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  • Time for the first hand of heat seven. Everyone starts the heat with a million chips and we start the blinds at 5,000/10,000 with a 2,000 ante.

  • Fold

  • I’m going to call.

  • Okay yes, great idea Sara, love it love you – I mean I love it.

  • She’s limped with ace-deuce.

  • Me and Mrs Finland right now heads-up.

  • I believe it’s ‘Miss’.

  • Miss, I’m sorry, Miss Finland. Alright let’s see a flop.

  • So there’s no Mr Finland, okay.

  • There’s a 4 on the flop, Ronnie has bottom pair.

  • Hi

  • Hi

  • Ronnie if you bust her on the first hand.

  • He bets

  • 30,000

  • And Sara raises with a straight draw.

  • You have something?

  • Yes, I do.

  • I believe you.

  • 30,000?

  • Yeah.

  • It’s the way all my relationships start, with lies.

  • So Ronnie has called the raise and improves to trips on the turn.

  • Oh boy...

  • Why are you checking?

  • You raised me on the flop.

  • She bets just over half the pot.

  • Ronnie do not bust her trip before the swimsuit portion.

  • Ronnie’s clock is running. Remember every player has 30 seconds per decision.

  • If he thinks she’s bluffing hell call her, if not her could raise.

  • Your shot clock.

  • Yeah I forgot that!

  • Raise, 155,000

  • 155,000...

  • She really should not be calling this.

  • 255,000 She re-raises, ...what?

  • ah ok

  • I'm not used to this, yet, hm

  • Really huh?! 255,000.

  • Yes.

  • F*ck me

  • Ronnie calls, which means we are going to the river and that means the cage is coming into play.

  • Hey, what was her special talent in Miss Finland contest? Was it punting poker chips?

  • The board bricks out for Sara, she has just ace high.

  • Ronnie, she’s a little better looking than you, were kind of rooting for her so!

  • Yeah, I know!

  • Check...

  • She's bluffed every street so far...

  • All in! And she shoves!

  • And she slides out the bluff card.

  • Oh my god! How is this happening, I thought it would – I wanted to stay and play with you Miss Finland!

  • I understand

  • I know, I am.

  • 10 seconds Ronnie...

  • He’s playing a Time Bank chip, he gets an extra 30 seconds.

  • There's a reason why, it's the Finnish reputation right? I have a four...

  • He shows her his hand!

  • You have 5s full or something? Sick sick bluff kid.

  • I don't think you'd just raise a Queen.

  • I don't have a real kicker. I can show both cards right?

  • Slight flutter from Sarah, but what does it mean? OMG...

  • Ronnie must think she has ithe’s considering folding this monster

  • and if he does he’s going in the cage!!

  • He's requested more time

  • I don’t know do you, how could, how do you play this game, do you know I have a 4 here?

  • You know I have trips, I don’t know if I can fold this hand, I don’t know how you play, I’ve never played with you before.

  • What is going on here? If I fold this hand and and they see this fold and you have like king-queen or something,

  • it’s going to be the most embarrassing thing ever for me. You understand this, right?

  • I don’t know how many times I have to go through this hand… I’m like nervous, I don’t know what’s going on.

  • It’s nice over there.

  • 300, 500.

  • Oh my god 600.

  • Five seconds...

  • ...and Ronnie has folded!

  • Holy, sch-nikes...

  • It's a bluff!

  • Show, she has ace-high...

  • Ronnie you're going to the cage!

  • He cannot believe it...

  • I was really scared, oh my god.

  • Is this real life?

  • Did this just happen to me?

  • I almost had a heart attack.

  • Wow, that was fantastic, you've got some balls girl.

  • I could have two million chips?!

  • Oh my god.

  • Good lay-down (sarcasm)

Time for the first hand of heat seven. Everyone starts the heat with a million chips and we start the blinds at 5,000/10,000 with a 2,000 ante.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ミス・フィンランドとの驚くべきポーカーハンド - シャークケージでの騒乱| ポーカースターズ (Amazing Poker Hand with Miss Finland - Mayhem on the Shark Cage! | PokerStars)

  • 50 2
    Happy New に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日