字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント hey there i'm drew badger the hey there i'm drew badger the world's number one english world's number one english world's number one english fluency guide and it is a fluency guide and it is a fluency guide and it is a pleasure to welcome you to pleasure to welcome you to pleasure to welcome you to another advanced listening another advanced listening another advanced listening practice lesson in this video practice lesson in this video practice lesson in this video we're going to be talking about we're going to be talking about we're going to be talking about success and failure and why success and failure and why success and failure and why if you want to do something if you want to do something if you want to do something meaningful that will take a long meaningful that will take a long meaningful that will take a long time time time so something that's different so something that's different so something that's different from just picking up a bottle or from just picking up a bottle or from just picking up a bottle or turning on a light so these are turning on a light so these are turning on a light so these are all easy things to do all easy things to do all easy things to do I'm talking about things that I'm talking about things that I'm talking about things that you know require a lot of time you know require a lot of time you know require a lot of time and effort like fluency or and effort like fluency or and effort like fluency or building a business or wealth building a business or wealth building a business or wealth over time over time over time all these things will require all these things will require all these things will require failures in order to achieve failures in order to achieve failures in order to achieve success and so I just wanted to success and so I just wanted to success and so I just wanted to make a just a quick video about make a just a quick video about make a just a quick video about that reminding you about why that reminding you about why that reminding you about why it's so important to when you it's so important to when you it's so important to when you think about trying to achieve think about trying to achieve think about trying to achieve something that you absolutely something that you absolutely something that you absolutely are going to be failing on the are going to be failing on the are going to be failing on the road to to achieving whatever road to to achieving whatever road to to achieving whatever that happens to be so if you're that happens to be so if you're that happens to be so if you're the kind of person that is the kind of person that is the kind of person that is really frustrated when you know really frustrated when you know really frustrated when you know something is happening that's something is happening that's something is happening that's odd it's not going to be easy odd it's not going to be easy odd it's not going to be easy for you it's really going to be for you it's really going to be for you it's really going to be difficult for you to achieve difficult for you to achieve difficult for you to achieve something like fluency that something like fluency that something like fluency that takes time for building a takes time for building a takes time for building a business or you know getting business or you know getting business or you know getting muscles in the gym anything else muscles in the gym anything else muscles in the gym anything else like that like that like that so pretty much anything that so pretty much anything that so pretty much anything that does take time it follows a does take time it follows a does take time it follows a pretty predictable curve so pretty predictable curve so pretty predictable curve so something that's pretty something that's pretty something that's pretty predictable you know that it's predictable you know that it's predictable you know that it's going to happen of when it going to happen of when it going to happen of when it begins you get a little bit begins you get a little bit begins you get a little bit excited at the beginning a I'm excited at the beginning a I'm excited at the beginning a I'm doing something new and I'm a doing something new and I'm a doing something new and I'm a little bit excited about my little bit excited about my little bit excited about my progress because when you first progress because when you first progress because when you first start doing something pretty start doing something pretty start doing something pretty much any new information is more much any new information is more much any new information is more than you knew before and the than you knew before and the than you knew before and the difference between that that difference between that that difference between that that your knowing now and that you your knowing now and that you your knowing now and that you knew before knew before knew before it's significant enough that it it's significant enough that it it's significant enough that it gets you excited to do something gets you excited to do something gets you excited to do something but as you continued to progress but as you continued to progress but as you continued to progress in that thing you're learning in that thing you're learning in that thing you're learning more and more and then typically more and more and then typically more and more and then typically you hit a wall so this is an you hit a wall so this is an you hit a wall so this is an English expression to mean that English expression to mean that English expression to mean that you're frustrated because you you're frustrated because you you're frustrated because you can't move further you're can't move further you're can't move further you're hitting a wall to hit a wall hitting a wall to hit a wall hitting a wall to hit a wall so when you do hit that wall so when you do hit that wall so when you do hit that wall that's the moment when people that's the moment when people that's the moment when people are really tested where you're are really tested where you're are really tested where you're going to know okay am I the kind going to know okay am I the kind going to know okay am I the kind of person that can fight through of person that can fight through of person that can fight through that or work around that get that or work around that get that or work around that get over that wall over that wall over that wall another thing people talk about another thing people talk about another thing people talk about is getting over the hump or over is getting over the hump or over is getting over the hump or over that hump that hump that hump so like the hump so like the hump so like the hump the back of a camel so this is the back of a camel so this is the back of a camel so this is this is an idea of having the this is an idea of having the this is an idea of having the like a roadblock something in like a roadblock something in like a roadblock something in your way and if you understand your way and if you understand your way and if you understand that that's going to be there that that's going to be there that that's going to be there then you know you're much more then you know you're much more then you know you're much more prepared for handling that prepared for handling that prepared for handling that situation when it does come situation when it does come situation when it does come so for my own business even just so for my own business even just so for my own business even just developing English anyone . com developing English anyone . com developing English anyone . com I'm just a regular person like I'm just a regular person like I'm just a regular person like anybody else and so I anybody else and so I anybody else and so I experienced failures all the experienced failures all the experienced failures all the time I make plenty of mistakes time I make plenty of mistakes time I make plenty of mistakes for what I do you can watch for what I do you can watch for what I do you can watch these videos and I mean they're these videos and I mean they're these videos and I mean they're not even like really well not even like really well not even like really well produced i wish i did a better produced i wish i did a better produced i wish i did a better job of them i'm just not that I job of them i'm just not that I job of them i'm just not that I guess maybe that great at guess maybe that great at guess maybe that great at editing videos but also i'm just editing videos but also i'm just editing videos but also i'm just trying to make sure i get trying to make sure i get trying to make sure i get information out to people as information out to people as information out to people as quickly as possible so there's a quickly as possible so there's a quickly as possible so there's a lot to learn and I'm trying to lot to learn and I'm trying to lot to learn and I'm trying to share things as quickly as I can share things as quickly as I can share things as quickly as I can anyway I understand that i'm anyway I understand that i'm anyway I understand that i'm going to be learning things and going to be learning things and going to be learning things and you know understanding coming you know understanding coming you know understanding coming from an education background so from an education background so from an education background so I'm not like a marketing person I'm not like a marketing person I'm not like a marketing person or business person but having or business person but having or business person but having learned those things as I've learned those things as I've learned those things as I've been going through becoming an been going through becoming an been going through becoming an educator and starting an actual educator and starting an actual educator and starting an actual business doing that business doing that business doing that I've been you know going through I've been you know going through I've been you know going through that process of at the beginning that process of at the beginning that process of at the beginning a this is a lot of fun and then a this is a lot of fun and then a this is a lot of fun and then no no you make a bunch of no no you make a bunch of no no you make a bunch of mistakes and then you do mistakes and then you do mistakes and then you do something else and hopefully you something else and hopefully you something else and hopefully you go through that kind of dip at go through that kind of dip at go through that kind of dip at the end before you start making the end before you start making the end before you start making real progress real progress real progress so pretty much everybody that so pretty much everybody that so pretty much everybody that does this that doesn't really does this that doesn't really does this that doesn't really matter what you're doing but if matter what you're doing but if matter what you're doing but if you understand that this process you understand that this process you understand that this process is going to happen before you is going to happen before you is going to happen before you start doing it it makes you much start doing it it makes you much start doing it it makes you much more prepared for when it does more prepared for when it does more prepared for when it does happen happen happen and actually you should be a and actually you should be a and actually you should be a little bit nervous if it does little bit nervous if it does little bit nervous if it does not happen because it means not happen because it means not happen because it means you're not challenging yourself you're not challenging yourself you're not challenging yourself so if you're not hitting a wall so if you're not hitting a wall so if you're not hitting a wall if you're not finding some some if you're not finding some some if you're not finding some some struggle or some problem and it struggle or some problem and it struggle or some problem and it typically means that you're not typically means that you're not typically means that you're not really pushing yourself as hard really pushing yourself as hard really pushing yourself as hard as you should be as you should be as you should be so if you're not challenging so if you're not challenging so if you're not challenging yourself you're not going to be yourself you're not going to be yourself you're not going to be moving to the next level and moving to the next level and moving to the next level and that's exactly what you need to that's exactly what you need to that's exactly what you need to be doing as a learner of a be doing as a learner of a be doing as a learner of a second language second language second language so when you are thinking about so when you are thinking about so when you are thinking about learning a second language or learning a second language or learning a second language or doing anything else that doing anything else that doing anything else that requires a lot of time and requires a lot of time and requires a lot of time and effort understand first that effort understand first that effort understand first that you're going to go through a you're going to go through a you're going to go through a process of having it be exciting process of having it be exciting process of having it be exciting at the beginning then at the beginning then at the beginning then frustrating and confusing while frustrating and confusing while frustrating and confusing while you search for ways to solve you search for ways to solve you search for ways to solve whatever problem you encounter whatever problem you encounter whatever problem you encounter and then if you can persevere and then if you can persevere and then if you can persevere then you will experience that then you will experience that then you will experience that light light light at the end of the tunnel so at the end of the tunnel so at the end of the tunnel so these things again i just wanted these things again i just wanted these things again i just wanted to make this video just a quick to make this video just a quick to make this video just a quick video for you to make this point video for you to make this point video for you to make this point really clear and just just so really clear and just just so really clear and just just so you get the idea that if you you get the idea that if you you get the idea that if you understand this going into it understand this going into it understand this going into it before you even start before you even start before you even start do you know worrying about any do you know worrying about any do you know worrying about any kind of long term training or kind of long term training or kind of long term training or long-term fluency long-term long-term fluency long-term long-term fluency long-term reaching that goal you will reaching that goal you will reaching that goal you will absolutely experienced absolutely experienced absolutely experienced roadblocks and problems and roadblocks and problems and roadblocks and problems and frustrations and we all go frustrations and we all go frustrations and we all go through them so just understand through them so just understand through them so just understand that as you're learning and it's that as you're learning and it's that as you're learning and it's going to help you feel much going to help you feel much going to help you feel much better when you do encounter better when you do encounter better when you do encounter those things so you know you're those things so you know you're those things so you know you're headed in the right track headed in the right track headed in the right track because things are going as they because things are going as they because things are going as they should be going through the should be going through the should be going through the particular predictable pattern particular predictable pattern particular predictable pattern that anybody goes through when that anybody goes through when that anybody goes through when they're trying to learn they're trying to learn they're trying to learn something new something new something new so again you're starting at the so again you're starting at the so again you're starting at the beginning you're excited and beginning you're excited and beginning you're excited and then it kind of goes down and then it kind of goes down and then it kind of goes down and then you've got a that then you've got a that then you've got a that frustration . before you start frustration . before you start frustration . before you start moving back up again moving back up again moving back up again so what happens with everyone so what happens with everyone so what happens with everyone and if you understand this and if you understand this and if you understand this before you start and you're before you start and you're before you start and you're going to be feeling much better going to be feeling much better going to be feeling much better about the whole process about the whole process about the whole process well that's it for this video i well that's it for this video i well that's it for this video i just want to do again make a just want to do again make a just want to do again make a quick video about talking about quick video about talking about quick video about talking about that success means failure that success means failure that success means failure so if you want success you will so if you want success you will so if you want success you will absolutely have to endure absolutely have to endure absolutely have to endure failure and it's just part of failure and it's just part of failure and it's just part of the process so smile the process so smile the process so smile enjoy it and keep practicing if enjoy it and keep practicing if enjoy it and keep practicing if you have enjoyed this video in you have enjoyed this video in you have enjoyed this video in particular then do like this particular then do like this particular then do like this video let me know what I should video let me know what I should video let me know what I should talk about next if you have talk about next if you have talk about next if you have anything in particular about you anything in particular about you anything in particular about you know maybe some fluency related know maybe some fluency related know maybe some fluency related problems you'd like to hear problems you'd like to hear problems you'd like to hear about please put them down in about please put them down in about please put them down in the comments below the comments below the comments below do you like this video again and do you like this video again and do you like this video again and become a subscriber to the become a subscriber to the become a subscriber to the English anyone . com 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A2 初級 米 成功は失敗を意味する - 上級英語リスニング練習法 - 46 - EnglishAnyone.com (Success Means Failure - Advanced English Listening Practice - 46 - EnglishAnyone.com) 103 23 g2 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語