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  • uh, what are you doing

  • can't you see I'm trying to raise my GPA

  • hm, do you ever wonder what it would be like

  • if Rihanna taught physics?

  • Oh man, I did so bad on this test

  • aw man, I failed that test

  • same

  • yooo, me too

  • Hey guys, we decided to give you a chance to raise your grade if you failed by retaking the test

  • Oh my god I've never seen this question before why did she put this on the test

  • she never talked about this in class- what, why is this doing here I don't know

  • what should I do?

  • Hey! Did you figure out how to do number 5 on the math homework?

  • Wait, what homework?

  • Hey students, you know that homework that I assigned you yesterday?

  • Please turn it in because it will be for a grade.

uh, what are you doing


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ハイスクール・シェナニガン (High School Shenanigans)

  • 130 10
    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日