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Language is an essential part of our lives that we often take for granted.
With it, we can communicate our thoughts and feelings
lose ourselves in novels
send text messages
and greet friends
It's hard to imagine being unable to turn thoughts into words
But if the delicate web of language networks in your brain
became disrupted by stroke, illness, or trauma
you could find yourself truly at a loss for words
This disorder, called aphasia, can impair all aspects of communication
People who have aphasia remain as intelligent as ever
They know what they want to say
but can't always get their words to come out correctly
They may unintentionally use substitutions called paraphasias
switching related words, like saying "dog" for "cat",
or words that sound similar, such as "house" for "horse."
Sometimes, their words may even be unrecognizable
There are several types of aphasia grouped into two categories:
fluent, or receptive, aphasia
and non-fluent, or expressive, aphasia
People with fluent aphasia may have normal vocal inflection
but use words that lack meaning
They have difficulty comprehending the speech of others
and are frequently unable to recognize their own speech errors
People with non-fluent aphasia, on the other hand
may have good comprehension
but will experience long hesitations between words and make grammatical errors
We all have that tip-of-the-tongue feeling from time to time
when we can't think of a word
but having aphasia can make it hard to name simple, everyday objects
Even reading and writing can be difficult and frustrating
So how does this language loss happen?
The human brain has two hemispheres
In most people, the left hemisphere governs language
We know this because in 1861
the physician Paul Broca studied a patient
who lost the ability to use all but a single word, "tan."
During a postmortem study of that patient's brain
Broca discovered a large lesion in the left hemisphere
now known as Broca's area
Scientists today believe that Broca's area is responsible in part for naming objects
and coordinating the muscles involved in speech
Behind Broca's area is Wernicke's area near the auditory cortex.
That's where the brain attaches meaning to speech sounds
Damage to Wernicke's area impairs the brain's ability to comprehend language
Aphasia is caused by injury to one or both of these specialized language areas
Fortunately, there are other areas of the brain
which support these language centers
and can assist with communication
Even brain areas that control movement are connected to language
FMRI studies found that when we hear action words, like "run" or "dance"
parts of the brain responsible for movement light up
as if the body was actually running or dancing
Our other hemisphere contributes to language, too
enhancing the rhythm and intonation of our speech
These non-language areas sometimes assist people with aphasia
when communication is difficult.
So how common is aphasia?
Approximately 1 million people in the U.S. alone have it
with an estimated 80,000 new cases per year.
About one-third of stroke survivors suffer from aphasia
making it more prevalent than Parkinson's disease
or multiple sclerosis
yet less widely known
There is one rare form of aphasia called primary progressive aphasia, or PPA,
which is not caused by stroke or brain injury
but is actually a form of dementia
in which language loss is the first symptom
The goal in treating PPA is to maintain language function for as long as possible
before other symptoms of dementia eventually occur
However, when aphasia is acquired from a stroke or brain trauma
language improvement may be achieved through speech therapy
Our brain's ability to repair itself, known as brain plasticity
permits areas surrounding a brain lesion
to take over some functions during the recovery process
Scientists have been conducting experiments using new forms of technology
which they believe may encourage brain plasticity in people with aphasia
Meanwhile, many people with aphasia remain isolated
afraid that others won't understand them or give them extra time to speak
By offering them the time and flexibility to communicate in whatever way they can
you can help open the door to language again,
moving beyond the limitations of aphasia