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  • ♪♪♪

  • Have you ever wanted to soar like a superhero?

  • Today I'm at Reflection Bay Golf and Beach Resort

  • at Lake Las Vegas.

  • This is one of my favorite places in this area.

  • It is so incredibly beautiful.

  • This might be the place to do it.

  • It's called flyboarding.

  • Is it fun?

  • -It is the coolest thing I've ever done, hands down.

  • And these guys are the experts.

  • Meet Trevor and Jared Pope, a couple of brothers

  • who operate Flyboard Las Vegas.

  • So tell me about flyboarding.

  • Who started this?

  • (Trevor Pope) The inventor's name is Franky Zapata from France,

  • and it's been around for a couple of years.

  • It's just awesome.

  • French jet ski champ Frank Zapata

  • invented the flyboard in 2012.

  • -He gave us the ability to fly,

  • so we're very thankful.

  • By attaching a long tube

  • to a jet ski and a pair of boots,

  • Zapata created a propulsion system

  • capable of shooting you almost 50 feet into the air.

  • You can fly, spin, flip, or dive underwater.

  • It's a little like being a dolphin.

  • Can you give me a tutorial?

  • What kind of equipment do we need?

  • -To get started with flyboarding,

  • there's a jet ski that provides the force

  • through the hose.

  • Trevor's clearly got the hang of it,

  • but now it's my turn

  • to see if I can tame these water jets.

  • We're using these jet skis here?

  • -We're using one jet ski

  • and it's hooked up to the back,

  • and all the force that comes through the hose

  • is provided by the jet ski.

  • Once we connect this, all that water

  • is going to come out of these nozzles here,

  • and that will raise you up like this.

  • Once we're in, I'll get you into the taxiing position;

  • that's basically on your belly.

  • First we're going to get you all snapped up

  • and give you a life jacket to keep you above the water.

  • Here's your helmet.

  • This is going to let me communicate with you.

  • It's also going to protect your head

  • in case you have any bad falls.

  • -So you can talk to me in there?

  • -I can talk to you, but you cannot talk to me.

  • ♪♪♪

  • These are standard wake board boots.

  • We're going to get these as tight as they can go,

  • the tighter the better.

  • -And how high can you go, or do you go?

  • -Someone that's experienced can go up to around 45 feet.

  • You're only going around 10 to 12 feet, I'd say.

  • -Which when you're doing something like this,

  • it's higher than you think.

  • -It's a lot higher than you think because

  • your point of view is at the top of your head,

  • and when you're up there, it's higher.

  • So however high you are, you're actually higher--

  • -You add another 6 feet, exactly.

  • -It feels good, though.

  • The biggest thing is don't get nervous up there

  • and realize you're only going to fall in water

  • and you'll have a good time.

  • -He's already warning me where I'm going to fall--

  • not if I'm going to fall,

  • but just let me tell you how you're going to fall.

  • -Everyone falls; it's part of the sport.

  • Once I'm strapped in with my safety gear on,

  • I can't wait to see how this contraption works.

  • Man, I'm so psyched. I'm so psyched.

  • -Just hop right on in and push off.

  • There you go.

  • ♪♪♪

  • Just lay flat.

  • You're going to feel water coming out in a second.

  • ♪♪♪

  • Trevor takes me out past the rocks where it's safe

  • and hits the throttle.

  • I get a few inches off the water and...

  • crash!

  • Not bad for a first try.

  • Keep your legs straight like this

  • and come straight up.

  • Trevor says the trick is locking the knees.

  • There we go!

  • ♪♪♪

  • Hey, it works!

  • I may be falling, but each time

  • I'm getting higher and higher.

  • Right when you feel your foot dipping,

  • lift it up a little bit.

  • A few more pointers from Trevor,

  • and I'm ready to bring out my inner superhero.

  • ♪♪♪

  • I'm really getting the hang of it!

  • To move, you dip your toes or pull them up.

  • Trevor wants to add more power--

  • more power means more altitude

  • and further to fall.

  • I'm having a blast,

  • but it's time to give these jet boots back to the pros.

  • ♪♪♪

  • Flyboarding may be just three years old,

  • but with guys like Trevor as a guide,

  • we can all be flying in no time.



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ネバダ州のアウトドア|ラスベガス湖でフライボーディング (Outdoor Nevada | Flyboarding at Lake Las Vegas)

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    余玉珠 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日