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hi there I'm drew badger the world's
number one english fluency guide and it
is a pleasure to welcome you to another
advanced listening practice lesson I
hope you're excited for this one this
should be an interesting lesson well I
try to make them all interesting but
this video in particular and I guess I
say that all the time too i'm trying to
make everything interesting and fun and
hopefully you learn a lot from these
incidentally if there are any things or
any s anything anything's if there are
other things you'd like to learn or
anything specifically maybe you need
help with you can just comment down
below and let me know if you have any
questions I was also thinking about
possibly doing a live lesson depends on
my internet we'll have to see how that
is but if you're interested in something
like that I might have a live lesson
here on youtube if you'd be interested
do let me know in the comments section
below and all think about doing that so
it might be like a chance for just you
asking questions like a question/answer
kind of thing or anything else if you
have a particular things that you like
to know more about anyway in this lesson
what I wanted to talk about was the
emotions that you feel this is really
more of a lesson for people that feel
nervous about speaking for whatever
reason and fluency is such an
interesting thing really for me because
it's like a tangled web a tangled knot
of many different things that come
together like being able to use grammar
correctly or having good pronunciation
being able to understand native speakers
being able to use correct vocabulary or
native sounding vocabulary when you
speak so you don't have that kind of
textbook robotic kind of way of speech
speaking i should say so all these
things these are the seven fluency
habits that come together and as you
develop them they all improve each other
and help you become a more confident
speaker but what's interesting is that
you can also think about the emotional
side of how you learn when you're
speaking and if you're aware of this
thing what what kind of typically people
will do they get into a situation like
myself i had the same problem so when I
was first starting to speak Japanese and
I was really bad at it
and i would go into conversations and I
wouldn't want to say anything so people
would kind of you know maybe like a
group of people standing around maybe
some other foreigners they also spoke
much better than I did and also we've
got some Japanese people so maybe just
imagine a party and there's a group of
people standing there I'm kind of
listening and not really understanding
everything but being also a little bit
shy so I don't want anybody to look at
me and say hey what do you think about
this and I'm like I i can't speak about
that because i can't speak Japanese very
well so i could feel very nervous in
those situations and a lot of times i
would see a group of people standing
there and I really i would kind of sit
and listen just to practice my listening
a little bit but i would be really
nervous about trying to get into that
situation so even just standing in front
of a group of people or with a group of
people was intimidating for me and I
think it's important that I understand
and I try to help you understand now
with this video that you should really
embrace so to embrace to welcome this
feeling the kind of negative emotions
are the things that you feel that fear
that appears when you're in a situation
where you have to speak or if in kind of
any situation where maybe you're
listening to something you don't quite
understand something the more you
embrace the fear the more you welcome
that and you're honest with that
especially when you're mentioning that
to other people and that's more of what
I started doing as I became fluent so
when I was first doing it the kind of
natural reaction is you feel fear about
okay i don't wanna say anything wrong so
I'm not going to speak I don't want to
miss pronounce a word or show that i'm
making a mistake so I'm just not going
to say anything so this is the path it
stops you because there's no way you can
make progress unless you actually say
something so you have to it's it's a
thing you train like getting into the
gym and build muscle or learning to
practice an instrument learning to play
an instrument so you actually you
actually have to play the instrument or
get into the gym and train if you want
to get muscles or develop fluency in an
instrument so in my case the first step
was kind of just feeling really nervous
wanted to speak and so I wanted to
express myself and I think well in
english i'm like a very smart person I
guess I have things to say in like maybe
I can say something interesting in the
conversation but in Japanese when i was
first trying to speak I couldn't say
anything so I was just like I don't
really know what to do and I was just
feeling nervous about that but the
second phase is recognizing ok like let
me think about this and like the the
real confidence comes from it meeting
that you do feel nervous because
everybody does so the one person that
can say all like you have my Japanese is
not very good but I'd like to try to say
something anyway so like I'm feeling
nervous or you can even say you know if
somebody else like let's say you're
talking with them and maybe you might
think you're being annoying by trying to
talk with somebody else i know i felt
that way especially like Japanese
speakers like they couldn't quite
understand what I was saying but I was
trying to express myself anyway and so I
i might say to them like I know like I'm
getting the feeling that maybe you're
you're feeling like a little bit annoyed
by me so I'm sorry about that I'm guess
I'm not apologizing for my language I'm
just saying my intention is not to make
you feel nervous so I mean I'm trying to
express this in Japanese but the point
is either i'm thinking about my own
emotions and just trying to be honest
about them or be honest about my
emotions for myself and then tell that
to other people so i might say oh I'm
I'm a little bit nervous so I was just
practicing that like oh I'm I'm nervous
but I like I own that nervousness
oh WN to own that so i feel kind of a
sense of pride because I by admitting
that I'm nervous I'm able to take the
next step and it's a hard thing to do
now the reason that you should do this
is because everybody knows you're
nervous already it's easy to see and you
recognize it so by not seeing anything
you're not really hiding anything from
other people so you might as well do the
opposite you might as well say oh I'm
sorry I'm feeling a little bit nervous
right now so you don't have to complain
about your language or apologize for
your language ability to say oh I'm
feeling a little bit nervous or again
the opposite
that I was just talking about where
you're describing maybe the emotion that
the other person is feeling so we easily
recognize these emotions in each other
and if we again we can be honest about
that either for the other person or for
ourselves then it's much easier to
explain to that thing or kind of open up
the conversation make it much more
relaxing and comfortable situation in
which speak so in my case when again
that the first step was I was too
nervous to say anything anything but
everybody knew I was nervous anyway so I
wasn't hiding from anything I'm just
standing there like AB feeling nervous
and I don't want to speak but then the
next step is ok i'm going to just I'm
going to own that nervousness and if I
communicate that to other people then
it's going to help me speak much more
confidently and then that's exactly what
happened so after a while I became more
confident about speaking so I feel like
the nervousness I I recognize it as just
a physical sensation in my body okay
like I'm feeling maybe like my chest or
my stomach and I'm feelin myself getting
a little bit nervous and I would just
tell that people say hey I'm feeling a
little bit nervous right now but I'm
excited to be in this conversation into
practice my English or practice my
japanese in that case so you can do the
exact same thing especially if you're
feeling nervous about either what you're
feeling or what you think other people
are feeling so be honest about that and
and try to bring it up as part of the
conversation again either admitting how
you feeling to say hey I'm feeling
nervous or you're talking to other
people and saying oh I feel that maybe
you're you're like annoyed by me i'm not
trying to do that I'm just trying to
communicate with you because I feel I
could like help you do something or i'd
like to learn from you or something like
that and then you'll watch magically how
the conversation changes and how you
feel like much more relaxed it's like
you you're it's like you're carrying a
bunch of bricks and then you put them
down and you can finally enjoy the
conversation much more so when you're
thinking about your conversations if
you're the kind of person that does get
nervous you want to say something but
you don't then owned that nervousness
you because it's not it's not going to
go away until you admit that
it's there and then you can see oh hello
nervousness like there you are ok we'll
buy you know so youyou kind of admit
that the nervousness is there and then
you you make that a point of the
conversation and you can even talk about
that like you can ask the other person
like hey have you ever been nervous
about you know something like that as
well like how did you eliminate the
nervousness and then you can talk about
that actual thing but then it becomes
like not you but your kind of talking
it's like you're removing it for you
from yourself and discussing it like
it's a separate thing and then you say
bye to that thing anyway uh think about
that and try to apply that in your own
life so again either for your own
emotions or when you're getting a
certain feeling from someone else about
how they maybe you're thinking or
feeling then you can talk about that be
honest about that and you'll be
surprised at how quickly the
conversation changes and how quickly and
got gets more confident you feel when
you're in conversations with people
well that's the end of this lesson I
hope you have enjoyed it to apply what
you're learning in this and the other
videos in this series as well as
everything else I've tried to I think I
give too much information actually you
can let me know in the comments below if
I'm trying to like teach you too much
try to help you learn too much for me
I'm always trying to learn something new
always trying to improve and if you
apply that same philosophy to your own
life you will notice amazing improvement
and not only your fluency but everything
else in your life will have a gig great
day to enjoy your day do you own any of
the negative feelings of fear or
nervousness or embarrassment you might
have owned those make it a part of the
conversation and you will feel your
confidence growing much more quickly
have a fantastic day and I will see you
in the next video bye-bye to continue
learning click on the link in this video
to download speak English naturally our
free guide to speaking and sounding like
a native English speaker the guide
reveals the three most important kinds
of conversational English must learn if
you want to sound native and will help
you experience instant improvement in
your fluency and speaking confidence to
download your FREE guide on a mobile
device click on the link in the upper
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in the lower right of this video i look
forward to seeing you in the guide