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Hello I am Luke and I am here today to help you with your English pronunciation
こんにちは 私はルークです 今日は英語の発音のお手伝いをします
and you're listening skills. In school we learn a lot of the English, but in the
real world we need to understand slang, and there are lots of slang words in
English. Some of the most common slang words that we hear are slang
contractions. Slang Contractions or used in conversation, movies, television, film,
music. We even write slang contractions on Facebook. We used the slang
contractions when we're chatting on our smartphones. We hear these even in formal
situations we hear slang contractions. So if you have listening problems or if you
want to speak more natural English, this lesson is for you.
Let's talk about these 20 common slang contractions.
'Ya' it means you or your. You have good English. YA have good English. Your
'Ya'あなたやあなたのことを指します。you have good English.yaは良い英語を持っています。あなたの
pronunciation is very natural. YA pronunciation is very natural. Number 2,
D'YOU - D'YOU, we pronounce it with one syllable. Not 'do you' D"YOU - D"YOU.
D'YOU - D'YOU、私たちは1つの音節でそれを発音します。ではない 'do you'D"YOU - D"YOU。
Do you like English? D"YOU like English?Do you study every day? D"YOU you study every day? D'YOU?
Number three D'YA - D'YA.
3番のD'YA - D'YA。
Do you like English? D'YA you like English? Do you play baseball?
D'YA play baseball? Moving on to number four. AINT - AINT is southern English.
D'YAは野球をするのか?4番に移動します。aint - aintは南方英語です。
It's not correct English, but its common and spoken a lot, so you want to
understand it when you hear it. I am NOT a fireman. I AINT a firemen. I have not seen
it. I AINT seen it. I will not go. I AINT going. Number five, wanna - wanna.
It means want to, but we don't pronounce the T sounds. Wanna. I want to eat lunch.
want toという意味ですが、T音は発音しません。Wanna(ワナ)。お昼ご飯が食べたい。
I wanna eat launch. I want to go to Harvard University. I wanna go to Harvard
University. Number six.
GIMME - give me - It means 'give me' but we don't pronounce the V. GIMME five
GIMME - give me - 与えるという意味ですが、Vの発音はしません。
dollars. GIMME me some ideas. GIMME five minutes. GIMME your test. GIMME.
And numbers seven, GOTTA means must, you have to do something. I must drink water every
day. I GOTTA drink water every day. I must study English 15 minutes every morning.
日に。I GOTTAは毎日水を飲まなければならない。私は毎朝15分英語を勉強しなければなりません。
I GOTTA study English 15 minutes every morning. Must GOTTA & have to, its the same.
I GOTTA 毎朝15分英語を勉強しています。 Must GOTTA & have to, it's same.
I have to
to get a passport if I travel to Europe. I GOTTA I have to I must get a passport.
ヨーロッパに旅行するなら パスポートを取得しなければなりませんI GOTTA I have to I must get a passport.
Moving down to number .... number eight. KINDA - KINDA. it's not the same as
下に移動して......8番。KINDA - KINDA。
'kind of'. We don't pronounce the F. Not kind of. KINDA. And it means 'a little bit'
kind ofལFを発音しないんだよ kind ofじゃないkindです。そして、少しだけという意味です。
I'm a little bit hungry. I'm KINDA hungry. I'm a little bit tall. I'm KINDA tall.
I'I'm little little hungry.I'm KINDA hungry.Iལm a little bit tall.私はKINDA背が高いです。
English as a little bit fun. English is KINDA fun. That's KINDA.
ちょっとした楽しみとしての英語。 英語はKINDA楽しい。That's KINDAです。
Number 10. DUNNO - DUNNO - It means 'don't know', but we don't pronounce the
10番です。dunno - dunno - これは 'don't know'という意味ですが、発音はしません。
T. We just say DUNNO. Where is he? I DUNNO. Who did it? I DUNNO. Those
T."DUNNO "と言えばいい彼はどこにいるの?I DUNNO.誰がやった?I DUNNO.それは...
are the first 10. Now let's talk about the next 10.
Number eleven, LOTTA - LOTTA. A 'lot of' people know me. A LOTTA people know me.
11番 LOTTA - ロッタ。A '多くの人が私を知っている。a lotta 人々は私を知っている。
I watch a lot of TV. I watch a LOTTA TV. Similar to that is LOTSA, which means 'lots of'.
私はたくさんのテレビを見ます。I watch a lotta TV.それに似ているのがLOTSAで、これは 'lots of'という意味です。
but we don't pronounce the F. I have lots of good friends. I have LOTSA good
でも私たちはFを発音しないのよ 私には良い友達がたくさんいるわI have LOTSA good
friends. I know LOTSA different words in English. It means I know lots of
different words in English. LOTSA.
Number thirteen is probably the most common slang contraction in English.
WATCHA - WATCHA. It means what are you...? So if I call someone what are you doing? Or
WATCHA - ワッチャ。あなたは何をしているの...?だから誰かに電話したら......あなたは何をしているの?とか
WATCHA doing? What are you eating? WATCHA eating? What are you thinking?
WATCHA thinking?
Number fourteen, also super common. GONNA - GONNA. It means 'going to'.
ナンバー14、これも超一般的。gonna - ゴナ。意味は 'going to'。
For example, I am going to eat dinner at 6 p.m. I'm GONNA eat dinner at 6 p.m. I am going
to study English in California. I'm GONNA study English in california. GONNA. Next we
カリフォルニアで英語を勉強するためにI'm GONNAはカリフォルニアで英語を勉強しますGONNAです次は
put together WATCHA and GONNA and we like to say WATCHA GONNA. It means 'what are
you going to'. But we say WATCHA GONNA do? WATCHA GONNA do for dinner tonight?
お前はどうするんだ?しかし、我々は「WATCHA GONNA do」と言う?今夜の夕食は?
WATCHA GONNA do this weekend? WATCHA GONNA do at work tomorrow? WATCHA GONNA.
What are you going to. Number sixteen, WHADDAYA. WHA-DDA-YA - three syllables. What
何をするの?16番 ワッダダヤWHA-DDA-YA 3音節。何を
are you.What are you doing? WHADDAYA doing? What are you planning? WHADDAYA planning?
What are you drinking? WHADDAYA drinking? WHADDAYA - WHADDAYA.
Next we have DIDJA. Notice the D and
the J. Did you. Did you eat breakfast? DIDJA eat breakfast? Did you practice for
the J. Did you.朝食を食べましたか?didjaは朝食を食べましたか?の練習をしましたか?
your exam? DIDJA practice for your exam? DIDJA - Next we have WHEREDJA - WHEREDJA. it means
あなたの試験のために?DIDJAはあなたの試験のために練習しますか?DIDJA - 次にWHEREDJA - WHEREDJAがあります。
'where did you'. Where did you learn good pronunciation? WHERDJA you learn good
pronunciation? Where did you study English? WHEREDJA study English? Next we
have HOWDJA - HOWDJA. It means 'how did you'. How did you get here today? HOWDJA get here today?
have HOWDJA - ハウジャを持っています。意味は 'How did you'。今日はどうやってここに来たの?howdjaは今日ここに来たのですか?
How did you find my youtube video? HOWDJA find my youtube video?
How did you learn such good pronunciation? HOWDJA learn such good pronunciation? HOWDJA.
Number twenty is GOTCHA. And this means 1) I got you, it means 2) yes it means 3) OK it
20番はGOTCHA。そしてこれは 1) I got you, it means 2) yes it means 3) OK itを意味します。
means 4) I understand. For example, your teacher says 'I want your paper by Friday'.
の意味 4) 理解しています。例えば、あなたの先生が金曜日までに論文を提出して欲しいと言っています。
You say ok, got ya, yes, I understand. This shows that you understand the order. GOTCHA.
"OK, got ya, yes, I understand. "と言うんですね。これは命令を理解していることを示している。ゴッチャ。
And if you want put one of your sample questions or try to make an example sentence with this new language.
Put your example sentence into the chat box or into the comment box.
I'll have a look at it. If it looks good, I'll give you a thumbs up.
If we need to change something, I'll help you out.
Ok, that's twenty contractions. I hope you guys have learned something today. If you
want to see my next YouTube video, please hit the subscribe button right here on YouTube