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  • Hello, I'm Lizzie. Today's story is a famous legend about a so-called outlaw who likes

  • to stand up for poor people. He lives deep in Sherwood Forest in England with his band

  • of 'merry men'. Any ideas who this working-class hero might be?

  • Yes, that's right, it's Robin Hood. Robin has a habit of stealing from the rich

  • to give to the poor, but the Sheriff who takes money from the poor to fund his lavish lifestyle

  • can't stand him. He thinks of him as a robber and wants to have him arrested on his wedding

  • day of all days. Just as he is about to marry the beautiful Maid Marian.

  • A fight breaks out, but the Sheriff's men don't stand a chance against the fit and strong

  • Robin. He manages to escape and goes into hiding in the vast and dense Sherwood Forest.

  • The hunt is then on find him. Robin lives out in the forest and as time

  • passes, he meets various people such as Little John - who's not little at all. He's a good

  • fighter and Robin invites him to join his group of men, who together stand for equality

  • and fairness for everyone. They plan to steal money from the rich to help those who need

  • it more. But, oh dear, Robin stands to lose his lovely

  • Maid Marian... What's going to happen next?

  • You'll have to wait until next time to find out if Robin finally gets his girl!

Hello, I'm Lizzie. Today's story is a famous legend about a so-called outlaw who likes


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B1 中級

語彙 - 単語「スタンド」を使用する5つの方法 - ロビン・フッド パート1 (Vocabulary - 5 ways to use the word 'stand' - Robin Hood part 1)

  • 197 24
    Jenny に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日