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  • [Sally Bourke]: Maisie is extremely clever.

  • Very creative, very entertaining.

  • [Maisie Bourke]: Can we make it more like a mountain?

  • [Sally Bourke]: But, she's always been challenging.

  • She's always just pushed the limits and boundaries.

  • But she's so loving and she's got a lovely character.

  • That I never thought there was some label that

  • needed to be attached to her for me to understand my child.

  • I feel like her childhood has been snatched away from me.

  • [MAISIE]

  • [Sally Bourke]: I'm Sally Bourke. I live in Hull in East Yorkshire.

  • I'm Maisie's mum, Maisie's thirteen

  • and currently she's in a hospital for children with mental health issues

  • in Sheffield.

  • Going to see Maisie every time it's not just popping into the car and

  • nipping to the local hospital when your child is poorly

  • and you're on visiting times;

  • It's planning a journey: so, making sure that

  • I've got enough fuel in my tank,

  • making sure that I've got my water topped up.

  • A bag of washing.

  • I have to do laundry every week.

  • [Paper bag rustles as she puts it down]

  • [Sally Bourke]: So, we've got to hit the road because

  • it takes an hour.

  • I try to put fifty minutes extra in case there's any

  • hold-ups.

  • Erm..

  • and, sometimes it's difficult to get packed.

  • So,

  • I've got to

  • get on the road and hope that

  • the traffic''s kind.

  • [Bag rustles]

  • [Door opens]

  • [Bag rustles]

  • [Trunk/Boot opens]

  • [Bag rustles]

  • [Bag rustles]

  • [Bag rustles]

  • [Bag rustles]

  • [Trunk/Boot closes]

  • [Keys jingle]

  • [Key turns in lock]

  • [Car door opens]

  • [Ignition revs up]

  • [Car door closes]

  • [Engine runs as car backs up]

  • [Sound of car driving]

  • [Sally Bourke]: This is West End;

  • what used to be our unit in Hole for children that are sufferiing with mental health issues.

  • Because it's

  • shut,

  • erm..

  • Maisie's now in Sheffield;

  • but, if that was open, Maisie could just be there

  • which is about a mile away from home.

  • When I had my baby, I was-

  • I was only young myself and..

  • I was overwhelmed by

  • the responsibility and

  • having to put somebody else before me.

  • Erm..

  • And, it was

  • quite a shock to the system.

  • But I knew, even at that young age,

  • that that baby was my world.

  • And even though

  • lots of people thought that I was an idiot for having a child so young;

  • I wanted to prove that, even though I was young,

  • that..

  • my child was going to turn out

  • awesome.

  • And, she has!

  • [Sound of car driving]

  • [Sound of traffic]

  • [Sally Bourke]: Seeing Maisie hit milestones

  • and being

  • motivated;

  • it's worth all the hard work

  • and all the nights of

  • crying babies and changing nappies and..

  • all those days where

  • you wish you could pull your hair out.

  • And, I swear,

  • you're not allowed to-

  • you can't go out partying

  • because you haven't got a babysitter,

  • or you can't afford it,

  • 'cause the kids have needed shoes.

  • [Sound of traffic]

  • [Ominous music]

  • [Sally Bourke]: That I'm aware of,

  • Maisie started self-harming

  • in December of 2013.

  • [Ominous music]

  • [Sally Bourke]: I came home from work,

  • and found her trying to stab herself with a pair of scissors.

  • [Ominous music]

  • [Sally Bourke]: Some days,

  • it haunts me more than other days.

  • There was..

  • a few months(?)..

  • where I would replay her life.

  • Replay

  • events

  • where (I thought)

  • "How could I have missed it?"

  • I felt that..

  • I let her down.

  • [Sound of car driving]

  • [Ominous music]

  • [Sound of traffic]

  • [Ominous music]

  • [Sally Bourke]: At the moment,

  • I've got

  • butterflies going in my stomach.

  • I'm always apprehensive before I go

  • on any visit to see Maisie,

  • wondering what

  • I'm going to hear;

  • if she's

  • had any incidents,

  • or

  • what kind of mood she's going to be in.

  • If I'm going to get any

  • reports that

  • sometimes are quite hard to hear.

  • [Ominous music]

  • [Sally Bourke]: I officially stopped work last March;

  • but, actually, when Maisie went

  • away in December,

  • I didn't-

  • didn't go back to work,

  • from the December (on).

  • Teaching is,

  • erm..

  • you know, you can't just get away with-

  • like, (if) you're having a bad day,

  • when you're in charge of thirty children in a class.

  • Because, erm, you can't wing it;

  • you've got to know your stuff.

  • So, Maisie had to come first;

  • I had to make a choice.

  • And, of course,

  • my kids come first; they always have.

  • [Sound of gas tank and gas meter]

  • [Click]

  • [Closing fuel cap]

  • [Sound of car driving]

  • [Sound of traffic]

  • [Sally Bourke]: She already feels guilty,

  • Maisie does;

  • saying: "Mum, you've got to travel all this way."

  • It's all about money.

  • "What? You spend it on coming to see me?"

  • She carries that burden;

  • which is just not fair.

  • A girl of 13 (years old) to-

  • to feel that (way).

  • Especially when she's

  • in hospital, poorly.

  • [Sound of car driving]

  • [Somber music with the sound of traffic]

  • [Sally Bourke]: I don't think (that the)

  • professional people that make all these decisions about

  • these units closing

  • and, you know, (the ones that say)

  • "Oh, we'll just put a child in a-

  • in a bed anywhere";

  • I don't think (that) they realize

  • the physical effects

  • that that (decision) has on family members,

  • you know?

  • Not just the dynamics of time and,

  • you know, if you work;

  • it's.. emotionally exhausting.

  • [Music]

  • [Sally Bourke]: Yeah, I've still got the butterflies.

  • As I get closer to the unit,

  • at the-

  • um,

  • wind turbines,

  • near the M1,

  • that's when I start to focus on positive things:

  • what has happened everyday,

  • what I'm going to tell Maisie about.

  • So, I have to

  • almost

  • rake through

  • with a fine-toothed comb of information;

  • bits of information that I think she would be able to

  • cope with, without getting too jealous that's she's missed out.

  • It's quite difficult;

  • I don't get it right every time.

  • [Music]

  • [Sally Bourke]: Being a Mum was about

  • teaching this, and (having a) person that looks up to you, and..

  • (it) almost is a blank page; and

  • trying to

  • give her the tools

  • to see what's right and wrong in the world.

  • [Somer music]

  • [Sally Bourke]: I can't sleep at night.

  • I- I feel so tired.

  • Erm..

  • Because,

  • laying in bed knowing that

  • her bed's empty,

  • and that she's in..

  • a bed that's miles away from home;

  • [Holding back tears]

  • um..

  • it is-

  • [Tears in eyes]

  • it's horrible.

  • [Holding back tears] I-i- it's horrible;

  • knowing that if she needs me,

  • that I can't just be there for her.

  • I'm low away,

  • and..

  • I can't look after her and give her a hug, and..

  • [Holding back tears]

  • it's just wrong; it's cruel.

  • It's too cruel.

  • [Crying]

  • [Takes a deep breath]

  • It's cruel for Maisie, and-

  • and it's cruel for me.

  • [Sound of car driving]

  • [Sally Bourke]: It shouldn't be like this.

  • [Somber music]

  • [Music]

  • [Music and sound of traffic]

[Sally Bourke]: Maisie is extremely clever.


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A2 初級

重度の精神疾患との闘いメイジーの物語 (Struggling with Severe Mental Illness: The Story of Maisie)

  • 51 2
    蕭宜欣 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日