字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi my name is Massimo Banzi
and I like to make stuff.
Today we are here
to look at another project
from our Arduino Starter Kit.
we are making this spaceship interface.
This is a simple project
designed to teach you about
simple inputs and outputs with Arduino.
This circuit is going to show you
how simple it is to connect
a small button
and a set of LEDs
to the Arduino board,
and how you can control
the LEDs through the button.
First I want to explain
a few concepts about Arduino.
First of all Arduino
is the size of a credit card
as you can see here.
We can program
using the Arduino development environment
that I am going to show you in a few minutes.
The idea is that we write instructions
in the development environment,
then we press the button
that turns the instructions into a program
and get downloaded into the Arduino.
Then the Arduino can interface
with the outside world
to implement any crazy
projects that you can come up with.
So this project is very simple.
We have a button connected to
pin number 2 on the Arduino,
and then we have three LEDs connected to
pin 5, 4 and 3
of the Arduino.
When I press the button,
these two LEDs that are now
blinking will stop blinking,
and the yellow LED will turn on.
If I release the button
the two LEDs will keep blinking.
this is a very simple
circuit that allows us to
control the behavior of these 3 LEDs
from this button.
Let's have a look to the code
that we need
to implement this behavior.
At the beginning of the code we have
this line that says
const int redLed1 = 5,
so this creates a constant
called redLed1 that contains the value 5.
This is actually a very clever technique
that allows us to give a meaningful name
to pin numbers.
So, throughout the code
I don't have to use the numbers
but I can use redLed1
to remember that particular pin
is associated with the first red LED.
And if you look, there are another
couple of lines
where you defined constant
for redLed2 and greenLed.
Then, later on we have another
constant called switchPin = 2.
This specifies that a switch
or a button that we are using
is connected to pin number 2.
Then let's look at the setup.
The setup() is that part in your
Arduino code that gets executed once
when the board is powered on or reset,
This means also right after
you upload some code into the Arduino.
So, as I said, this gets executed only once.
We see the instruction pinMode().
pinMode() basically tells Arduino
that we want to make sure that
pins, redLed1, redLed2 and greenLed
are all configured as outputs,
because the input and the output pins
of the Arduino can be configured
to assume both configuration.
Then we have an instruction called
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT),
which is used to specify that
the pin number 2 is connected to a switch.
And then we want to make sure
that is an input so we can read from it.
Now let's have a look of the loop section.
The loop section in your code
gets executed over and over
as long as the board is powered on.
We created a variable
called switchState and then we say
switchState = digitalRead(switchPin)
Basically what this does
is to read the state of the pin
connected to the pushButton
and it returns a value HIGH or LOW
depending on the fact that the button
is pressed - HIGH - or released - LOW
Then we are going to use
a clever statement called if,
which is very important
whenever you write some code
because this "if" statement allows us
to take decisions.
In this particular case
we basically ask Arduino
if (the switchState == LOW)
do something.
So in this case, we used
curly brackets to group
lines of code together.
You can see that
"if" statement
is followed by a question,
a condition that needs to be verified.
and then the curly brackets
specify which lines of code
need to be executed
when the condition is true.
In this case, switchState == LOW;
basically says if the button
is not pressed,
and then we follow that
with a series of digitalWrite()
statements that are used to
turn on and off the LEDs
and to implement this particular
blinking behavior.
After that we have a
delay of 250 milliseconds
followed by a short blink cycle
that happens on the other red LEDs.
The instructions that you see
in this section
of the "if" statement
are used to implement this
blinking behavior that you see here.
there is a statement called "else".
Else is a statement that allows
you to basically create a fork
in the road in your Arduino code.
With "if" you can say
if something is true, execute this
piece of code. And else says
if that condition is
not true, then execute
this other piece of code.
So you can have two different
paths of your code that get executed
depending on the condition,
if that condition is true or false.
In this case, when the button is pressed
then we use two digitalWrite()
to turn off the red LEDs.
And we use one
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH)
to turn on the green or yellow LED
like we have here.
So if I press the button, the LED
turns on. If I release the button,
the LEDs are blinking.
So this is all the code
that we need in order to
implement this behavior.
I want to remind you that the code
that's inside the loop
statement will be executed over and over.
so as you can see
the blinking pattern is executed.
Arduino reads the input,
checks if it's true or false.
So depending on that it decides which
behavior to implement
and then loops back
from the beginning.
That's all for today.
I hope you enjoyed the tutorial.
And remember: build it,
hack it, share it,
because Arduino is you!