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  • Exercise makes you thinner and does all sorts of other stuff.

  • But who cares about that because it makes your brain stronger too!

  • Hey guys, Trace here for DNews.

  • We all know that exercise is good for us.

  • Getting off the couch and onto the treadmill strengthens our muscles, increases blood flow,

  • gives us energy and, of course, burns fat, so that we can ACTUALLY fit into those skinny

  • jeans.

  • For most people, this is more than enough incentive to hit the gym.

  • But, for some of us, particularly those stay-home-and-read types, those of us who are less sporty, health

  • and fitness alone just isn’t enough reason to slap on the spandex.

  • But here's another benefit: exercise could also strengthen your Brain - particularly

  • your memory!

  • A new study out of Radboud University in the Netherlands gathered three groups of random

  • participants and asked each to look at the same set of images.

  • The first group did a somewhat-strenuous, 35-minute workout immediately after.

  • The second group did the same exercise four hours later, and the third didn’t exercise

  • at all (yay control!)

  • Two days later, all the participants retook the image test, and those in the second group

  • who had a four-hour delay were able to recall the the most images.

  • This suggests that regular exercise may improve long-term memory, that is, the ability the

  • recall anything from more than just a few minutes ago.

  • The catch?

  • The exercise must happen around the time the memory is formed.

  • According to researchers, this is because when you work out, your Brain releases neurotransmitters

  • like dopamine and noradrenaline that help your Brain consolidate memories.

  • If these chemicals are absent when your Brain absorbs information, that information is thought

  • to decay more rapidly.

  • This suggests that regular exercise may improve long-term memory, that is, the ability the

  • recall anything from more than just a few minutes ago.

  • But here’s where things get tricky.

  • The participants in that first group (who worked-out immediately after the test) recalled

  • about the same number of images as those who didn’t work-out at all.

  • This means that your ability to remember things depends not just on IF you work out but WHEN

  • you work out.

  • That is, a short delay between the moment your Brain logs the information and when you

  • get on the treadmill could be crucial to your ability to recall that information.

  • Of course, more research is needed, so scientists can’t yet say for sure whether delayed exercise

  • leads to better memory.

  • But, when it comes to exercise as a direct cause of increased cognitive ability, scientists

  • are pretty much in agreement that it does!

  • This is because exercise releases hormones that reduce inflammation and insulin resistance,

  • as well as stimulating the growth of cells and blood vessels in your Brain, making it,

  • in a sense, stronger.

  • Some studies have even suggested that the parts of the Brain that control your memory

  • - the prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal cortex - are larger in people who regularly

  • exercise.

  • The best part about it?

  • You can just be same old lazy you, apart from just two hours of moderate exercise a week.

  • Two hours a week!

  • That could mean walking your dog for a half-hour every other day, riding your bike to work,

  • or playing 18-holes on the weekend.

  • Harvard researchers even count household activities, like raking leaves orintense floor mopping”.

  • Seriously.

  • That's a quote.

  • Basically, as long as you break out in a light sweat - it’s exercise!

  • And the key to unlocking these benefits - at least in a long-term sense - is regularity.

  • To do that, fitness-experts recommend group fitness classes or personal trainers, because

  • youre more likely to follow an exercise regime that is scheduled.

  • When exercise becomes routine, your memory strengthens, and soon enough, “forgetting

  • to workoutwill no longer be a viable excuse.

  • You know what's not exercise?

  • Sex.

  • Sorry, every human ever.

  • If you want to know why, check out this video here.

Exercise makes you thinner and does all sorts of other stuff.


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B1 中級

運動で記憶力が向上する方法 (How Exercise Improves Your Memory)

  • 587 74
    Sweet2 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日