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  • Hi, I’m Adriene Hill, this is Crash Course Economics,

  • and today were going to talk about Immigration and how it affects economies.

  • So, that poem on the statue of liberty? The one that reads in part,

  • Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

  • The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”

  • That’s some lofty stuff, right?

  • Well, sentiment aside, immigrants are good for the economy.

  • [Theme Music]

  • Before we get into the Economics of Immigration, let’s step back and have a quick look at the history.

  • Homo Sapiens have been moving around the planet for a long, long time.

  • Estimates vary, but modern humans started to spread out from Africa between 80,000 and 60,000 years ago,

  • and since then theyve been busily migrating all over the globe.

  • By 12,000 years ago, we were on all the continents except Antarctica.

  • Because Antarctica is a terrible place to live if you aren’t a penguin.

  • And honestly, even they seem unhappy there.

  • Today were going to look at international migration, when people move between countries,

  • rather than internal migration, which refers to people moving around within their home country,

  • because international migration has the most appreciable economic effect.

  • Were also not going to talk about forced migrations,

  • like the Atlantic Slave Trade that kidnapped many million Africans,

  • and transported them to the Americas as chattel between the 16th and 19th centuries.

  • Were going to focus on voluntary migration

  • because people who choose to move internationally are very often seeking economic opportunity.

  • In 1889, a geographer named Georg Ravenstein wrote in his Laws of Migration,

  • Bad or oppressive laws, heavy taxation, an unattractive climate,

  • uncongenial social surroundings, and even compulsion...

  • all have produced and are still producing currents of migration,

  • but none of these currents can compare in volume with that which arises from

  • the desire inherent in most men tobetterthemselves in material respects.”

  • Ravenstein was writing during the Great Atlantic Migration,

  • which began in the 1840s as huge numbers of Europeans relocated to the Americas.

  • Between 1880 and 1910 alone,

  • somewhere in the neighborhood of 17 million Europeans arrived in the United States.

  • The 19th century also saw a smaller, but still significant, number of Asian immigrants arrive in the US,

  • mostly settling on the West Coast.

  • Many of them came to join in the Gold Rush -- working as laborers in the mines.

  • They also worked in factories and helped build the Transcontinental Railroad.

  • All this immigration was, in many ways, a result of technological advances.

  • Improved transportation like steamships reduced the cost and difficulty of migrating across the Atlantic,

  • and the rapidly growing industries of the United States needed workers to keep producing.

  • This influx of immigrants, while good for the industrial economy of the US, eventually ran into resistance.

  • Beginning in the late 19th century, a series of laws were passed to restrict immigration.

  • By the 1930s, European immigration was severely curtailed, and Asian immigration was banned outright.

  • Many of these laws remained in effect until the 1960s, when new laws helped precipitate a wave of immigration.

  • And today, immigration's a really big deal.

  • Even as were making this video,

  • immigration is one of the most contentious issues in the 2016 U.S. presidential primaries.

  • The executive, legislative, and judicial branches are in a three way fight about how we handle immigration.

  • Were not going to give an up-to-the-minute journalistic report on immigration policy,

  • but we can talk about the economic arguments for and against.

  • First, and let’s just get this out of the way,

  • the overwhelming majority of economists agree that immigration is a good thing for national economies.

  • Many, many studies indicate that increased immigration is associated with overall increases in GDP and productivity.

  • Opponents of immigration, however, point to some of the costs that can come along with immigration.

  • They point to data indicating that immigrants with low skills are likely to remain poor,

  • and that some of those economic disadvantages can be passed to their children;

  • that recent immigrants use a lot of social services;

  • that immigration might result in short term drops in wages

  • and contribute to inequality by shifting money from labor to capital.

  • And the data -- it bears some of this out.

  • The thing is, though, these arguments don’t look at the net effects of immigration.

  • Let’s go to the Thought Bubble.

  • Harvard economist George Borjas wrote about a family of economic models he called the Immigration Surplus.

  • Population growth via immigration increases the demand for goods,

  • which can, in the long run, lead to more hiring and higher wages.

  • This can come at the cost of people who are already working,

  • as inexpensive immigrant labor can drive down wages.

  • But most economists point to this as a short-term effect,

  • and that the overall growth in the economy driven by population growth will eventually push wages up.

  • So the benefits of immigration tend to not only outweigh, but to exceed the costs.

  • Studies indicate this holds true, even in cases of extreme immigration events.

  • Labor markets quickly adapt to inflows of new workers.

  • One study looked at the effects of the Mariel Boatlift on the labor market in Miami.

  • In 1980, nearly 100,000 Cuban migrants arrived in South Florida, and around 60,000 of them settled in Miami.

  • Despite this massive influx of labor supply,

  • the study found the Mariel immigration didn’t drive down wages of native workers,

  • and didn’t cause widespread unemployment.

  • The immigrants were quickly absorbed into the workforce with negligible effects on other workers.

  • One of the interesting things about the immigration surplus is that

  • it only accounts for benefits that accrue to citizens who already lived in the country before the immigrants arrived.

  • It doesn’t take into account the huge economic benefits the immigrants themselves enjoy.

  • Irish workers who came to the US in the 1870s could double their wages.

  • Guatemalans who immigrated to the US in the 1990s, were able to increase their incomes sixfold.

  • An economist named John Kennan has estimated that if immigration restrictions were eliminated worldwide

  • the world’s labor supply would double,

  • there’d be significant economic growth,

  • and that workers from developing countries could see their wages jump from $8,900 to more than $19,000.

  • Thanks Thought Bubble.

  • Borjas’s Immigration Surplus findings do draw a distinction between high and low skill workers.

  • It notes that the arrival of larger numbers of high skill workers is associated with a larger immigration surplus.

  • And the model also indicates that if immigrant flows are too weighted toward unskilled workers,

  • the immigrant surplus will be smaller, and the growth that comes along with immigration can be slowed.

  • But, the surplus, in most cases, still exists.

  • Encouraging the immigration of high-skill workers has other benefits as well.

  • Studies indicate that high-skill immigrants are innovators.

  • One such study found that foreign-born entreprenuers register about 25% of new patents in the US,

  • and another found that a 1998 doubling of the quota for H1-B visas

  • -- which enable employers to more easily hire high-skill foreign workers --

  • that led to an average 15% revenue increase for companies that participated.

  • Doesn’t take an Einstein to figure maybe you want to expand the H1-B Visa program.

  • One subtext to this high-skill versus low-skill conversation here in the United States

  • -- and it gets to one of the most contentious parts of the immigration debate --

  • is how immigrants actually get or got into the country.

  • It centers on the differences between immigrants who arrive in the U.S. via official channels,

  • and those that enter the country without going through the legal documentation process.

  • So, what do we do with 11 million undocumented immigrants who are already here?

  • Well, in 2014, the federal government deported 369,000 immigrants, 9 times as many as were expelled in 1994.

  • And from an economic standpoint, kicking people out might not make the most sense.

  • In fact, a wide range of studies find that extending legal status to undocumented immigrants would be a net positive.

  • Proponents say that newly documented workers would gain labor protections,

  • and would be free to pursue work that better matches their skill-set.

  • As a result, on average, some economists estimate these workers wages could rise up to 15%.

  • And when workers get paid more, they tend to buy more stuff.

  • That increased demand, once again, leads to more production, which leads to more hiring.

  • And that’s not just pie in the sky liberal thinking.

  • The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office projected in 2007

  • that immigration reform would bring undocumented workers into the tax base,

  • and that growth in revenue would offset costs by a ratio of two to one.

  • Many partisan organizations agree on this point as well.

  • The liberal think tank, Center for American Progress, estimated that

  • giving undocumented workers legal status could create more than 200,000 additional jobs per year.

  • Grover Norquist, of Americans for Tax Reform, wrote that legalizing undocumented workers would,

  • free millions of those now working to move to where their work is

  • most productive for themselves and the national economy.”

  • And the conservative Heritage Foundation wrote in 2006 that,

  • Whether low-skilled or high-skilled, immigrants boost national output,

  • enhance specialization, and provide a net economic benefit.”

  • Let’s stop for a minute, and really appreciate the rareness of this situation,

  • that the Center for American Progress and the Heritage Foundation AGREE on something.

  • Researchers have modeled the economic effects of different possible policy responses to

  • undocumented immigrants in the U.S.

  • -- full deportation, full legalization and full legalization with added border control.

  • They found that full deportation would cut GDP by 0.61%

  • and full legalization would, on the other hand, INCREASE GDP by 0.53%.

  • Legalization with more border enforcement winds up in the middle increasing GDP by 0.17%

  • So, if the debate over immigration were solely about economics, there wouldn’t be much of a debate.

  • But, as weve learned, the world is a complex place.

  • Many immigration opponents argue that expanding immigration is a security risk.

  • They argue that relaxed border enforcement can lead to more illegal items like drugs being smuggled into the country.

  • There’s also a strong sentiment that people shouldn’t be rewarded with citizenship for breaking the law.

  • But let’s go back to the broader community of all immigrants.

  • Cliché as it might sound, the US really is a nation of immigrants.

  • The United States has the world’s largest total immigrant population -- at 41 million.

  • And sentiment in the U.S. about immigrants is changing.

  • A 2015 study from the Pew Research Center found that about half of U.S. adults say immigrants strengthen the economy.

  • Compared to 40% who say they are a burden.

  • Back in 1994, that was reversed.

  • Nearly 2/3rds of the population then saw immigrants as a burden.

  • Only 30% said they strengthened the country.

  • Pew also discovered that young people hold a more positive view

  • of the contributions of immigrants to the country than older generations.

  • Which means it’s likely, pro-immigrant sentiments gonna keep on growing. Economically, and otherwise.

  • Thanks for watching. See you next week.

  • Thanks for watching Crash Course Economics,

  • which is made with the help of all these nice people, some of whom are immigrants.

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  • Thanks for watching. Don't forget: sometimes partisan think tanks agree!

Hi, I’m Adriene Hill, this is Crash Course Economics,


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移民の経済学。クラッシュコースEcon#33 (The Economics of Immigration: Crash Course Econ #33)

  • 52 15
    Jane に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日