字幕表 動画を再生する
One of my first ever YouTube videos was "How to Tell if a Guy is Interested in You" and it got millions of views.
私が作った最初の YouTube 動画は「男性があなたに興味があるかを見分ける方法」についてでした。視聴数は数百万回。
I was 19 when I made that.
私は当時 19歳でした。
So me and Jameson sat down, and we thought, you know what, the sophisticated me, a decade on, can probably do better.
そこで、私とジェイムソンは話し合い、あれから 10 年経って、経験豊富な今の自分だったら、もっといい動画を作れるだろうと考えに至りました。
So here it is: "Seven Signs that a Guy Likes You."
Number one: people often say that if a guy's trying to impress you, that means he likes you.
1 つ目:男性があなたを感心させようとしているなら、その男性はあなたに気がある証拠だと、よく言います。
But that doesn't necessarily mean he likes you. It might mean he likes himself.
See, narcissists give great first dates, because they want you to fall in love with them and reflect their glory back at them.
But the person who actually likes you shows that they are impressed by you.
They are someone that you have made an impression on.
Number two: he's not afraid to be earnest about his affection for you, even if it gets him teased.
2 つ目:あなたに対する気持ちに表すことを恐れない、たとえからかわれたとしても。
We're often worried that our friends or our family are gonna taunt us for being too affectionate with the person we like.
When he stops caring about that, you know he's really started caring about you.
Number three: when he has to get dressed up for an occasion when he's looking his best, he'll find an excuse on that day to send you a picture.
3 つ目:ある用事があり盛装したり、おしゃれをしている時、何か理由を見つけて写真を送りつけてくる。
He may not take a selfie and send it to you.
They'll take a picture of him with his brother or his mom and be like, "Hey look, we're having a great day!"
What he's really saying is, "Look at me. This is the best dressed I've been all month, and I want you to see it."
Number four: he calls you around six o'clock after work to tell you about his day, because you're the one he wants to share his news with.
4 つ目:仕事終わりの6時ぐらいに今日の出来事について電話してくる、なぜなら彼にとってあなたは出来事を人だから。
I'm not talking about the phone call he makes to you at midnight where he says, "Hey, I have some news. I have a boner. Where are you right now?"
I'm talking about the guy who actually wants to talk about his day.
Number five: he's prepared to wait for intimacy. Doesn't mean he doesn't want it.
Doesn't even mean he won't maybe try to have it early on.
But when you delay him and you say, "That's not my speed." he still wants to see you again, and he's more than prepared to wait.
Number six: he finds time to see you even when it's not convenient.
Now I'm not saying he finds a day to see you, or even three hours to see you.
But when someone likes you, they will cobble together whatever time they have, from the scraps, just to be able to get 15 minutes to say hi to you.
しかし、あなたのことが好きなら、15 分だけでも顔を出せるように、なんとか調整して時間を見つけるのです。
Not talking about the hookup right now. I'm talking about his desire just to see your face.
When someone likes you, they make it happen.
Number seven, and let this one sink in: he wants to go to the movies with you after sex.
Most guys will take women on dates, go to movies, go to dinners before they have sex.
And then they wake up, and they're like, "Okay. Now, leave please. I wanna go and be with my friends."
When you wake up with a guy, and he's like, "Hey, you with the crazy hair. Let's go see a movie," he likes you.
So there it is. Take that, nineteen-year-old me.
では、以上が「男性があなたのことが好きであるか見分ける7つの方法」でした。どうだ、19 歳の僕、見たか!
Oh, and if you were listening to these, and you thought, "There is a guy in my life that's attracted to me," and you wanna flirt back, I have a free guide for you called "The Five Compliments," which gives you five exact compliments you can give to a guy that'll not only get him more attracted to you, but also give him a clue that you're attracted to him.
Go download them now at SayThisToHim.com
SayThisToHim.com で今すぐダウンロードしよう。
I'll see you there.
I'm not talking about the phone call he makes you at midnight where he says, "Hey, I have some news. I have a boner." (laugh)