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  • Ladies and people with substitute breast tissue, I got a quick question for you all:

  • Do we really need bras?

  • Hey folks, Laci Green here for DNews.

  • Some French scientist are causing shit storm with a new study they just published, that states " we don't need bras"!

  • The bras are a lie.

  • They did a 15-year-study on 330 people and found that

  • medically, physiologically and anatomically, breasts gain no benefit from having their weight supported.

  • Now, this isn't exactly a new idea.

  • Lots of scientists before these guys have said: ok,look, wear bras if you want.

  • Seriously, whatever, but let's not pretend it's got medical benefits.

  • It's just a fashion thing.

  • The French studies found that not only do bras not provide any long-term benefits,

  • it may actually contribute to breast-sagging.

  • See, the breast has a bunch of connecting tissue structures, known as Cooper's Ligaments,

  • which expands the breast on the chest walls.

  • Since ligaments can atrophy if we don't use them,

  • the researcher said that constantly wearing bras can speed the breaking down of those ligaments,

  • and thus cause sagging.

  • But you know what else breaks down ligaments?

  • Boobs bouncing everywhere while you are working out.

  • These things get out of control, which, you don't have a nice slingshot

  • keep things nice and snug.

  • It will stress the Cooper ligments.

  • The researchers also said bee-tee-dubs are sample size

  • wasn't representatives all the boobs out there.

  • We need to do a study on closer to 30,000 people to draw any real conclusions.

  • So like, when you say it wasn't representative, what does that mean exactly?

  • Was there anybody with large mammary glands in this study?

  • Because I can totally see how you have small boobs, bras would be really unnecessary and probably annoying.

  • But if your boobs weigh, you know, 20+ pounds, like the average D-cup, the bra can actually be very convenient.

  • And I'm also confused as why we need a study on boob saggage to determine whether or not people should wear bras.

  • In determining of the bra wearing, in my opinion, should be if someone wants to wear a bra.

  • Don't benefit from wearing a bra? Great! Don't wear one!

  • I'm not gonna be the booby police.

  • Seeing bra are comfortable and beneficial?

  • Wait!

  • You rock that bra girl.

  • The sagness question seems irrelevant because it's gonna happen in regardless of your bra wearing habits..

  • It's a natural and inevitable process that is also related to genetics, smoking, aging, pregnancy...

  • Putting all these prevention high around sagging is just gonna make people feel bad about their bodies.

  • But... that's just my two cents.

  • What do you all, particularly those of you who wear one think about wearing bras? Do you think it's necessary?

  • Or do you find it kind of bothersome?

  • Let me know down below and add our Facebook for more Dnewsness.

  • I'll see you next time.

Ladies and people with substitute breast tissue, I got a quick question for you all:


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私たちは本当にブラジャーを必要としていますか? (Do We Really Need Bras?)

  • 15464 797
    Hsin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日