字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Shikoku Trip - Day One 四国の旅 - 1日目 Tokyo - Ehime 東京→愛媛 Welcome to Ehime (Matsuyama) ようこそ愛媛(松山)へ Hi!! こんにちは〜! Look who it is! It's Sherry and Norm 見てみて!シェリーとノルムだよ〜 Welcome to Ehime guys! みなさん、愛媛へようこそ! It's my first time here 初めてここに来ました! It's my first time off of the main island of Honshu 本州から出るのも初めてです which is pretty freakin exciting すごく楽しみにしてました I've never been to Hokkaido 北海道にも行ったことないし I've never been to Shikoku, which is where we are now 四国もないし And I've never been to Kyushu 九州もないです! So it's pretty sweet to be off the main island やっと本州以外なところも行けて and to be seeing something different in Japan すごく嬉しいです! after living here for 10 years and only traveling around Honshu もう10年間日本に住んでるのに、やっとね I hope you guys enjoy the trip! みなさんも楽しんでもらえたら嬉しいです! Norm is driving. Thank you Norm! Don't kill us! ノルムが運転してくれます!ノルムありがとう!事故らないでねw And Sherry is the one that put this whole trip together シェリーはこの旅を全て一人で準備してくれました! So thank you Sherry! シェリー本当にありがとう!!! You're welcome, thanks for coming! どういたしまして〜愛媛へようこそ♡ She has a lovely channel, so go check her out if you haven't checked out her channel yet! シェリーのチャンネルもぜひチェックしてね! I will link her down below 説明欄にリンク載せます♪ OMG there's a Kabuto! カブトだ! We'll like pull over the car just to catch Pokemon 車を止めてポケモンやる? BEST TRIP EVER この旅最高! We need to get to the hotel 早くホテルに行かないと・・・ Hey, you know what? Priorities alright. でもポケモンの方が大事でしょう? I'm glad we're on the same page そうだよ、ノルム。その通り! They said that it's 28C today... but that's a lie 今日は28度って書いてあるけど、絶対嘘だよね It's most definitely at least 40 40度ぐらいだと思う And this is the train we're riding... When are we riding the train? この列車いつ乗るんだっけ? Uh, tomorrow! 明日! Tomorrow. I'm so excited, I love train rides! 明日か!いいね〜 楽しみ! It's gonna be pretty awesome 絶対楽しいよね It will be ね! Ooo this place is so nice ここいいね! So this is where we're staying tonight? Or the whole time? このホテルは今夜だけ泊まる?明日も? Tonight 今夜だけ! That's so pretty! Is this for your feet? きれい〜!足用? I think so! そうだと思う! That's so nice いいね Oooo look at the butterfly! おー 蝶々だ! Oh it's so pretty! きれいだね! You guys have different butterflies here, I've never seen that one in Tokyo 東京で見たことない蝶々だね Really? そう? Yeah そうだよ! So this is Dogo Onsen ここは道後温泉 Sherry told me that it's the only onsen in Japan that allows tattoos! この温泉だけはタトゥーOKだって! So Ehime is famous for oranges 愛媛はみかんが有名! There are orange souvenirs everywhere and I can't wait to buy them for my friends みかんのお土産いっぱいあるね〜友達に買ってあげたい! What is the cat? Aww they're cookies この猫のは何?クッキーだ♪ Even the cats are orange! 猫もオレンジ色! Lots of their drinks you can change the milk to soy milk 飲み物は豆乳に変更できるのが多い! That's awesome! Omg there's so many drinks いいね〜 どれにしよう This is amazing, this is the best matcha latte I've ever had 世界一美味しい抹茶ラテだ Starbucks eat your heart out スタバ負けたね It's so delicious! 美味しすぎ〜! It's like icecream アイスみたい Yeah it's really thick and creamy ね!クリーミーだね And soy milk! 豆乳だし♪ Next we headed to Yamatoya Honten Hotel 次は大和屋本店に行きます! to view an art exhibit my Ninagawa Mika 蜷川実花さんの作品を見に行くため She gave amazing artistic makeovers to traditional Japanese hotel rooms ホテルの部屋をアーティスティックにメイクオーバーしました! The result is pretty amazing 結構素敵ですよ I think you guys are really gonna love this 気に入ると思います♪ Wow, pretty! きれい! Go ahead 入れますよ! Is it okay? いいんですか? Oh look at the tatami! It's not showing up on camera but it's dark blue 畳がすごく綺麗な色になってる! It's so pretty いいね〜 These rooms are available to stay in 宿泊できます!説明欄にホテルのリンク貼りますね〜 Music by KiKi Shamisen Girls ♪ 輝&輝 Before photo of the room ビフォアーの写真 I want to live here ここに住みたい You can stay in this room, right? 蜷川実花さんがこの部屋をデザインしましたね! Yes, you can rent this room 蜷川さんはフォトグラファーと監督をやっています So this room is designed by Ninagawa Mika もう一つの部屋もあるらしいけど She's a photographer and also a movie director その部屋はちょっと変わってるんだって Oh okay! So she designed this room 何か変だって and we're gonna go see one other hotel room 変っていうか・・・まあ、行ってみよう! but Sherry says you'd never wanna stay there うん、行ってみよう! So there's something like, weird about it わお Weird... well you'll see! もう一つのドア開けて! We'll see... 二つある、どっち? Wow こっち?あっち? There's one more door! そう There's two, which one おまいが This one? This one? えー超綺麗! Yep 好き! Omg ここに住みた〜い Whoa it's beautiful! シェリーはこの部屋変って言ったけど Omg I love it! 私は何か、気に入ったw Look at this room! I wanna live here! テレビ見て!電話も! I love how Sherry's like "Oh you wouldn't wanna stay in the next room..." みかんの飲み物とアイスを買いました〜! And I'm like "Yes! I want my house to look like this!" 愛媛最高! Look at the TV! Look at it! And the phone ノルムそのアイスはダメだよ We all got our orange drinks and popsicles みんなみかん味買ったのに、俺だけチョコミントだね YAY EHIME! ごめん Norm's failing at Ehime-ing 許せない I know! Everybody got orange, and I'm here with chocolate mint... その家素敵だね! I'll leave ねー! Not acceptable こういう家好き Bye! ジャパニーズハウス That's a beautiful house 友達は今から三味線ライブをやります Yeah that's so nice 私たちはここでCDとDVDを売ります I love these kind of houses シェリー頑張ってるよ〜! Japanese house このDVDはノルムと私が撮影したよ〜 Our friends are getting ready for their shamisen performance tonight その日楽しかったね! And we're just setting up a little table here for selling CDs and DVDs ね! Sherry's workin hard 後で一枚くれるんだって♪ Me and Norm actually filmed the footage for this one! このスタンドいいね That was a good day ディスプレー用ね Yeah it was a good day さすがシェリー There gonna give me a copy later 輝&輝 Oh that's nice, you have a little stand 楽しかった〜!Periscopeで一緒にライブを見に来た方々ありがとうね! Yeah just for one 100人ぐらい見てました! "sasuga" - should have expected that 今からご飯です!ホテルに戻ります! KiKi Shamisen Girls 何を食べるんだろう That was so much fun! Thank you to everyone that joined us for the Periscope live! お腹すいた? There were like 100 of you over there, so thanks for watching! Hope you enjoyed it! すいたよー We're heading back to the hotel now for dinner 私もー I'm not sure what we're having yet ランチいっぱい食べたけど、もう空いてきたねw Are you hungry? いっぱい食べて、少し飲んで〜 So hungry. みんなの道後温泉の写真に邪魔になってる〜 I'm hungry, we're getting hungry 邪魔にならないのは難しいよねw We had lots of lunch but we're hungry already 明日これに乗るんだって! Lots of lunch, a little bit to drink, and now we're hungry 人力車 It's hard not to walk through people's pictures 日本語で何という? I know right! It's like a maze 人力車 We're taking one of these tomorrow they said! 竹すごい! The rickshaw この竹最高!!! Rickshaw, how do you say rickshaw in Japanese? すごいよね jinrikisha 虫聞こえる? Check out the awesome bamboo grove! 蝉だね〜 OMG BEST BAMBOO EVER 英語でCicada Isn't that awesome? おしゃれなビーガンディナー作ってくれました! Can you hear the bugs guys? すごく美味しそう! Semi, most likely ここは何〜? Cicada うどんとキノコだね Look at this guys, they made a super fancy vegan version for me ネギも Ooo it looks so yummy こっちはお米? What's in here? お米ってここで炊けるの? Ooo udon and some mushrooms どうだろう green onion フルーツ And this one looks like... rice? こんにゃくだね But, I don't know きゅうりかな? Can you cook rice with just a little candle? こちらはうどんです We will see ありがとうございます! Some fruits こちらは白米です And I think this is konnyaku, it looks like squid but I'm pretty sure it's konnyaku おー出来てる! Not sure what those ones are, I think that's cucumber ここの料理すっごく美味しい!! This one is udon 本当に美味しいです Thank you 一番好きなのは〜こちら! And this one is white rice きゅうりかどうかまだわからないけど・・・ Oh my rice is cooking! Wow 中のこんにゃくは The food here is SO GOOD とってもぷるぷるしてて It's really delicious 柔らかくて、美味しい! One of my favourites was actually, this! ご飯の説明楽しんでる?w Which I'm pretty sure is cucumber, but I'm still not sure そのこんにゃくを食べないように我慢してるw The konnyaku inside... ダメ!私のこんにゃくだよ Lemme see if I can get it to focus ノルムはこんにゃくないよね The konnyaku in the middle is really really squishy うん。ない。 Can't really show you guys, but it's so soft! And it's really juicy! ビーガンになれば良かったねw Are you enjoying my food explanation? 無理やり押し付けるな!w I'm doing everything I can to not reach over and just eat it このイエローソースはなんだろう NO It's MY konnyaku それってこんにゃくのため? Norm didn't get any マスタードの味!美味しいよ I didn't get any konnyaku 野菜天ぷらが来ました! Maybe you should be vegan Norm おい!私のかぼちゃ!一番好きなやつ取るなよーw Stop trying to convert me Sharla. これはデザートみたい! And then they have this yellow sauce to put on it, I'm not sure what it is すごく甘い!こっちは梅で、こっちは〜 Or if that's even what you're supposed to put it on また梅?かな? It kinda tastes like mustard, and it's really good 美味しいね〜 They just brought me some veggie tempura みかんジュースいただきました♪ Hey HEY that's my favourite! That's my favourite! 愛媛っぽい♪ These two here are almost like a dessert ありがとうございます! They're like a really sweet... this one's plum! Let's see what this one is 美味しいー Also plum? ... maybe 本当にこれ動画に入れるの? Man these are good. These are so good. そうだよー サムネにしようかな〜♪ After dinner performance 今夜はこの部屋に泊まります! YAY they brought us mikan juice 布団2枚♪ Ehime style お茶セット! Thank you! 旅館のお茶セットはいつも楽しみにしてるw It's good! 今まで3つの旅館にしか泊まってないけど Really? Are you gonna put this in, really? 全てとても素敵でした Yeah. It's gonna be the thumbnail! 可愛い So this is where I'm staying tonight エアコン、冷蔵庫 Two futon all to myself テレビ And there's a tea set! ここには〜浴衣?うん! That's always like my favourite part of the ryokan 浴衣と歯ブラシだね I'm obsessed with ryokan now, I've only stayed in 3 また布団 in total, but I'm really enjoying them 布団多いね Cute little teapot 全部広げて友達みんな呼んでパーティーしたいなw Air conditioner, mini fridge ここはトイレです TV... 普通のトイレです I think there's some yukata in here? Yeah! 終わり〜! Yukata and like toothbrush and stuff 乾杯!! This is some more futon この動画も見てね〜! They give you so many futon You could cover the whole floor in futon and have a sleepover with all your friends And this is the washroom Basic hotel style washroom And that's it! Cheers! Kanpai! More videos from our trip!
B1 中級 日本語 米 シェリー 美味しい ホテル 布団 温泉 部屋 SEEING SHIKOKU FOR THE FIRST TIME | Day One (SEEING SHIKOKU FOR THE FIRST TIME | Day One) 151 20 Kana kawai に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語