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  • Hey guys, did you miss us?

  • You remember that wedding I went to for Halloween?

  • I won Disney tickets

  • It's good to be filming again

  • The last few days have been a nightmare

  • It's pretty crowded

  • despite this being Thursday before noon

  • Disney essentially has their own city built in Chiba, Tokyo

  • They have their own train line and stuff

  • It's really impressive

  • I've never been to such a place

  • I like it, that part looks like Kazimierz in Krakow

  • What do you want to start with?

  • I don't know what they have

  • How's the parade?

  • It's amazing

  • We should get on some rides while everyone is distracted by this

  • We're going to see the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I don't know what it is.

  • But it's only 20 minutes (wait) so it means the ride probably sucks

  • Kris, did you check the pressure pump?

  • Ahhhh!!!!!

  • Does anyone know what those are called?

  • What did you think, Kris?

  • It was alright

  • I've never seen underwater aliens before

  • We're inside a volcano

  • I hope it doesn't explode

  • And they're serving Chinese food

  • This one is not very popular. I haven't seen anyone with it

  • Wow, it's so beautiful

  • I can't handle it

  • He's all dressed up as Santa Claus

  • The restaurant in the Little Mermaid section is called Sebastian's Calypso Kitchen

  • and it serves seafood

  • which is quite disturbing when you think that seafood in this movie is like sentient

  • so....

  • We're in line for what looks like the world's worst rollercoaster

  • It's Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster, something like that

  • When you have a flounder in the name of a rollercoaster, you know it's not going to be too adventurous

  • Are you nervous Kris?

  • A bit

  • Just scream

  • How was it?

  • It was fun

  • Now we're in the area themed after Aladin, which was one of my favorite Disney movies

  • Look how fabulous this horse is

  • I like the grapes

  • It was a blast

  • We're at the Agrabah Marketplace

  • in the Middle East

  • And this Disney merchandise is specific to this very resort

  • so these gadgets are only here

  • We're going to check out the flying carpets

  • I'm excited for that

  • Take us to the city

  • ♫I can show you the world....

  • Stop it!

  • The only rollercoaster is closed

  • The only REAL rollercoater

  • What are we going to do now, we can't go for a rollercoaster

  • oh no!

  • It sucks

  • I guess we're going to be doing carousels for the rest of the day

  • What's amazing for me here is how many people have Disney gadgets on them

  • and how pimped out some of the people are

  • Some people are devoted entirely to one character

  • Some kind of do a mix and match

  • And this teddy bear thing is big

  • I still haven't figured it out.

  • There's like a dedicated teddy bear

  • You come here excited for the Indiana Jones thing

  • and it turns out it's the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

  • and you're like....

  • In the U.S. parents try to plan the one big Disney trip for their kids

  • that they get to go on, it's like the big trip for them

  • Over here, it seems to be a thing for adults just as much as it is for kids

  • And it's a popular dating spot

  • And people come here like on the regular

  • Some people would come here maybe every month or every few months

  • I have a friend who used to come here for her first date with every new possible boyfriend

  • So she was here like 6 times in three months

  • But I think it just proves the point even further that Japanese people are really crazy about brands

  • and are very devoted to brands

  • and they just love to spend money if they like a brand

  • Because this place here, it's a money machine

  • We're entering the Tower of Terror

  • Very excited for this one

  • It was scary

  • You were so...shaken up

  • We have fast passes, so we're going to try to make it to our fast pass numero uno

  • By the way, if anyone wants to get to the center of the Earth

  • You can just take an elevator

  • Disney's got you

  • We thought it was going to be just a visual ride

  • But it had a rollercoaster element

  • Which we didn't know

  • So Kris is recovering a bit right now

  • I dunno, should I get it or should I not get it?

  • Japan just loves seasonal products

  • Kasia's convincing me to get a Mickey Mouse hoodie

  • blanket poncho thing

  • I think it looks really good on you and you're going to really enjoy it in the office

  • There's no way I'm buying anything here

  • What do you got there Kris?

  • This one is the Indiana Adventure

  • right?

  • The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull so don't get too excited

  • omg

  • It was good

  • I think that the Center of the World (ride) was better

  • Look at Kasia under control

  • You saved our asses in that cave, yo

  • Well I was just taking care of my car

  • I take care of my people

  • I went to a Disney theme park when I was 6, 12 and now 26

  • and I think this was my favorite visit

  • This absolutely was my favorite visit

  • I don't know if it's because this park is different

  • Or I'm more fun as an adult

  • Disney really delivers on what they're selling

  • It's seen in every detail

  • And I think with Japanese customer service, it's just the extra punch to make it all really believable

  • It was really fun if you can just kind of let go and enjoy it

  • I love the attention to detail put into every attraction

  • And all the decorations

  • I think the decorations are my favorite part of this park

  • Every themed area is built with such attention to detail

  • in such high quality

  • that it's just easy to believe that you're somewhere else

  • Japanese puts a really fun twist to Disney

  • And the Japanese people here are super quirky and fun

  • and you can tell everyone is enjoying what they're doing here

  • I think what's cool about Tokyo is that so many people get into it

  • that you don't want to be embarrassed to enjoy it yourself

  • So it's easy to enjoy it as an adult here

  • I think in the US I would be a little embarrassed

  • to have as much fun as people have here

  • No, I definitely would be embarrassed to have as much fun as people have here

  • This type of theme park, they get super popular before Christmas

  • and during Christmas season

  • because Christmas in Japan is more like Valentine's day in the West

  • And theme parks are popular dating spots

  • So there are a lot of specialty Christmas products

  • Christmas parades

  • and all the Christmas-y stuff happening here already because it's after Halloween

  • Everybody around us has some Disney merchandise they got

  • So the ticket runs you 6,000JPY

  • and then you spend a lot of money for food for the entire day

  • and you buy merchandise

Hey guys, did you miss us?


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B1 中級

東京ディズニーシーの楽しみ方 (How to Enjoying Tokyo DisneySea)

  • 108 8
    むなかた じゅん に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日