字幕表 動画を再生する
Look, Evie. Elmo's on the go letters. You want to open it? Open. Let's see. Looks like
letters. Got letters? Letters. Letters. What letter is that? A. Where does the A go? Good
job. What letter is that. B! What letter is that?C! Good job, where's the C go? Good job.
A. What letter is that? D. Good job. A D right there. What's next? E. What letter is that?
E. Good job. Where does the E go? Good job. What letter is next? What letter is that?
F. Good job where does the F go? What letter is that? G. Good job. Where does the G go?
Good job. What letter is that? H. Good job. Where does the H go? What letter is that?
I. Here you go. Where does the I go? Good job. J. What letter is that? J! Where does
the J go? What letter is that? K. Good job. What letter is that? Good job. Where does
the L go? L is... What letter is that? M. Good job. Where does the M go? What letter
is that? M. N. N. Good job. Where does the N go? N go. What letter is this? O. Good job.
Where does the O go? What letter is that? P. Good job. Where does it go? Alright! Need
help? Here's a tricky one. What letter is this? K. What letter is that? Q. Q good job.
Where does the Q go? Good job. Need help. What letter is that? R. Good job. Where does
the R go? Need help, daddy. Need help? There you go. What letter is that? S. Good job.
Where does the S go? Help with, daddy. What letter is that? T. T, good job! Where does
it go? Good job. What letter is that? U. Good job! Where does the U go? There you go. What
letter is that? What letter is that? V. V. Good job. Alright. What letter is that? W!
W! Good job. Where the W go? Yea, where does it go? What letter is that? X. Good job. Where
does the X go? Help with, daddy. What letter is that? Y. Good job. Where does the Y go?
Alright. Last one. Z. Good job. Where does the Z go? Where does it go? Daddy's turn.
Daddy's turn to do it? Okay. I think it goes right there. A. B. C. What letter is that?
D. E. What letter is that? F. Good job. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Good job. What is that?
N. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. Good job. X. Y. And... Z. Good job.