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  • Welcome back!

  • This week, we're looking at the 10 most difficult words that ESL students...

  • Welcome back!

  • This week, we're looking at the 10 most difficult words to pronounce if you're an ESL learner!

  • Today, I'm gonna teach you how to kind of cheat at saying them.

  • So you'll still have the correct pronunciation,

  • but...

  • it's little bit cheating.

  • The first word :

  • Asked

  • Like many regular verbs in the past tense,

  • ESL learners have problems with them.

  • This is definitely no exception.

  • So,

  • "Asked" /ɑːskt/

  • That's the correct way to pronounce it, however,

  • usually, you'd just hear people say

  • for example,

  • "I asked him blah blah blah"

  • Listen again!

  • "I asked him blah blah blah"

  • That doesn't sound like "I asked him", it sounds like "I ast"

  • "I ast him"

  • Again, British English can be quite lazy,

  • so, if you pronounce it like "I ast him",

  • it basically sounds the same!

  • Now, it'll be easier for you to pronouce!

  • "I asked him blah blah blah"

  • Next one!

  • Clothes

  • Oh my God, this one is ridiculous for non-English speakers to pronounce!

  • Firstly, mostly, because it's got the 'th' /ð/ sound,

  • which most languages don't have.

  • Clothes

  • "Clothes" is the correct way of saying it,

  • but,

  • if you say this word,

  • "close"

  • again, in lazy English, it kind of sounds the same!

  • So, for example, if you said :

  • "I am not wearing any clothes"

  • I said "I am not wearing any close"

  • But, in general speech, you won't hear people pronounce "clothes",

  • you'll hear real British people say "close",

  • which is natural!

  • Again, it's got that 'th' sound,

  • but this time, not a /ð/, but a /θ/

  • The correct way :

  • Months /mʌnθs/

  • But how do you say the easy way?

  • Say this word : Munts

  • If you say it a little bit fast, it sounds the same.

  • "I've been here for 6 months (munts)"

  • This one causes a lot of problems :

  • How do we pronouce this?

  • You've seen in one of our videos that the "el" cound sound like a "ew",

  • so,

  • first part of the word :

  • Jewel

  • you could just say like "jool"

  • What's left?

  • "ry"

  • Jewellery (jool-ry)

  • You say it : jewellery

  • "I'm wearing a watch, but I don't like wearing jewellery"

  • You trying to say it :

  • Sausage

  • Sau - sage

  • Sausage

  • Sausage

  • That's a fun way to say it!

  • Next one is what I am right now, because this is very "this word" :

  • Come - for - table? No!

  • Comfortable /kʌmftəbl/

  • Take out the middle :

  • We really only pronouce it :

  • Comf -

  • - table

  • Comf - table

  • Comf - table

  • Comfortable

  • The same with this word :

  • Vegetable

  • We don't say ve - ge - ta - ble, no,

  • Vegetable /veʤtəbl/

  • A comfortable vegetable

  • This one is pretty difficult..Ok, let's try!

  • Let's break it down in easy sections :

  • so, "Li-"

  • " - tra -" (tera)

  • " - cha" (ture)

  • Li - tera - ture

  • So, this T would be like a glottal T.

  • Li /lɪ'/

  • tera /ʧrə/

  • ture /ʧə/

  • Literature /lɪʧrəʧə/

  • You try it : Literature

  • Then, speed up : literature

  • "What did you study?" - "I studied literature"

  • The end finishes in "-ture"

  • The first :

  • Culture (cool)?

  • No, it's a /kʌ/

  • Culture /kʌlʧə/

  • Culture

  • Culture

  • "In London, you'll see many many different cultures"

  • The next two kind of go together :

  • I always hear this pronounced as /su:ɪt/

  • or "sweet"

  • Yes, there's an "I" there, but we don't pronounce the "I"

  • It just sounds like /su:t/

  • The same with this one :

  • Fruit

  • Fruit /fru:t/

  • Challenge for you! In the comments section, make the longest sentence possible using all of these words!

  • Ready for the next lesson?

  • Click here!

  • Non-automatic English subtitles by Julie Descaves

Welcome back!


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B1 中級

発音でごまかす方法!難易度の高い英単語10選! (How to cheat at pronunciation! 10 most difficult English words!)

  • 1750 215
    Angela Yeh に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日