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We often say that a certain person is bad
and another person is good,
or that a certain thing that happens to us
is a bad thing,
while another is a good thing
But how do we determine
when a person or thing
is bad or good?
And, is there anything at all
that is absolutely good or bad?
What is the essence of good and bad?
What determines them?
In this video, you will find answer
to these questions, and much more…
We can easily see that when something happens to us
which serves our interests,
our goals or desires,
we call it a good thing.
For example, when we earn money
we say it is good because there is a part of us
that has a goal or a desire to earn money.
When something happens
that goes against our desires or goals,
we call it a bad thing.
For example, someone calls me an idiot,
and as a result, I get offended.
It hurts.
Like everyone else I have the interest
to feel good and avoid suffering.
Therefore, for me,
it is bad when someone calls me an idiot.
It is against what I wish for.
It is important for me to note
that when I use the term "goal"
I don't refer only to a conscious goal
that someone defines for himself,
but also to any desire, need or interest,
whether conscious or unconscious,
of his entire being
or only of a part of it.
When we say that a certain person is bad,
it is because he behaves in a way
or does something
that goes against our own interests.
It is easy for us to understand that
we say that a thief is bad
since we fear he will steal our property.
But, what about a thief
on the other side of the globe?
Surely we do not fear he will steal our property,
but nonetheless, we say he is a bad person.
Do our definitions of bad and good
in this case
transcend our personal interest?...
Not really.
If we observed ourselves carefully,
we would see that in this example,
we have a specific interest.
For example, we may feel compassion
towards people in general,
and we don't want anybody to suffer.
In this case, our interest, our goal, is to prevent suffering,
and therefore, anyone who performs an act
which goes against this cause,
that is, creates suffering,
as in the case of stealing,
is bad for us.
Or we might have a moral belief
that one must not steal,
and we want all people to behave that way.
In this case, we have an interest, a need,
that all people would act according to our belief,
and we perceive any action of any person
that goes against our belief, as bad.
If we really didn't care at all about stealing,
we would not call someone who steals a bad man.
Just as we don't call a man eating lettuce,
a bad man, for example.
We have no interest, neither personal nor general,
that the act of eating lettuce contradicts
Even though the lettuce itself
might have an interest not to be eaten.
Think of the leader of your country.
You might think he is a bad leader because
he has raised taxes which shrink your income,
Or because he invests the state resources in industry,
while you think it should be invested in education.
But from the personal perspective of this leader
and the perspectives of the people who support him,
he is a very good leader.
For them, he raises taxes to balance the state's budget
and to prevent a financial crisis,
and he invests in industry to create more Jobs.
So, is he a good leader or a bad leader?
Is he a good man or a bad man?
I hope that now it is clear enough for you
that what makes us determine
whether a certain person is good or bad
is only our personal perspective,
based on our interests, goals, values, needs, beliefs and desires.
This means, that there isn't such a thing
as absolute good or bad.
The good and the bad are always relative.
Q: "Wait, wait,
is there no thing that is bad in its essence?
What about killing?
Killing must be an absolute bad!"
Well, let's look into it…
If killing is absolutely bad, then eating meat is bad.
This means all predators are bad,
not to mention the animals killing plants…
Even if we limit our examination only to the killing of people,
can we say that killing as an act of self-defense is bad?
Can we say that euthanasia or abortions are always bad,
no matter what the circumstances?
Don't get me wrong, I do not say these things are good, or bad.
I simply wish to demonstrate that even killing
is not necessarily something which is absolutely bad.
The same is true for what is good.
Is there anything that is absolutely good,
regardless of the circumstances or different points of view?
Think about your country, and imagine that it has the perfect leader.
A man who honestly wants to do good for others.
Can you think of a single thing he could do,
which everybody would think was good?
Even if he performed a simple act, such as
helping an old lady cross the street,
there would be those who would complain and say it is bad.
They may say:
"he should spend his time on more important things",
or: "It's really a shame he didn't carry her bags".
Can you find anything that is absolutely good or bad?
If you do, please write it in the comments.
I haven't found such a thing yet.
Therefore, this is my conclusion:
The good and the bad, in themselves, do not exist.
The good and the bad exist only in relation to a goal, an interest.
Q: "Wait a minute,
even if I accept that the interest
is what determines if a thing is good or bad,
how can you explain the fact that there are things
that are both good and bad at the same time?
For example,
eating a bucket of Ice-cream is good.
There is nothing better.
But at the same time it is bad,
because it makes me fat and unhealthy".
in order to understand this contradiction
we need to re-examine the thing which we call "I".
Most often we think of ourselves as a single entity,
because we have one name, one body and one brain.
Yet this brain hosts a huge number of different mental entities,
having different world views and different interests
that are sometimes are even contradictory.
Do you really think that the part of us
that wants to eat
and the part of us that wants to lose weight
are the same part?
In fact, if I do something,
it is just because the part of me
that perceives this thing as good,
is stronger than the one that perceives it as bad
at least at a specific moment.
The interest to do something must be stronger
than the interest not to do it.
Otherwise, we wouldn't do it.
You might as well say that I, my entire being,
do a certain thing
only if I see it as more good than bad.
This leads us to a very interesting conclusion.
We are not capable of doing the bad.
We can only do the good as we understand it.
Q: "wait a minute…
what about criminals, people who steal or kill?
Even they don't think they are doing bad things?"
Of course not!
When a man steals, he usually doesn’t think:
"I am such a bad person"
He thinks that what he is doing is good.
For example, he thinks:
"This society is corrupt,
it is their fault my life is hell.
I don't care who I steal from.
It is time to do something good
for me!"
It doesn't matter if what he thinks is right or wrong.
From his point of view,
he has a full justification for stealing.
If fact, even when a man confesses
that he did something bad,
(and remember,
this is because another part of him has an interest
that conflicts with the thing he did),
he will say that he was unaware
that the thing the did was bad,
or that he had no choice.
He might also say that his actions
were not voluntary.
Meaning - he,
the part of him that thinks the deed is bad,
didn't manage to overcome
the need or craving to do it
– that is, the part that sees this deed
as something good.
check it for yourselves...
can you recall anything you that did
intentionally and willingly,
that at the moment of doing it, you thought was bad?
Think of the cruelest men in history.
Do you think, they thought
they were doing something bad?
Absolutely not!
In fact, they believed they were working for a high and a noble cause.
That they were bringing good to the world…
Q: "So what are you saying, that
Hitler, Bin Laden and all of these people were not bad?"
Of course they were bad! For you!
And probably for most of humanity.
But from their point of view,
and for the millions of people who supported their cause,
they were very good.
Q: "And, what about people who like to be 'bad guys'?
People who declare that they are doing bad things on purpose,
and they like it…
surely you could say that they are doing bad intentionally".
Not really.
These people are really confused.
They simply use the word bad,
to describe what they see as good.
They break the laws or bully weak people
just because it makes them feel brave and strong.
They may call it bad, but they feel it is good.
So you see,
even they do what is good as they understand it.
Nobody ever does something bad on purpose.
Everybody does only things they consider good
from their point of view.
At this point you might ask,
"But, if there is no good and bad,
how must we act?
Should we love people that are bad for us,
like thieves or murderers?"
I will answer this in a moment,
but first I want to point out that in my opinion
it is more important to understand the truth
and accept it,
before trying to find solutions
to various discomforts it may raise.
The truth will remain
weather we feel comfortable with it or not.
What should we do with it,
is a question that should be asked
only after we have accepted it,
and not as a condition for acceptance.
So, how must we act?
Should we love people that are bad for us,
like thieves or murderers?
The answer resides within the words "for us".
What is your goal? What is good for you?
Do you want to keep your property safe from stealing?
Do you want to live in a society without crime and killing?
Do what you can to get the criminals caught
and put into jail
– if that is what is good for you.
The more your level of awareness grows,
the more you will understand the Interdependence
between you and other people
and as a result, your concept of your personal good
will take into account other people as well,
and not only yourself.
Just remember,
it is not that you are good and the criminal is bad
Each one of you sees things from his perspective,
according to his own goals and interests.
It is most probable that some of you feel
that the practical implications
of the insights presented in the video
are not clear.
You may think:
"Okay, so I understand that good and bad are always relative
and that nobody does anything bad on purpose,
but can these insights actually change anything
in the way I relate to good and bad in my life?
I still support what I always thought was good,
and continue to object to what I always thought was bad.
I may define good and bad differently now, but,
in practice, the result remains the same."
first I believe that once these insights are internalized,
that is, understood deeply,
the practical implications will naturally appear by themselves.
In any case, I would love to share with you
one important implication that aroused in me,
as a result of these insights.
If we look at our world
we will see that there is fighting everywhere.
Not just wars between countries, but
also fighting on every level of society,
even between individual people.
Very often we believe that WE are doing what is good,
and therefore, whoever does things different from us,
or against our cause, is doing something bad.
when we make such an artificial distinction between the two,
we end up fighting.
We fight for our perception of good,
and try to destroy that which we think is bad.
I have found that
once I stopped defining other people as bad,
I stopped hating them.
It doesn't mean I support what they do
but, as a result, I started finding
many other and much more effective ways
to get from them the good that I desire
for me and for the world,
without having to fight them.
In fact, as I see it,
the superficial dichotomous view
of things being either good or bad,
is one of the main things
preventing us from making the world
a better place.
This leads to another question you might ask:
If good and bad are not absolute,
and they are always relative to a personal interest,
doesn't this make our wish to improve
our society and the world meaningless?
the fact that good and bad are determined by personal interest
doesn't mean that most people in the world
don't have common personal interests.
Most people want to live in freedom, with security,
to feel loved, etc…
Furthermore, if we could find the ultimate goal of life
at least from the perspective of human beings
we could define what is the ultimate good
we all wish for.
But this, I will leave to the next video…
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