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  • We have had so much fun with Hillary, and there's no more time for the show, but

  • we're now on Facebook live, so this is not gonna be on the show, this is for

  • Facebook live right now.

  • So hey, everybody watching.

  • Erica C wants to know if you become President,

  • will you still come visit Ellen on the show?

  • >> If she'll have me.

  • >> She will. >> She will?

  • Then I will.

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> And we'll do it in the White House, remember?

  • We'll do it in the White House.

  • >> Yeah. We're going to do

  • the show in the White House?

  • >> Absolutely.

  • >> Is that possible?

  • >> Yeah, of course it is.

  • I don't know how, but we'll do it.

  • >> [LAUGH] [APPLAUSE] >> We'll do it on the lawn.

  • >> That's even better.

  • >> Will you put Macey Hensley on your staff if you're President?

  • That's from Courtney Pointer.

  • >> I would love to have Macey on my staff.

  • I think she has to finish school first.

  • >> Yeah. >> But, She's what, how old now?

  • Five or something.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, she's six or seven.

  • >> Yeah. >> Yeah.

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> And she had that adorable blue pants

  • suit that- >> Yep.

  • She's ready.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> She's ready.

  • I think she could be like a special emissary and

  • could, like during summer vacations be on my staff, what do you think?

  • >> [CROSSTALK] Okay. >> Okay?

  • >> I think she'll be

  • fantastic. >> Yeah.

  • >> Because she speaks with that

  • younger generation.

  • >> Yes, exactly.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> If you need.

  • >> So adorable.

  • >> Start the six-years old out, right.

  • So have you seen, this is from Taylor Smith, have you seen Lemonade and

  • do you like it?

  • I have seen parts of it.

  • >> Mm-hm. And I do like it.

  • >> Yeah, it's great.

  • >> It is great.

  • >> It's fantastic.

  • >> It is fabulous.

  • >> What will she do as POTUS her first week on the job?

  • From Delana Renfro Lee.

  • >> Well, I will have to figure out and

  • get appointed all the people who are gonna work with me.

  • That takes a while.

  • >> That's the first week?

  • >> Yeah, that's the first week.

  • >> Probably the first few weeks, right?

  • Yeah. >> [LAUGH] This is from Mark X.

  • If you win, can you make a bill that would permanently prevent Donald Trump

  • from running in the next election?

  • >> [LAUGH] >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> I doubt it, but

  • it's worth looking into.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> All right.

  • What's the kindest thing, this is from Kassandra Gittle.

  • What's the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?

  • >> My gosh. That.

  • Look, I mean, I have to say the kindest thing is my mother raising me,

  • I mean loving and kind and caring.

  • I just am so grateful to her for everything she did for me.

  • >> That's sweet.

  • >> All those years.

  • >> That's sweet.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Okay,

  • so obviously Kate McKinnon does a great impression of you.

  • But, besides Kate, who would play you in the movie of your life?

  • >> Meryl Streep.

  • >> Yes.

  • For sure.

  • [APPLAUSE] Betsy Allen wants to know,

  • what is your spirit animal?

  • >> You know, it depends what kind of mood I'm in.

  • I really like, and I mean, I'm a Democrat, but I really like elephants.

  • I love the way elephants remember.

  • I love the way elephants, the matriarch of the family, looks out for everybody.

  • I just have such a sense of connection to elephants and

  • it just breaks my heart that they're being poached and murdered.

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> And babies being left to fend for themselves, so.

  • >> That's beautiful.

  • I love elephants.

  • >> I just love them.

  • >> They're incredible.

  • >> I'll tell you a quick story, I don't know if we have time.

  • But- >> We do.

  • We're on Facebook Live.

  • >> A naturalist in Kenya, who's lived in the back country of Kenya for

  • so many years, and is particularly devoted to elephants, told me this story that he

  • was entertaining some people, and they were in one of these Out of Africa houses.

  • They were on the veranda, and there was a big pond in front, and

  • that's where the elephants used to come to drink.

  • And so he had a cocktail party and

  • everybody was standing there watching the elephants.

  • And all of a sudden this big, female elephant lifted her head up and

  • starting walking toward the people on the porch.

  • And the naturalist said, don't worry, don't worry, I know this elephant.

  • She's not gonna hurt anyone.

  • I don't know what she wants.

  • And the elephant got close, and then was staring at all the people.

  • And reached her trunk back and

  • took hold of a woman's arm who had on an ivory bracelet.

  • And pulled the woman toward her, and

  • then looked at the bracelet and looked in the woman's eyes.

  • And drop the hand and turned around and left.

  • And the naturalist told me, he said, I know she knew what it was.

  • And I know that she wanted to know whether, frankly,

  • it was an elephant she could possibly have known.

  • >> Have known.

  • >> Wow. >> I mean, I mean that's,

  • these are the kinds of stories that when people who work with elephants tell me, I

  • just wanna do everything I can to stop all of the murdering of elephants in Africa.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Yeah, good.

  • I wanna help you.

  • I wanna help you.

  • I just went on safari this last summer.

  • It's amazing and they are, truly, and the more you learn about elephants.

  • That's an incredible story.

  • I'm so glad you told it.

  • Thank you, Facebook.

  • Goodbye.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> Goodbye, Facebook.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

We have had so much fun with Hillary, and there's no more time for the show, but


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ヒラリー・クリントンとエレンがフェイスブックで生中継! (Hillary Clinton and Ellen Are Live on Facebook!)

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    Pucca に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日