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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • What is the meaning of life?

  • Are we here for a reason?

  • Is there a point to any of this?

  • And why does food taste so much better in the trash?

  • This was me...

  • ...and then this was me.

  • Then I came back as this little guy

  • ...a lot of lives for one dog to live.

  • But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

  • Let's start at the beginning.

  • For me it all began with a boy.

  • His name was Ethan.

  • Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey!

  • My name was, "Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey".

  • No!

  • C'mon Bailey, do it.

  • What does he want from me?

  • Get it out! Get it out!

  • Whenever life got Ethan down, I knew exactly what to do.

  • Ready?

  • I'm ready!

  • Go Bailey!

  • We played with that ball all afternoon.

  • Ethan loved it!

  • Sometimes he just needed a little nudge.

  • No!

  • Whoa!

  • Sorry. That was the dog, it wasn't me.

  • Maybe you should teach your dog some manners.

  • We spent every day together.

  • Are they fighting over food?

  • No, nothing in there.

  • As the years went by, I could tell my time with Ethan was coming to an end.

  • Good boy Bailey.

  • I'm gonna miss you.

  • And then, it happened...

  • I was back!

  • I didn't have a.....

  • I'm a girl?

  • Good girl!

  • I had a new purpose.

  • I was needed again...

  • ...and again...

  • ...and again.

  • Hi you!

  • With each new life,

  • I was learning a new lesson.

  • Hmm...have we met before?

  • Where did you find that?

  • Okay! Ready?

  • Go!

  • I tried to make sense out of all the things I'd seen.

  • Was there a point to this journey of mine?

  • And how did bacon fit in?

  • If I can get you licking and loving, I have my purpose.

  • Ethan, why do you always have this dog with you?

  • Is it like a girlfriend replacement or something?

  • The dog's laughin at you!

  • Dog's don't laugh.

  • That's funny.

What is the meaning of life?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A1 初級

犬の目的 公式予告編1(2017) - デニス・クエイド映画 (A Dog's Purpose Official Trailer 1 (2017) - Dennis Quaid Movie)

  • 234 18
    Huang Rui Cheng に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日