Malawi Nets for Tests combines both the malaria
aspect of protection
the importance of knowing your HIV status
this is
a way that they do entertain
and %uh it's it's voluntary
community-based organization drama group
has done it for us this is their third time that they have
performed for us
the first song was more of a solemn song
and I think it was talking about the need
%uh for AIDS awareness
and AIDS %uh testing
and being
more aware of what
what AIDS is and how it affects the community
the second one was sort of a fun song
that %uh they were just kind of giving some of the reasons that people don't want to go in and
get tested
of the skits was AIDS
%uh information on risky behavior
%uh information on milaria
and encouragement for the people a couple to come in together to get tested
and the men giving him a hard time because he was
very macho and he was not going to go be tested