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  • I wanted to start off by asking a question to everyone in the room,

    まず ここにいる皆さんに 質問をしたいと思います

  • and you can take a minute to think about this question.

    次の質問について 少し考えてみて下さい

  • I wanted to ask what do you find most beautiful?

    あなたは何を 一番美しいと思いますか?

  • And not in the world, like butterflies and flowers, but in a person.

    蝶や花の世界の事ではなく 「人」の事です

  • What do you find the most attractive in a person?

    人のどこに 最も魅力を感じますか?

  • Is it eyes?


  • Do you like pretty eyes?


  • Blue eyes?


  • Curly hair?


  • Long nails?


  • Big feet? Some people like big feet.

    大きな足? それが好みの人もいますね

  • What is it about people that we find attractive?

    私達は人のどこに 魅力を感じるのでしょうか?

  • I think that the way that we think of beauty

    「美」に対する考え方は ソーシャルメディア

  • comes from different things like:


  • social media, the Internet, magazines, especially,

    といったものに 影響を受けると思います

  • if that's coming from a model.


  • I feel like those are kind of what define beauty today.

    それは「今日定義される美」 の類いだと思います

  • And personally to me, I feel that beauty is in everything.

    個人的に 私は 美は全ての物の中にあると感じています

  • Some people may say that big feet are not cute,

    大足がかわいくないと言う人も いるかも知れませんが

  • but there's going to be a pair of shoes that will look better

    サイズ6より サイズ9の私が履いた方が

  • on my size 9 feet than a size 6 foot.


  • So, I find that there could be beauty in everything.

    だから私は全ての中に 美は存在すると思うのです

  • For example, I love your dreads!

    例えば 貴女のドレッドヘア 大好き!

  • They are amazing.


  • Your gorgeous hair, Talia. Oh, my god!

    タリア 貴女のゴージャスな髪 なんて素敵!

  • I wish I could get mine to be that big.

    私もそんな ボリュームのある髪になりたいわ

  • Sir, with the shiny bold head, I think that this is amazing.

    貴方のピカピカの頭 それも素晴らしいですね

  • That sheen, perfect!

    その輝き 完璧ですよ!

  • As you can see, I find beauty in everything.

    お分かりのように 私は美は全ての中にあると思っています

  • And, of course:


  • "I find beauty in everything" is super duper cliche.

    「美は全ての中にある」 なんて 超絶 陳腐な決まり文句です

  • Like beauty in everything.


  • I don't think everyone thinks that there is beauty in everything,

    全ての中に美があるなんて 皆が思っている訳ではないと

  • but the reason why I feel that there is beauty in everything

    思いますが 私がそう信じているのは

  • is because when I was young,


  • I was picked on for something that today I feel is amazing.

    今日私は素晴らしいと感じるものに 「自分」を選びました

  • One thing about me connects millions of people around the world.

    私は「ある事」のせいで 世界中の 何百万人もの人から注目されています

  • And that is something I think you can probably see,

    それはおそらく お分かりと思いますが

  • it's my skin condition, it's called vitiligo.

    私の肌です これは白斑症という病気です

  • And vitiligo is basically my immune system that feels that my melanin

    白斑症は免疫システムが基本的に 自らのメラニンを感じ取るものです

  • which is what makes color in your skin,

    メラニンは肌の色を 作り出すものですが

  • thinks that my melanin is a disease,


  • something similar to the common cold,

    普通の風邪と 同じような病気だと思って

  • so it fights it off,


  • and that makes my skin turn white.


  • I was singled out because of this skin condition.

    私はこの肌の為に 一際目立っていました

  • I was bullied.


  • I was alienated.


  • Even by people who didn't mean to alienate me.

    私を遠ざける つもりのなかった人達にさえ―

  • For example:


  • we would, like everyone does, take family pictures,

    皆がやるように 家族写真を撮ろうとすると

  • and my mom would bring a little top of makeup,

    母が ファンデーションを 持ってきたものです

  • and it was her makeup.


  • My mom is not the same skin color as me, she's much darker than I am.

    母の肌は私の肌の色とは違い ずっと黒いのです

  • So, could you imagine me having a dark paste of face,

    顔は黒くて 他の部分は ブラウンや白だなんて

  • and the rest of me as like brown, white?


  • I obviously didn't feel comfortable,

    はっきり言って 不快でしたが

  • but my mom was trying to make me feel comfortable.

    母は私の気分を 害すまいとしたのです

  • I was alienated.


  • In school,


  • I changed school in about grade 3, grade 2

    小学2、3年生ぐらいで 転校をしました

  • and it's already hard to make friends when you change school

    転校すると 友達を作るのが もう大変です

  • especially at such a young age,


  • but luckily I found two girls who were willing to play with me.

    しかし幸運にも一緒に遊んでくれる 2人の女の子を見つけました

  • They didn't really know who I was, but they wanted to play,

    2人は私がどんな子か分かりませんでしたが 一緒に遊びたがり

  • they wanted to check me out and see if I was one of the cool kids.

    私がクールな子かどうか 知りたがりました

  • And after a few weeks of being in that school and having those friends,

    その学校に移り 友達も出来た 数週間後

  • all of the sudden, I didn't have them.

    突然 友達が離れていきました

  • And I was kind of confused as to why I was struggling to make friends.

    何故友達を作るのに苦労するのかに 私は少し戸惑いました

  • I finally did and now, where did they go?

    やっと友達が出来たというのに どこへ行ってしまったのでしょう?

  • They would avoid me at recess, they would avoid me at lunch,

    皆 休み時間や昼休みには 私を避けていました

  • and I finally went up to them one day and was like,

    ある日私は彼らに近づいて こう言いました

  • "Guys, what's going on? Why aren't you talking to me anymore?"

    「ねえ 何があったの? どうして 私に話しかけないの?」

  • They said to me,


  • "We can't talk to you anymore, sorry.

    「悪いけど もうあなたとは話せないの

  • Our parents said that we might catch your skin condition."

    あなたの病気が うつるかもしれないって 親が言うのよ」

  • Can you imagine how that made me feel in grade 2, grade 3?

    小学2、3年生の子どもがどう感じたか 想像出来ますか?

  • That hurt.


  • I was alienated, I was embarrassed, to be honest.

    私は疎外され 正直 戸惑いました

  • I didn't know what this skin condition was in grade 2 or grade 3.

    2、3年生の私には肌の事など 分かりませんでした

  • I wasn't asked if I wanted this skin condition.

    私の好みを訊かれて この肌になった訳でもなく

  • I didn't ask for it, yet I was alienated for it.

    私から頼んでこうなった訳でもないのに この為に疎外されたのです

  • But here's the thing, when I got a little bit older,

    しかしここが大事なのですが もう少し大きくなると

  • I didn't want to be in that position anymore, I didn't want to be bullied.

    私は置かれた立場―いじめられるのが 嫌になりました

  • So rather that taking myself out of the position, what did I do?

    その立場から離れ 私はどうしたでしょう?

  • I became the bully.

    自分が いじめる側になったのです

  • And it's not better on one side than the other.

    どちらの側に回るのも 良くない事なのですが

  • I can tell you, because I've been on both sides.

    両方の側を経験したので 言えるのです―

  • I didn't want to be bullied anymore

    もう いじめられたくは ありませんでした

  • so I kind of took lead with those people who were bullying and I said,

    そこでいじめをしていた子たちの 先頭に立ち 私はこう思いました

  • "Cool, those are going to be my friends now because I don't want to be bullied,

    「これはいい 皆でこっちにいれば いじめられる事もないし

  • or on this side of the spectrum.


  • So I guess the only side is to be on this side, this must be the good side."

    だからいじめる側にいるのが 良いに決まっているわ」

  • So I decided to go to that side.


  • I would pick on kids.


  • I would be like, "So ugly your hair!"

    こう言いました 「みっともない髪ね!」

  • "Ugh, who did that?"

    「まあ 誰にやってもらったの?」

  • "Rude, right?"


  • But I came to a realization


  • that I was trying to put myself into a mold that I didn't fit.

    当てはまらない「型」に 自分を押し込めようとしていた現実に―

  • I mean, who's to say that I'm supposed to fit in a mold anyway?

    ともかく「型」にはまらなければ ならないなんて 誰が言えるでしょう?

  • I can make my own.


  • So, I decided that I was going to take myself away from this side

    だから決めたのです 「あちら側」から離れ

  • and away from this side, and make my own side,

    「こちら側」からも離れ 「自分側」を作り

  • and fit myself a new mold.

    自分自身を「新しい型」に 当てはめる事に―

  • And that mold is so cliche,

    その「型」とは 言い古されたものですが

  • but I feel that there is beauty in everything.

    「美が全ての中にあると 感じる事」です

  • So, I just want to put this idea in your head,

    この考えを 皆さんの頭に置き

  • that it takes one person


  • to realize that there is beauty in everything.


  • And you don't have to be on one side of the spectrum

    「ある側」や 「もう一方の側」に

  • or the other side of the spectrum,


  • or fit into someone's mold, your mom's mold,

    他の誰かの「型」や 母親の「型」に

  • whoever's mold that you are trying to fit into.

    自分を当てはめようとする 必要もありません

  • Be your own person.


  • Know for yourself what beauty is

    自分にとっての美とは 何かを知って下さい

  • rather than looking to a magazine or to even me for what beauty is.

    雑誌を見たり 私の意見を参考にするより むしろ

  • Know it in your heart, and make your own mold for what beauty is.

    自分の心で それを理解し 美に対する「自分自身の型」を知って下さい

  • (Applause)


I wanted to start off by asking a question to everyone in the room,

まず ここにいる皆さんに 質問をしたいと思います


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