字幕表 動画を再生する
Ben: So Elliot classes himself as a lady's man
Ben: he looks after his hair, his eyebrows, teeth, you name it, he's doing it.
Ben: Recently Elliot's been looking after his pubes. *Snickers*
Ben: I found in the bathroom Elliot's pube wax,
Ben: if you don't know what it is, it's
Ben: You heat it up in the microwave, you get a spatula, put it out, stick it down there,
Ben: get some wax strips, rip it off, and the dirt is gone
Ben: I thought to myself, if I get some superglue, mix it with Elliot's pube wax,
Ben: Elliot's gonna have a hairy situation. Sorry Bro!
Elliot: *Exhales deeply
Elliot: BEN!
Ben: What?
Elliot: It's hanging off my bum!
Elliot: Why are you recording?
Ben: Because Elliot...look at you *Snickers
Elliot: No, my willy's out!
Ben: It's superglue in the wax Elliot...
Elliot: Superglue? You put SUPERGLUE IN MY BLOODY WAX?
Elliot: Ahhh!
Ben: Elliot you look...
Elliot: I put too much on!
Ben: Elliot Elliot don't sit down!
Elliot: WHY?
Ben: You've got wax all over you, it's expensive.
Elliot: Fine. I'll sit on the utility chair.
Ben: Rip it off rip it off...
Elliot: Get those stinky hands away from me!
Ben: Just rip it off Elliot, be a man for once...
Elliot: What is going on?
Elliot: Why am I stuck to the stool?
Ben: Because Elliot...there is super glue in the wax!
Elliot: This is the worse day of my life!
Ben: What you...
Elliot: I look terrible.
Ben: What you wanna do Elliot?
Elliot: Well I wanna get help, that's what I wanna do
Elliot: I want to get this thing off my ass don't I?
Elliot: Call someone or something I don't...
Ben: Farmer Chris...
Chris: Where is he?
Elliot: Ahahaha...
Chris: Ahahaha bloody hell...
Elliot: Terrible...
Elliot: You expect me to sit on here do you?
Ben: Elliot! *Laughter
Ben: Elliot are you ok?
Elliot: Hyper-bloody-thermiahh!!!
Ben: Wha...Chris what's happened?
Elliot: Well Ben did you not see? He went through the bloody river at thirty miles an hour!
Chris: The truck's dead.
Ben: What?
Chris: Yeah no seriously the truck's dead
Elliot: What?
Ben: Wait here for about 5 minutes, we'll come back...
Elliot: Five minutes?
Ben: Yeah.
Ben: So Chris has just been on Twitter and just seen a tweet.
Ben: C'mon
Chris: Here it says "Naked Man seen walking down the Road"
Ben: There is only one road from where he's come from, and it's this pub.
*Ben and Chris holler with laughter
Ben: Welcome back El
Chris: What took you so long?
Elliot: Naw, thought you gone to fix the car boys.
Ben: Elliot, how did you get the chair off?
Elliot: Well I ripped it off my bare skin!
Elliot: Look at it.
*Retching* Ben and Chris: Urgh Elliot it's disgusting.
Elliot: I got attacked by a wild goose!
Elliot: and a Canadian one, the ones that go "whoreee"
Elliot: One of them.
Ben: Why do you even have this on Elliot? *Rips wax strip
Elliot: BEN!