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  • There's this fact that I love that I read somewhere once,

    何かで読んで 気に入っている話なんですが

  • that one of the things that's contributed to homo sapiens' success


  • as a species


  • is our lack of body hair --

    体毛の欠如が あると言うんです

  • that our hairlessness, our nakedness

    我々に体毛がなく 裸であることが

  • combined with our invention of clothing,


  • gives us the ability to modulate our body temperature

    体温を自由に 調整できるようにし

  • and thus be able to survive in any climate we choose.

    どのような気候条件下でも 生きられるようになったのだと

  • And now we've evolved to the point where we can't survive without clothing.

    今では我々は服なしには 生きられないまでになりましたが

  • And it's more than just utility,

    服には実用以上の 意味があり

  • now it's a communication.


  • Everything that we choose to put on is a narrative,

    我々の身に付けるものすべてが 何かを物語っています

  • a story about where we've been,


  • what we're doing,


  • who we want to be.


  • I was a lonely kid.


  • I didn't have an easy time finding friends to play with,


  • and I ended up making a lot of my own play.

    一人で遊ぶ方法を 見つけていました

  • I made a lot of my own toys.

    自分でおもちゃを いろいろ作りましたが

  • It began with ice cream.


  • There was a Baskin-Robbins in my hometown,

    私の故郷の町には サーティワンアイスクリームがあって

  • and they served ice cream from behind the counter

    カウンターに並んだ 20Lの巨大な厚紙製の桶から

  • in these giant, five-gallon, cardboard tubs.


  • And someone told me -- I was eight years old --

    8歳の時のことですが 誰かから聞いたんです

  • someone told me that when they were done with those tubs,


  • they washed them out and kept them in the back,


  • and if you asked they would give you one.


  • It took me a couple of weeks to work up the courage,

    勇気を奮い起こすのに 2週間かかりましたが

  • but I did, and they did.


  • They gave me one -- I went home with this beautiful cardboard tub.

    その素敵な厚紙製の桶を 持ち帰りました

  • I was trying to figure out what I could do with this exotic material --

    その魅惑的な素材で いったい何ができるか考えました

  • metal ring, top and bottom.


  • I started turning it over in my head, and I realized, "Wait a minute --


  • my head actually fits inside this thing."

    「おや 頭にピッタリの大きさだ」

  • (Laughter)


  • Yeah, I cut a hole out,


  • I put some acetate in there


  • and I made myself a space helmet.


  • (Laughter)


  • I needed a place to wear the space helmet,

    そうすると宇宙ヘルメットを 被れる場所が必要です

  • so I found a refrigerator box a couple blocks from home.

    家から2ブロック離れたところで 大きな段ボール箱を見つけ

  • I pushed it home,


  • and in my parents' guest room closet,


  • I turned it into a spaceship.


  • I started with a control panel out of cardboard.

    まずボール紙で 制御板を作り始めました

  • I cut a hole for a radar screen


  • and put a flashlight underneath it to light it.


  • I put a view screen up, which I offset off the back wall --

    上には黒い壁に向けて 画面を付けます

  • and this is where I thought I was being really clever --

    すごく上手い考えだと 思ったんですが

  • without permission, I painted the back wall of the closet black

    両親の許可を得ずに クローゼットの壁を黒く塗り

  • and put a star field,

    屋根裏で見つけた クリスマスのランプで

  • which I lit up with some Christmas lights I found in the attic,


  • and I went on some space missions.

    そしてスペースミッションに 乗り出したのです

  • A couple years later,


  • the movie "Jaws" came out.


  • I was way too young to see it, but I was caught up in "Jaws" fever,

    私は小さすぎて 見られませんでしたが

  • like everyone else in America at the time.

    当時のアメリカのみんなと同様 ジョーズ熱に浮かされました

  • There was a store in my town that had a "Jaws" costume in their window,

    町に『ジョーズ』のコスチュームを 飾っている店があって

  • and my mom must have overheard me talking to someone

    それがすごくイカしていると 誰かに私が言ったのを

  • about how awesome I thought this costume was,


  • because a couple days before Halloween,


  • she blew my freaking mind by giving me this "Jaws" costume.

    そのジョーズのコスチュームをくれて 私を驚喜させました

  • Now, I recognize it's a bit of a trope


  • for people of a certain age to complain

    自分がどれほど恵まれているか わかっていない」と

  • that kids these days have no idea how good they have it,

    年寄りが愚痴るのは野暮だ というのは分かってますが

  • but let me just show you a random sampling

    近頃ネットで買える入門レベルの 子供用コスチュームがどんなものか

  • of entry-level kids' costumes you can buy online right now ...


  • ... and this is the "Jaws" costume my mom bought for me.

    そしてこれが 私に母が買ってくれた ジョーズのコスチュームです

  • (Laughter)


  • This is a paper-thin shark face


  • and a vinyl bib with the poster of "Jaws" on it.

    ジョーズのポスターをプリントした ビニールが貼り付けてあります

  • (Laughter)


  • And I loved it.


  • A couple years later,


  • my dad took me to a film called "Excalibur."

    父が『エクスカリバー』という映画に 連れて行ってくれました

  • I actually got him to take me to it twice,


  • which is no small thing, because it is a hard, R-rated film.

    これは大したことでした R指定の映画でしたから

  • But it wasn't the blood and guts or the boobs

    でも私がまた 見たくなったのは

  • that made me want to go see it again.

    血や内臓やおっぱいの ためではありません

  • They helped --

    それもなくはありませんが —

  • (Laughter)


  • It was the armor.


  • The armor in "Excalibur" was intoxicatingly beautiful to me.

    『エクスカリバー』に出てくる鎧は うっとりするほど素晴らしく見えました

  • These were literally knights in shining, mirror-polished armor.

    文字通り鏡のように磨き上げられた 輝く鎧を身にまとった騎士達 —

  • And moreover, the knights in "Excalibur" wear their armor everywhere.

    しかも『エクスカリバー』の騎士達は いつでも鎧を着ていました

  • All the time -- they wear it at dinner, they wear it to bed.

    夕食の時だろうと 寝る時だろうと

  • (Laughter)


  • I was like, "Are they reading my mind?

    僕の気持ちが 分かるのかと思いました

  • I want to wear armor all the time!"

    「僕だってずっと 鎧を着ていたい!」

  • (Laughter)


  • So I went back to my favorite material,

    それでまた お気に入りの素材を手にしました

  • the gateway drug for making,


  • corrugated cardboard,


  • and I made myself a suit of armor,


  • replete with the neck shields and a white horse.

    ネック・シールドと 白馬までつけて

  • Now that I've oversold it,


  • here's a picture of the armor that I made.


  • (Laughter)


  • (Applause)


  • Now, this is only the first suit of armor I made

    これは私が『エクスカリバー』に 刺激されて作った

  • inspired by "Excalibur."


  • A couple of years later,


  • I convinced my dad to embark on making me a proper suit of armor.

    ちゃんとした鎧を作るのを 手伝ってくれるよう父を説得しました

  • Over about a month,


  • he graduated me from cardboard to roofing aluminum called flashing

    段ボールは卒業して 屋根に使うアルミ材の フラッシングを使い

  • and still, one of my all-time favorite attachment materials,


  • POP rivets.


  • We carefully, over that month,


  • constructed an articulated suit of aluminum armor

    複合曲線で構成され関節のある アルミ製の鎧一式を

  • with compound curves.


  • We drilled holes in the helmet so that I could breathe,

    ヘルメットには息が出来るよう ドリルで穴を開けました

  • and I finished just in time for Halloween and wore it to school.

    ちょうどハロウィーン前に完成させ 学校に着て行ったんです

  • Now, this is the one thing in this talk


  • that I don't have a slide to show you,


  • because no photo exists of this armor.


  • I did wear it to school,


  • there was a yearbook photographer patrolling the halls,

    卒業アルバムのカメラマンが 廊下を歩き回っていましたが

  • but he never found me, for reasons that are about to become clear.

    後で述べる理由により 私を見かけることはなかったのです

  • There were things I didn't anticipate

    アルミで出来た完全な鎧を 学校に着ていくことには

  • about wearing a complete suit of aluminum armor to school.


  • In third period math, I was standing in the back of class,


  • and I'm standing in the back of class

    私は教室の後ろに 立っていました

  • because the armor did not allow me to sit down.

    その鎧を着ていると 座れなかったものですから

  • (Laughter)


  • This is the first thing I didn't anticipate.

    これは私の予期して いなかったことの1つです

  • And then my teacher looks at me sort of concerned

    先生が授業の途中に 心配して

  • about halfway through the class and says, "Are you feeling OK?"


  • I'm thinking, "Are you kidding? Am I feeling OK?

    私は思いました 「何言ってるの? 大丈夫かだって?

  • I'm wearing a suit of armor! I am having the time of my --"

    鎧を着ているんだぞ! 人生最高の時と言っても・・・」

  • And I'm just about to tell her how great I feel,

    自分がどんなにいい気分か 言おうとした矢先

  • when the classroom starts to list to the left


  • and disappear down this long tunnel,

    長いトンネルの向こうに 消えていきました

  • and then I woke up in the nurse's office.

    目を覚ますと 保健室にいました

  • I had passed out from heat exhaustion,

    鎧を着ていたために 熱中症になって

  • wearing the armor.


  • And when I woke up,


  • I wasn't embarrassed about having passed out in front of my class,

    教室で気を失って 恥ずかしいということではなく

  • I was wondering, "Who took my armor? Where's my armor?"

    「僕の鎧はどこなの?」 ということでした

  • OK, fast-forward a whole bunch of years,


  • some colleagues and I get hired to make a show for Discovery Channel,

    私達はディスカバリー チャンネルで

  • called "MythBusters."

    『怪しい伝説』という番組を やることになりました

  • And over 14 years,


  • I learn on the job how to build experimental methodologies


  • and how to tell stories about them for television.

    テレビでの伝え方について 多くを学びました

  • I also learn early on

    また早い時点で ストーリーテリングにおいては

  • that costuming can play a key role in this storytelling.

    コスチュームが重要な役割を 果たしうることに気付きました

  • I use costumes to add humor, comedy, color

    私はコスチュームを ユーモアを持たせるために コメディとして 特色を与えるために

  • and narrative clarity to the stories we're telling.

    また語っている物語を 明快に示すために使います

  • And then we do an episode called "Dumpster Diving,"

    それから『ゴミ箱ダイブ』 という回をやったとき

  • and I learn a little bit more


  • about the deeper implications of what costuming means to me.

    もっと深い意味があることに 気付きました

  • In the episode "Dumpster Diving,"

    この回で 答えようとした疑問は

  • the question we were trying to answer is:

    「高いところから ゴミ箱に飛び込むのは

  • Is jumping into a dumpster as safe

    映画が見せているように 本当に安全なのか?」

  • as the movies would lead you to believe?


  • (Laughter)


  • The episode was going to have two distinct parts to it.

    この回は2部に 分かれていました

  • One was where we get trained to jump off buildings by a stuntman

    1つは建物からエアマットに 飛び降りるトレーニングを

  • into an air bag.

    スタントマンから 受けるというもの

  • And the second was the graduation to the experiment:

    2つ目の部分で 実験へと進んで

  • we'd fill a dumpster full of material and we'd jump into it.

    ゴミ箱にものを詰め込んで その中に飛び降ります

  • I wanted to visually separate these two elements,

    この2つの要素を視覚的に はっきり分けたくて

  • and I thought,


  • "Well, for the first part we're training, so we should wear sweatsuits --

    「1番目の部分はトレーニングだから 運動着を着るべきだろう

  • Oh! Let's put 'Stunt Trainee' on the back of the sweatsuits.

    そうだ 服の背中に “スタント実習生” と 書いておくことにしよう

  • That's for the training."

    トレーニングだと 分かるように」

  • But for the second part, I wanted something really visually striking --

    2番目の部分は視覚的に インパクトのあるものにしたかったので

  • "I know! I'll dress as Neo from 'The Matrix.'"

    「よし “マトリックス” のネオの 格好で行くぞ!」と決めました

  • (Laughter)


  • So I went to Haight Street.

    それでサンフランシスコの ヘイト通りに行って

  • I bought some beautiful knee-high, buckle boots.

    膝まである見事な 留め金付ブーツを買い

  • I found a long, flowing coat on eBay.

    さらにeBayで 長いすらっとしたコートを買いました

  • I got sunglasses, which I had to wear contact lenses in order to wear.

    サングラスも手に入れましたが するとコンタクトにしなきゃいけません

  • The day of the experiment shoot comes up,


  • and I step out of my car in this costume,

    このコスチュームで 車から降り立つと

  • and my crew takes a look at me ...

    それを見た番組スタッフが —

  • and start suppressing their church giggles.

    必死に笑いを押し殺し ているのがわかりました

  • They're like, "(Laugh sound)."


  • And I feel two distinct things at this moment.

    この時同時に 2つの感情を覚えました

  • I feel total embarrassment


  • over the fact that it's so nakedly clear to my crew

    マジで入れ込んでいることが スタッフの目に明らかで

  • that I'm completely into wearing this costume.


  • (Laughter)


  • But the producer in my mind reminds myself


  • that in the high-speed shot in slow-mo,


  • that flowing coat is going to look beautiful behind me.

    このコートは きれいに後ろへ たなびくはずだとも思っていました

  • (Laughter)


  • Five years into the "MythBusters" run,


  • we got invited to appear at San Diego Comic-Con.

    私たちはサンディエゴの コミコンに招待されました

  • I'd known about Comic-Con for years and never had time to go.

    ずっと行きたいと思いながら それまで行く機会がありませんでした

  • This was the big leagues -- this was costuming mecca.

    すごく大規模な コスプレの祭典です

  • People fly in from all over the world

    このサンディエゴの舞台で 自分の見事な創作物を見せようと

  • to show their amazing creations on the floor in San Diego.


  • And I wanted to participate.


  • I decided that I would put together an elaborate costume


  • that covered me completely,


  • and I would walk the floor of San Diego Comic-Con anonymously.

    人知れずコミコン会場を 歩き回ることにしました

  • The costume I chose?


  • Hellboy.


  • That's not my costume,


  • that's actually Hellboy.


  • (Laughter)


  • But I spent months

    視覚的に可能な限り正確な コスチュームを組み上げるために

  • assembling the most screen-accurate Hellboy costume I could,


  • from the boots to the belt to the pants


  • to the right hand of doom.


  • I found a guy who made a prosthetic Hellboy head and chest

    ヘルボーイの頭部と胸部を 作ったという人を見つけ

  • and I put them on.

    それを使わせて もらうことにし

  • I even had contact lenses made in my prescription.

    度入りのカラーコンタクトまで 用意しました

  • I wore it onto the floor at Comic-Con

    コミコン会場で これを着ましたが

  • and I can't even tell you how balls hot it was in that costume.

    このコスチュームの中が どれだけクソ暑かったことか

  • (Laughter)


  • Sweating! I should've remembered this.

    汗だくです 忘れていましたけど

  • I'm sweating buckets and the contact lenses hurt my eyes,

    汗でびしょ濡れになって コンタクトで目も痛くなりましたが

  • and none of it matters because I'm totally in love.

    全然気になりませんでした もうすっかり夢中になっていたので

  • (Laughter)


  • Not just with the process of putting on this costume and walking the floor,

    このコスチュームを着て 会場を歩き回るというプロセスだけでなく

  • but also with the community of other costumers.

    コスプレーヤーたちの コミュニティが素晴らしいんです

  • It's not called costuming at Cons,


  • it's called "cosplay."


  • Now ostensibly, cosplay means people who dress up


  • as their favorite characters from film and television

    映画やテレビやアニメの お気に入りのキャラクターの姿に

  • and especially anime,


  • but it is so much more than that.

    ここには それ以上のものがあります

  • These aren't just people who find a costume and put it on --

    コスチュームを見つけて 着てみたというのではなく

  • they mash them up.


  • They bend them to their will.


  • They change them to be the characters they want to be in those productions.

    番組に登場して欲しいと思うキャラクターを 作り出しているんです

  • They're super clever and genius.


  • They let their freak flag fly and it's beautiful.

    オタク・パワーを全開にしていて 実に素晴らしいものです

  • (Laughter)


  • But more than that,


  • they rehearse their costumes.


  • At Comic-Con or any other Con,

    コミコンや その他のコスプレイベントでは

  • you don't just take pictures of people walking around.

    歩き回る人たちを ただ撮ったりはしません

  • You go up and say,


  • "Hey, I like your costume, can I take your picture?"

    「あなたのコスチュームいいですね 写真撮ってもいいですか?」

  • And then you give them time to get into their pose.

    それから相手が決めポーズを 取るのを待ちます

  • They've worked hard on their pose

    彼らはコスチュームが 最高に見えるポーズを見つけるために

  • to make their costume look great for your camera.


  • And it's so beautiful to watch.


  • And I take this to heart.


  • At subsequent Cons,


  • I learn Heath Ledger's shambling walk as the Joker from "The Dark Knight."

    私は『ダークナイト』でのヒース・レジャー扮する ジョーカーの歩き方を練習しました

  • I learn how to be a scary Ringwraith from "Lord of the Rings,"

    『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング』の指輪の幽鬼が いかにも恐ろしげになるよう練習して

  • and I actually frighten some children.


  • I learned that "hrr hrr hrr" --

    あの「ホゥッ ホゥッ ホゥッ」という

  • that head laugh that Chewbacca does.


  • And then I dressed up as No-Face from "Spirited Away."

    それから『千と千尋の神隠し』の カオナシの扮装をしました

  • If you don't know about "Spirited Away" and its director, Hayao Miyazaki,

    もし宮崎駿監督の『千と千尋の神隠し』を 知らないなんて人がいたら

  • first of all, you're welcome.


  • (Laughter)


  • This is a masterpiece, and one of my all-time favorite films.

    全くの名作で 大好きな映画の1つです

  • It's about a young girl named Chihiro who gets lost in the spirit world

    日本のとある 廃れたテーマパークで

  • in an abandoned Japanese theme park.

    千尋という女の子が 霊の世界に迷い込むという話です

  • And she finds her way back out again


  • with the help of a couple of friends she makes --

    そこで出来た友達の 助けを借ります

  • a captured dragon named Haku


  • and a lonely demon named No-Face.


  • No-Face is lonely and he wants to make friends,

    孤独なカオナシは 友達がほしくて

  • and he thinks the way to do it is by luring them to him


  • and producing gold in his hand.


  • But this doesn't go very well,


  • and so he ends up going on kind of a rampage


  • until Chihiro saves him,


  • rescues him.


  • So I put together a No-Face costume,

    私はカオナシの コスチュームを作り上げて

  • and I wore it on the floor at Comic-Con.


  • And I very carefully practiced No-Face's gestures.

    そしてカオナシらしい動きを よく練習しました

  • I resolved I would not speak in this costume at all.

    このコスチュームを着ているときは 口を利かないと決めていました

  • When people asked to take my picture,


  • I would nod


  • and I would shyly stand next to them.


  • They would take the picture


  • and then I would secret out from behind my robe


  • a chocolate gold coin.


  • And at the end of the photo process, I'd make it appear for them.


  • Ah, ah ah! -- like that.


  • And people were freaking out.


  • "Holy crap! Gold from No-Face! Oh my god, this is so cool!"

    「カオナシが金をくれた! すごい!」

  • And I'm feeling and I'm walking the floor and it's fantastic.

    私は上機嫌で会場を歩き回り 実に楽しかったです

  • And about 15 minutes in something happens.

    それから15分くらいして あることが起きました

  • Somebody grabs my hand,


  • and they put a coin back into it.


  • And I think maybe they're giving me a coin as a return gift,

    お返しとして何かのコインを くれたのかと思いましたが

  • but no, this is one of the coins that I'd given away.

    違いました 私があげたものです

  • I don't know why.

    なぜなのか 分かりませんでした

  • And I keep on going, I take some more pictures.


  • And then it happens again.


  • Understand, I can't see anything inside this costume.

    このコスチュームを着ていると 何も見えないんです

  • I can see through the mouth --


  • I can see people's shoes.


  • I can hear what they're saying and I can see their feet.

    相手の言っていることは聞こえ 足だけが見えます

  • But the third time someone gives me back a coin,

    3度目に金貨を 突き返されたとき

  • I want to know what's going on.

    いったい何なのか 知りたいと思いました

  • So I sort of tilt my head back to get a better view,

    それでよく見えるよう 頭を上向けると

  • and what I see is someone walking away from me going like this.

    誰かが歩き去りながら こんな身振りをするのが見えました

  • And then it hits me:


  • it's bad luck to take gold from No-Face.

    カオナシから金を受け取ると 不幸になるんです

  • In the film "Spirited Away,"


  • bad luck befalls those who take gold from No-Face.

    カオナシから金を受け取った人には みんな不幸が訪れます

  • This isn't a performer-audience relationship; this is cosplay.

    これは演ずる者と観客という関係ではなく 「コスプレ」なんです

  • We are, all of us on that floor,


  • injecting ourselves into a narrative that meant something to us.

    私たちにとって大切な物語の中に 身を置いていて

  • And we're making it our own.

    みんなそれを 自分のものにしています

  • We're connecting with something important inside of us.

    私たちの中にある大切なもので みんな繋がっているんです

  • And the costumes are how we reveal ourselves


  • to each other.

    私たちが相手に 自分を見せる方法なんです

  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


There's this fact that I love that I read somewhere once,

何かで読んで 気に入っている話なんですが


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