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Yes, hello and welcome to this grammar lesson. Today
we are looking at Verb Patterns and specifically the
+ - ING or to + infinitive patterns,
and in today's lesson we going to be looking
at verbs that take the ING form will be looking at verbs that take the to+ infinitive
will look at verbs take somebody + to + infinitive
and we'll look at verbs that the take the -ING or,
the to + infinitive form, okay.
Now let's go to the classroom. Now
firstly I just explain quickly that verb patterns
are normally when one verb is followed by another verb
ok? So when we have two verbs together, the structure
that we use is normally verb + ING
or verb + infinitive with 'to'
or sometimes without 'to', okay? Now if we look at the examples here,
we'll see it clearly that, for example, I enjoy
cooking, so, I enjoy cooking
-ING or. we say I forgot
to cook lunch, so, we can see that the verb +
ING or the verb + infinitive
okay, now let's go to part 1. Now
part 1 is verbs that take the -ing
form. When they follow another verb, okay?
now, the verbs that take the -ING structure
are: like, love
adore, enjoy
prefer, hate
don't mind, can't stand
look forward to, okay?
Now, we'll see some there with an asterisk and what that means is that we
can sometimes use these verbs with 'to'
but -ING is more usual, ok?
So we can say I like to go or I like going
the more common thing is to say I like going.
Now let's have a look at some examples on the next page here
So, for example, I love fishing
I don't mind doing the dishes
I adore spending time with my family
and, I can't stand waiting in queues.
And finally
I look forward to meeting you again. So all these verbs here
we can see take the -ing structure
Now part 2
is burbs plus to plus infinity
now burbs
the take the two plus infinitives form
%ah agree shoes
yeah decide expect
to get hell hope
learn manage need
of a promise refuse
seem want would like
would love would pursue the and would hate
okay now we have a couple of the see it also with an asterisk
and that means that they can be used without
to so it didn't help can also be used without to
just take infinity with out to now
the examples that we have on this page
%ah I'd choose to wear a suit
to work I choose to wait he expects to arrive
on time she seems to be
little nervous don't forget to pick me up
at AP in
or I would love to visit in a bar a this
summer okay so we can see the structure i'd shoes
the to Wasilla two-plus infinitive
and then what it was it whatever else so I choose to wear
suit to now part 3
is the plus somebody plus two plus infinity
night now the difference between the ones that we just saw is that we put
somebody whether it's he she you me
all or whatever in between
okay now as we can see here the burbs to take this structure
summer them a similar to the last ones as well so don't be surprised if you see
some birds
repeated so for example advise
allow I ask a
encourage expect
help need invite
order remind tale
want warn would like
would love would prefer to
would hate now
as I said some of those that were repeated so let's have a look at some of
the examples here
he advised me to stay at home
will you allow me to introduce myself
we invited them to the party
and she told me to be quiet and I would hate
you to get lost okay so we can see that taking the same structure
with putting somebody in between
he advised me he will you allow
me we invited name take cetera
ok I said those birds that we saw before take these
particular structure now pop for
is birds that take the ING all
the two plus infinity okay now
the urge to take these with no change in me
now this means that you can use begin you can use
stopped well you can use continue with either
ING or two plus infinity with no change in me
alright so for example E
again to rain or eat again rainy
it started to rain or it started
raining it continued to rain
it continued raining is no changing meaning
however if we look at these next birds do have a change
meaning now what this means is that if we use
remember stalled or try
okay the meaning changes
according to weather we have been ING a way that we have a two plus infinity
now to explain this a little bit out let's have a look at some examples
sought I remember buying
chocolate I have a memory applying chocolate okay
I have a memory applying chocolate that if I say
I remembered to buy some chocolate it means that I reminded myself
so there's a difference in meaning okay between
remember buying and remembered to buy
now he will see the other the with the examples
with the change meaning stop for example I stopped
eating chocolate idoney chocolate anymore a guy I have completely stopped
eating chocolate I no longer eat it
that if I say I stopped to eat some chocolate
it means that I was doing something like giving this class
and I stopped giving the class and I
ate some chocolate okay so I stopped
class to eat some chocolate to activities
the first one idoney chocolate anymore
second one is that I was doing something and I stopped at and I did something
so I stopped to E some chocolate
and with this last the try
I tried to call his office but the line was busy
I made the effort to do it okay I tried to call is lot
to call his office but the line was busy so I tried calling his mother but fun
serenaded with the new method I tried a new method to get through to him
so I tried calling his mother while will he sell
but I'm so I tried to call that he wasn't day
so I made the effort then I tried calling
I experimented I tried calling his mother blow okay
now that's all for this lesson thank you very much for watching now remember if
you have any doubts or any questions just leave a comment below
thanks a lot have a nice day