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  • Hey, wait up for me!

  • OW!

  • Are you OK?

  • Yeah, I think I just tripped over a root...

  • Oh my knee...

  • Your body is an incredible living system made up of billions of cells.

  • We're following blood cells as they're propelled through a blood vessel toward the boy's injured knee.

  • If you are hurt, your cells work together to repair the damage.

  • They communicate using their own language of chemical signals.

  • Now we've arrived at the wound site.

  • Blood cells are flowing out of the broken blood vessel ahead.

  • Moments after an injury, these blood cells and cell fragments start to form a mesh-like clot.

  • Many different types of cells are involved in tissue repair.

  • The flat, light-colored cells are fibroblasts.

  • Early in the healing process, fibroblasts multiply and produce proteins that help to repair the damage.

  • The smaller dark cell fragments between the fibroblasts are platelets.

  • When activated, platelets release a stream of protein messengers, called growth factors, to stimulate cell growth and tissue repair.

  • To see how a growth factor from a platelet signals a nearby fibroblast cell, we need to swoop in close to the rippling fibroblast surface.

  • Fibroblasts, like all your cells, have a fluid, outer membrane that regulates the flow of molecules in and out.

  • The gray structures sticking out of the cell membrane are receptors for incoming signals.

  • When the growth factor from the platelet, shown in purple and blue, encounters a matching receptor, it binds to it.

  • A second receptor protein joins in, making the growth factor fit like a key in a lock.

  • The binding of the growth factor causes the receptor to change shape.

  • This change in the protein conducts the signal through the membrane and into the cell's interiorthe cytoplasm.

  • You'll see this better from inside the cell . . .

  • Beneath the cell membrane, you see the grey receptor ends surrounded by pink fibers;

  • these structures help to give the cell its shape, and a range of messenger proteins that will carry the signal through the cytoplasm.

  • While active, as shown by the yellow flashes of light, the ends of the receptor interact with the messenger proteins.

  • Now we'll watch the action again from our position in the cell's cytoplasm.

  • The growth factor binds the receptor proteins outside the cell, drawing the receptor ends together.

  • The signal is transmitted through the cell membrane, and each new protein is activated in turn.

  • If you look closely, you can see the proteins change shape as they become activated with the signal.

  • Each step of a pathway is under tight control to ensure that the correct message is relayed.

  • For example, as this white protein accepts the signal, the blue protein comes in to deactivate the red one.

  • Now let's follow the white protein on its journey through the cytoplasm, toward the center of the cell.

  • As we follow the signal to the nucleus, you'll see it passed from messenger to messenger.

  • The first exchange is with this brown protein, the second will be with a purple protein in a few seconds time.

  • Although we're only following one path, a single cell has many different ways to transmit signals through the cytoplasm.

  • The fibers, shown in green, are part of the cytoskeleton.

  • Like the pink fibers you saw before, these give the cell shape and help to organize its contents.

  • Crawling along the fibers are motor proteins that reshape the cytoskeleton and help this fibroblast cell to move.

  • On our way, we will encounter other structures in the cytoplasm, known as organelles.

  • On the right, you see glowing organelles, called mitochondria, which generate energy for the cell.

  • The activated protein passes by a network of membranes, here in light brown, known as the endoplasmic reticulum.

  • The protein is transported into the nucleus through a pore in the nuclear membrane.

  • The nucleus contains tightly wound coils of DNA, shown in green.

  • The protein messenger passes the signal to two other molecules that team up to locate a specific gene along the DNA.

  • In this case, the gene carries the information to make a growth factor.

  • Other molecules then unwind a small section of the DNA molecule and allow an enzyme called RNA polymerase, shown in brown, to make an RNA copy of the gene.

  • The "copy," called messenger RNA (here in light green), is packaged with a set of carrier proteins and leaves the nucleus.

  • The cell will use this copy to make the growth factor.

  • Now we'll follow the messenger RNA copy back out of the nucleus to see how a new protein is made.

  • On the left is the endoplasmic reticulum, which we've seen before, and on the right is a new structure called the Golgi apparatus, which we'll visit again later.

  • Straight ahead are more of the glowing mitochondria.

  • In the cytoplasm, the messenger RNA is released from its carrier proteins and binds to a complex called a ribosome.

  • Here, the ribosome, a huge molecule, is shown as a multicolored structure.

  • The ribosome reads the information encoded in the RNA and assembles a protein from amino acids found in the cell.

  • Many ribosomes can operate at the same time to make multiple copies of the protein.

  • The ribosomes anchor on the outer membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum.

  • If you look carefully, you can see the ghostly shapes of the newly made proteins accumulating on the inner side of the membrane.

  • Once the job is done the ribosomes and RNA part company.

  • The newly made proteins leave the endoplasmic reticulum wrapped in a layer of membrane called a vesicle.

  • They travel toward the Golgi apparatus, on the right, where the proteins are modified and sorted for transport.

  • The loops of the Golgi are busy with protein traffic moving in and out.

  • The vesicle fuses with the membrane at one end of the Golgi and a new vesicle, containing the modified proteins, is pinched off the other side.

  • The new vesicle transports the proteins through the cytoplasm, delivering the proteins to where they are needed.

  • Some proteins are used inside the cell.

  • Others, like these growth factors, must be exported.

  • Here, the vesicle fuses with the cell membrane, dumping the proteins outside the cell.

  • The released growth factors will communicate with other cells to continue the healing process.

  • These growth factors will attract more fibroblasts to the wound site and remodel the clot for better healing.

  • Other proteins produced by this signaling pathway will tell the fibroblast cell to grow and divide, making many new cells to heal the wound.

  • With the cooperation of many different cells, damage to the injured knee can be quickly repaired.

  • Every day, your cells communicate and cooperate to keep you healthy.

  • They act and interact; they grow, divide and die; all through the amazing language of cell signals.

Hey, wait up for me!


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

細胞のシグナル(本編 (Cell Signals (Full length))

  • 19 6
    Study English に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日