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  • - I'm bisexual, but I'm not confused.

  • - I'm bisexual, but I'm not just experimenting.

  • - I'm bisexual, but I'm not easy.

  • - But I am not greedy.

  • - And I'm not selfish.

  • - And I'm not more likely to cheat on you.

  • - But I'm not afraid of commitment.

  • - I'm bisexual, but I'm not half gay or half straight,

  • I'm a complete whole person.

  • - I'm bisexual, and it's not just a phase.

  • - I'm bisexual, but I'm not into casual sex.

  • - But I am not a slut.

  • - But I'm not just biding my time

  • before I come out as gay.

  • I'm bi.

  • - I'm bisexual, and I'm not doing it for the attention.

  • I'm doing it for the pussy.

  • - I'm bisexual, and no,

  • I don't wanna have a threesome

  • with you and your boyfriend.

  • - And I don't have an STD.

  • - I'm bisexual, but I'm not trying to push my ideals on you.

  • I'll let you love who you wanna love,

  • and you let me do me.

  • - I'm bisexual, but I'm not only bisexual,

  • I'm more than my sexual identity.

  • - I'm bisexual, and I'm a comedian.

  • - And I'm a writer.

  • - And I'm a vlogger.

  • - And I'm religious.

  • - I'm bisexual and I'm an athlete.

  • - And I am a good friend.

  • - And I'm passionate.

  • - And I'm an activist.

  • - And I fight for gay rights also.

  • - I'm bisexual, and I'm gonna be someone's husband.

  • - And I am looking for love.

  • - And I'm a serial monogamist.

  • - And I'm loyal.

  • - And I wanna have kids someday.

  • - I'm bisexual and I'll have kids with a man

  • or a woman, whoever's a good partner.

  • - I'm bisexual and I'm tired of assumptions.

  • - I'm bisexual and I know who I am.

  • - Don't pay attention to other people

  • who are trying to define you,

  • because only you can define you.

  • It's okay to like who you like,

  • it's okay to like both,

  • it's okay to like one a little bit more than the other,

  • it's okay to not fully understand yet, because you will.

  • - I'm bisexual and I'm a real person

  • with a real sexuality.

- I'm bisexual, but I'm not confused.


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A2 初級

私はバイセクシャルですが、私は... (I’m Bisexual, But I’m Not…)

  • 243 22
    Brian Li に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日