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  • Whether you say tomato or tomato, it’s clear that your accent is a defining feature of


  • who you are. Everyone has an accent (heck, even goats have regional ways of saying BAAH),


  • but what’s the science behind language acquisition and does your accent say something about you?


  • In an American survey, 47% of adults found British accents to be sophisticated, while


  • 51% thought New York accents were rude; Southern accents were considered nice but possibly


  • uneducated, while New England accents were considered intelligent. But it turns out that

    教養がないと思われています、一方ニューイングランド訛りは知的だと思われています。 しかし

  • humans have a bias towards others who sound like them or have the same accent. Of course,


  • it’s important to distinguish between a native language accent and an additional language


  • accent. English native language accents depend on factors such as geographic location and


  • socioeconomic status. For example a cockney accent of the working class London is markedly

    社会経済的状況などの要因によります。 例えばロンドンの労働者階級のコックニー訛りは著しく

  • different than the Queen’s Received Pronunciation.


  • However, when it comes to non-native language accents, things are more complicated. If you


  • decide to move to Spain and learn Spanish as an English speaker, you will always speak


  • with an English accent - even if you remain there for decades. After the age of 12, the

    英語の訛りでスペイン語を話しますーそこに何十年にも渡って住んでいたとしてもです。 12才になってからは、

  • length of residence has almost no effect on your accent. Studies pinpoint the ideal age

    居住するその長さはほぼあなたの訛りに影響を与えません。 研究では理想的な年齢を

  • as 6 years old, with diminishing ability from that forward.


  • Interestingly, some stroke patients wake with an accent completely different to their original


  • voice. This condition is known as theForeign Accent Syndromeand results from damage


  • to the insula region of the brain which is responsible for language processing.


  • One integral aspect of language is the phoneme. Phonemes are the different sound units we

    言語に不可欠な面は音素です。 音素は私たちが言葉を作成する異なった音の単位で

  • use to make up words - some of which are unique to different languages. For example, the phonemes

    ―その中では異なった言語には特有のものがあります。 例えば、

  • with TH (th and th) as in words liketheandthingdo not exist in German, making


  • it difficult for German speakers to pronounce these words properly. Conversely, there are

    ドイツ語話者にはこういった言葉を適切に発音するのが難しいのです。 逆に

  • many phonemes in other languages that as English speakers we cannot pronounce or even hear


  • properly.


  • In a groundbreaking study, 32 American and 32 Japanese six month old babies listened


  • to a recorder playla la larepeatedly. When the recording switched tola la ra

    “エルでラララ”と繰り返し再生する録音を聞かされました。 録音が“ラララの最後をアール”に切り替わると

  • a toy to the side would light up and play a musical tune. The babies were primed to

    横にあるおもちゃに電気がついて、音がなるというものでした。 赤ちゃんたちは

  • understand that recognizing the difference betweenlaandralead to an audio-visual

    “エルのラ”と “アールのラ”の違いを認識すると視覚的にも聴覚的にもご褒美を与えられると教え込まれました、

  • reward and both the American and Japanese 6 month old babies were able to tell the difference


  • and anticipate the toy reward when necessary. ButLaandraare phonemes that

    必要であればおもちゃのご褒美を楽しみにしていました。 しかし“エルのラ” と “アールのラ”の音素は

  • do not exist in the Japanese language. When this study was replicated with 10-12 month

    日本語にはないものだったのです。 この研究が10ヶ月から12ヶ月の赤ちゃんに再現されたときには、

  • old babies, the Japanese babies could not tell the difference between these uniquely


  • English phonemes, showing that a critical period for recognizing phonemes and brain


  • development is at merely six months old.


  • If you try and learn a language, regardless of your age, synaptic connections are made,


  • which ultimately create a denser grey matter and stronger white matter networks. In fact,


  • those who have grown up in bilingual households are consistently more sensitive to subtle


  • language differences compared to their monolingual counterparts. Brain scans have shown that

    一か国語だけを話す対象者に比べ微妙な言葉の違いに敏感です。 脳のスキャンでは

  • bilingual babies have stronger brain responses in their orbital and prefrontal cortices,


  • which are areas linked to focus and problem-solving abilities.


  • But have you ever wondered why so many people hate the sound of their own voice? We break

    しかしあなたはどうしてこんなにも多くの人たちが自分自身の声を聞くことを嫌がるのか考えた事がありますか? 私たちは

  • down the science and challenge some people to come to terms with their own voice in our


  • AsapTHOUGHT video. Check it out with the link in the description

    挑んでいます。 記述にあるリンクで調べてみてください。

  • And subscriber for more weekly science videos.


Whether you say tomato or tomato, it’s clear that your accent is a defining feature of


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