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  • What's up, guys? Jeff Cavaliere,

  • Today I'm going to try to help you answer the most important question that you can ask

  • yourself when it comes to seeing results from your workouts. Only you can answer it. That

  • is, are you training hard enough? Before I even go into this, there's two things I want

  • you to do.

  • Number one, you've got to get the ear muffs and put them on the kids because this is a

  • Jeff rant video. You may not like everything you hear, or how it comes out of my mouth,

  • but I promise you this: it will be the truth. Secondly, you have to start by watching a

  • couple clips so we can set this whole thing up.

  • You see, I'm doing some barbell curls here and I want you to see if you could tell me

  • in which one of these am I training hard enough. They're all barbell curls. Some seem to be

  • harder than others, for me at least. But can you spot it? Now don’t tell me what I'm

  • doing, or which one you think it is at this point.

  • We're going to save that for a little later. The idea is this: I could tell you it has

  • nothing to do with whether I'm screaming in one, or not in the other. It has nothing to

  • do with whether I was listening to some really bad ass tunes to fire me up in one, but I

  • wasn't in the other.

  • It has nothing to do with whether or not I was sweating and leaving a pool behind me

  • to nauseate the next person that tries to curl in the same spot as me. It has nothing

  • to do with any of that. The only thing that matters is only one thing. That is effort.

  • Which one was my best effort?

  • Which one was I pushing harder than ever before to do one thing? To accomplish one goal. That

  • is to get more from my body than it was willing to give me. Think about that. Your body is

  • comfortable giving you a certain level. Beyond it, it doesn't like it, but your challenge

  • is to take it.

  • It's to find out how you can get more from what your body is willing to give you. That

  • is what training hard is. That is intensity. That is what produces results. This is where

  • a lot of us trip up. Guess what? I'm included. Where do you think the idea for this video

  • came from?

  • I caught myself halfway through, half-assing a workout one night. Just this week, actually.

  • I'm experienced enough to be able to recognize that when it's there, but the fact of the

  • matter is it trips all of us up. Are you somebody that writes down all your workouts in the

  • journal?

  • And your journal said for you to do 10 reps of something, but when you got to 10 you probably

  • could have done 12. What did you do? You stopped because your journal told you to. That's not

  • training hard enough. Maybe you're the type who picks their favorite exercises more often

  • than not.

  • I can tell you this, if they're your favorite, they're likely not the ones you should be

  • doing. You only go to the ones that you find comfortable. That ain't going to give you

  • the results that you want. That's not going to get you training as hard as you should

  • be to get results.

  • Maybe, for some, the accomplishment is getting to the gym. That is bullshit! That can't be

  • the standard for excellence. We are there at the gym. That is where it all starts. That

  • is where you need to start doing something and not just something when you're there,

  • but something you ain't ever done before.

  • That is when you know you're training hard enough. You see, you can go back to those

  • exercises I did in the beginning there and you could try to guess all you want at which

  • one I'm doing my best effort on. But I will tell you this: you'll never know. The only

  • person that knows what the best effort was, was me.

  • Only I know whether I was actually giving it my all in any of those sets. Only you will

  • know when you're giving your all in the things that you do. But I will tell you thisthis

  • is a great equalizer when it comes to effort and intensity.

  • While we may not be able to tell what it looks like, I can guaran-damn-tee you what it's

  • supposed to feel like and it's going to be really fucking uncomfortable. If you're doing

  • this right, it's going to be uncomfortable. It ain't going to be easy. As I say, nothing

  • in life worth having is going to come easy.

  • If it was easy do you know how many of us would be walking around looking like descendants

  • of Frank Zane? We all have the perfect body. It's not easy. It's difficult. It requires

  • effort. It separates the men from the boys. It's not the easiest thing for us to just

  • all of a sudden adopt as a lifestyle, but you need to if you want to see the results

  • that you're looking for.

  • The bottom line is – I've said it beforeif you want to get results then you'd

  • better start getting comfortable being uncomfortable. The bottom line. However, there is another

  • side of this equation that people tend to leave out. And I won't because it's probably

  • equally important to this entire aspect of your training.

  • That is, you'd better start doing it intelligently. When you're going to be manipulating high

  • effort and high intensity effort, consistently in your training, through all different types

  • of goalswhether you're training for power, speed, or endurance, or size, or strength

  • then you'd better know that you have a plan in place to allow you to realize the

  • best aspects of those goals without breaking your body down to the point that you are either

  • getting injured, or you just simply can't recover.

  • So it's not just about training hard. It's about how smart you can train hard. That is

  • where shit gets done. That is talking about blending purpose with intensity. That's the

  • Holy Grail. They're not independent of each other. They have to be trained and thought

  • about together because you could train like an animaland maybe a lot of us do this

  • when we're youngeryou train like an animal, you push shit around the gym like you've never

  • done before.

  • Ultimately, if you have no plan you're going to break down. I've seen it happen so many

  • times. Your body will betray you. On the other side of the coin, I don’t care how smart

  • you are. I don’t care if you know about the Golgi tendon organ, or if you know about

  • sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and everything in between.

  • If you can't put effort behind your knowledge and put it in practice it ain't worth a damn

  • and you're not going to get the results just by knowing those fancy terms. It's about blending

  • them together. Look, here's the only thing I want you to do: the next time you train,

  • whether it be with ATHLEANX, or some other inferior program; the fact of the matter is

  • this, guys, do me one favor, please.

  • Don’t just exist in your workout. Train. Push. Improve. Push for something that you

  • like I said earlierdo something you've never done before. Do something you have never

  • been able to accomplish before today and then tomorrow, do something again that you never

  • did up until today. Always push to improve.

  • For those 30, 45, 60 minutes that you're in the gym, don’t think about the fight you

  • had with your girlfriend, or where you guys are going for dinner, trying to make up, or

  • what movie you're going to go see, or fixing your broken down car, or picking up the batteries

  • and the milk from CVS.

  • Whatever the hell it is that you've got to do, think about none of that. Take all that

  • shit and get it out of your mind and think about just one thing. That is takingactively

  • takingwhat your body is not willing to give you. You win that fight and I promise

  • your training hard enough.

  • All right, guys. Rant over, ear muffs off. I hope you've found this video helpful. Yes,

  • it's got me fired up, but it is such an important part in training and the results that you're

  • going to see because if you get this part wronglike I said beforeit doesn’t

  • matter what you know.

  • It doesn’t matter anything. It all comes down to your effort. Effort is everything

  • and it matters. If you're looking for a training program to help you with the partthe

  • smart partand try to teach you what you have to do and when you have to do it; I'm

  • happy to do that for you.

  • It's over at Our ATHLEANX training system will spell everything out for you,

  • step by step. But you've got to give me the effort. I will do my best to grab it out of

  • you every single day. I try to coach you through every workout and I'll do my best, but you've

  • got to give it to me.

  • Give me everything you've got. All right, guys. I hope you've found this video helpful.

  • I'll be back here in just a couple days with some more content here. You tell me what you

  • want to see and I'll do my best to bring that to you.

  • All right, guys. I'll see you again soon. See you.

What's up, guys? Jeff Cavaliere,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

あなたは十分にハードなトレーニングをしていますか? (Are you Training Hard Enough (TAKE THIS TEST!))

  • 152 6
    陳銘德 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日