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  • L: Go to the other side. K: Yeah let's switch side.

  • L: Let's get through this side together.

  • L: Then get through the one after this all right?

  • L: Kev get through this.

  • K: Too easy!

  • L: It's not as easy as it looks!

  • K: Whats the key through?

  • L: Nothing you just run!

  • L: WOW! I passed?

  • K: Hey man go to the other side!

  • K: I don't want to go to the other side!

  • L: KK!

  • L: So whats up with the other side?

  • K: I'll open the door for you.

  • L: Wait a sec! It must be a maze on the other side!

  • K: You have my permission to drink the night vision potion.

  • L: I dont give a shit man, it's a dead end here?

  • L: How did you even get in there?

  • K: What! How could be?

  • L: It is man!

  • K: Thats not possible! L: Check it yourself then!

  • K: Teleport me then!

  • L: It's a dead end for sure man!

  • K: Thats impossible!

  • L: There! K: So how did I get in there hmmm?

  • K: You just go straight forward!

  • L: Alright here I go!

  • K: You need to get your eyes checked man!

  • L: Theres nothing infront! Did you check thoroughly!?

  • K: Bull shit!

  • L: You demonstrate how to get in then! K: You just drink the night vision potion then you can see it!

  • K: I can't see with the lights on man! L You just walk straight forward!

  • L: Just move forward!

  • K: Huh!?

  • K: Damn you're right!

  • K: Wait for me bro! I'll open the door for you.

  • 10 minutes later....

  • K: Is it opened!? L: No its not!

  • K: Is it now!? L: No man!

  • K: Now? L: Nope!

  • K: Shit man! I pressed everything!

  • 20 minutes later.....

  • L: Hey is it plenish after you got in!? K: I dont know break the walls and check it out yourself then.

  • L: Can we not break the rules for once....

  • L: It's dark down here cause its plenished. K: DUH!

  • L: Oh crap!

  • K: But the first time I got in was dark. L: Damn crap man.

  • K: What happened? L: I saw the redstone wire after I broke the walls.

  • 30 minutes later.

  • L: So after you get down there.

  • L: You get covered up by something, and can't see nothing right!?

  • K: Probably yes?

  • L: Then I'll fill it up?

  • K: Or you can skip it again!

  • L: Open the door for me.

  • K: I passed!

  • L: How?

  • L: Go to the other side and try to pass that one.

  • K: Can someone give me a hand!

  • L: He did it not me! K: Why the hell did I get shot when I got up?

  • L:: Hey he shot it pretty good!

  • L: Right in the middle! Bulls eye!

  • K: Why did I hear the sound of lava?

  • K: Am I wrong!?

  • K: WTF! Moron!

  • K: Why the hack did you summon that many for!

  • K: Screw you!

  • K: Shouldnt have told you about the eggs in there.

  • K: Thank god I passed it already.

  • L: Why did you pass?

  • K: Because I opened the door.

  • K: And theres a check point there so I my respawn place is there.

  • I'll be watching you here man haha!

  • K: Crap! I need reinforcement!

  • K: WTF!

  • K: What the hell did you teleport me for!

  • K: I got not much arrows left man!

  • K: You are such an asshole!

  • K: You are a pain in the ass you know!

  • L: Hurry up and man up bro!

  • K: Dont you dare to summon any more creatures!

  • L: I wont man!

  • L: Why are there so many of them?

  • L: Hey they got enhanced bow man!

  • L: Lets see if they'll drop any weapons!

  • K: Drop your mom!

  • K: I thought this game is more of a solving puzzles kind...

  • K: But I was wrong! It's more of a last man standing kind of game....

  • K: What the hack!

  • K: We wont be able to pass without killing all of them.

  • L: So we'll pass after killing all of them!?

  • K: Yeah man!

  • L: So we'll pass after killing all of them right? K: Have faith in me man! I'm a pro gamer!

  • K: Wanna bet!

  • K: Let's get down there together and kill them.

  • L: But I gave you all my arrows man.

  • K: Go down there and pick them up!

  • K: You dont have hands?

  • K: It's faster to kill the zombies with bare hands!

  • L: You picked up all the eggs?

  • K: What eggs?

  • L: The eggs in there.

  • K: Oh yeah I did.

  • L: All of them?

  • K: Yeah all of them.

  • L: So I only got one and you got the rest?

  • L: Holy shit! K: Yup thats right!

  • L: We must take off the thing up there.

  • K: What thing?

  • K: Why the hell do you have TNT!

  • K: Hurry up and kill them man!

  • K: Dude even my grandma is faster than you!

  • K: Shit man!

  • L: Hey how come we haven't pass the level? K: Why does your bow have such power man!?

  • K: I passed man! You just need to get up here!

  • L: Wow you're right bro!

  • K: Dumbass!

  • L: Shit! K: What!?

  • K: Hey come on!

  • 50 minutes later

  • K: Dude why are the Tnts all over the place man!

  • L: Hey I didn't do it!

  • K: Bull shit! L: For real man!

  • K: Then why did I see you placing two Tnts on the ground when I got here!?

  • L: I'll help you with the upcoming task, you want the left one or the right one?

  • K: What task!

  • L: Room 6!

  • K: I thought theres a lot of rooms?!

  • L: We just passed the previous one and got here! K: Why is it the six then!?

  • K: OH, so we were choosing the room then?

  • L: Oh so the task is me guiding the way up here?!

  • L: Do you need guiding?

  • L: I assume no.

  • K: No I dont need you!

  • K: Why would I need you if I'm better than you!

  • L: Yeah... You sure are!

  • K: Hey I was just kidding!

  • K: WTF!

  • K: Why the hell did I choose the right side!

  • K: What happened?

  • K: What?

  • K: Hey man stop breaking the glass!

  • K: And throwing the eggs down here!

  • L: How did you know!

  • L: I was just... K: Fu*k you!!!!!!

  • L: I fell to the ground cause my bad knee... haha

  • K: Then dont get up then! Fall all the way down here!

  • L: I refuse!

  • K: Guide me man!

  • L: Why are the mobs not falling down there!

  • E: Why am I hearing all the weird sounds!

  • L: Why are the mobs not falling down there!

  • K: What how is that not possible!?

  • K: I just got a chest!

  • L: Where are you?

  • K: I refuse to tell you!

  • L: What can I toss down there... K: I refuse to tell you!

  • K: Hey WTF man!

  • K: It told you to guide me not to kill me!

  • K: That not right man!

  • L: I got an idea!

  • K: Damn you...

  • L: Where are you? K: Stop your crap man!

  • L: Let me light the way for you!

  • L: I'm the light of hope!

  • K: Stop it moron!

  • K: Damn this is like full court pressure man!

  • K: I passed! I passed! I passed!

  • L: You passed!?

  • K: Yeah! As soon as you make the lava flow down I passed!

  • L: But how come my door hasn't open yet!?

  • K: Why don't you open the door! What are you doing up there!

  • L: Open the door for me man!

  • K: Me!?

  • L: Yeah you!

  • K: How is that possible!?

  • K: But I only got one lever man!

  • L: Find the switch for my door bro!

  • K: Shit man!

  • K: You melted the place man!

  • L: Only that one block okay!

  • L: And that wouldn't really do anything man!

  • K: Dude if its burning,

  • K: Dude if its burning, I would quit the game.

  • K: Shit! Its barely burning!

  • K: Stop messing around man!

  • K: Start playing it the right way man!

  • K: Placing the Tnts all over the place and other craps!

  • L: I didn't blow up the TNT this time man!

  • K: Yeah you didn't blow up the TNT, but you place it all over the place!

  • L: No I didn't!

  • L: Hey that block was meant to place two things on it!

  • K: Can't you place something normal on it then?

  • L: I just randomly grab it without thinking, and that was TNT!

  • L: How am I suppose to know man!

  • K: So are you blaming me on mistakening you!?

  • L: Are you going to open the door or not? K: Sounds like you're blaming me?!

  • L: Come on man open the door! K: I dont like the attitude!

  • L: Dude are you goona open the door or not!

  • K: Can't help you bro, I can't even find the way out!

  • L: Dude I found a chest!

  • K: You don't even guide me man!

  • L: I said I found a chest!

  • K: I opened this one already!

  • L: OH! Really?

  • K: Yeah and there was a lever in it!

  • L: And here comes the second one!

  • L: Alright I passed!

  • K: Why?

  • K: Dude you moron! That lever is mine and you said you pass!?

  • L: Is it?

  • K: No shit man!

  • L: Alright. I'll toss it down.

  • L: Alright it's down there! K: Screw you!

  • L: Alright it's down there! Come back man! K: I dont want it anymore! I'll dig it myself!

  • L: It's infront of the door! K: I dont want to talk to you!

  • K: It's infront of the door!?

  • K: Okay, got it.

  • L: And it just opened!?

  • K: And its room 7?

  • L: What the hell is this! K: What the hack!?

  • L: No! Not packour again!

  • L: Dude come here man!

  • L: This is for you man! K: Dude same here!

  • L: Seriously!? K: Yeah man!

  • L: You go to my place!

  • L: Why does it look so hard!

  • Hey its Lewis again!

  • Do you guys like the video this time?

  • Leave a comment and let us know! And don't forget to subscribe and like the video!

  • And if you're interested in watching other videos, I'll leave some links to others in the description box.

  • Thanks for the support!

  • See you guys in the next one!

L: Go to the other side. K: Yeah let's switch side.


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A2 初級

マインクラフト 溶岩の迷宮! 第二部 (【阿飄日常】Minecraft 岩漿的迷宮! part 2)

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    鄒鄒 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日