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  • Hello! Welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Pikachu Pokemon Cakepop Tutorial where I'll be showing

  • you how to make this really really cute little Pikachu cakepop.

  • So tools and equipment that we will be using today:

  • I've got a couple of premade ears and I'll be showing you how to make those today.

  • I've got 2 little red... I think they're called red sequins or little red sprinkles but you

  • could also use just a little dollop of red candy melt for this.

  • I've got black candy melts. You can also use dark chocolate.

  • I've got some white nonpareils or plain white sprinkles and you can also use white chocolate,

  • just a tiny amount. I've got some water, just plain water.

  • I've got my cakepop ball. Now if you don't have a great recipe for getting your cakepop

  • balls to this stage, ready to dip and decorate. I will leave a link to the My Cupcake Addiction

  • recipe in the description box below. And that one has been refrigerated for about 15 minutes.

  • So it's really quite nice, firm and cool. I've got a lollipop stick.

  • A couple of toothpicks. I've got some melted yellow chocolate or candy

  • wafers, depending on what you like to use, so either white chocolate dyed with a little

  • bit of powder color, color paste or color gel, never liquid colors.

  • And I've got a bit of wax paper. And a zip lock bag.

  • I've just finished making a really cute little Poke-ball candy bombs. So if you're looking

  • to do a little bit of a Pokemon-themed event, you could definitely pair the 2 of these together.

  • They look absolutely fantastic. So let's get started.

  • Now the first thing that we want to do is we're going to take that lollipop stick and

  • you want to dip it about a centimeter or so in that yellow chocolate. And then, there

  • should be a little bit of a flat bottom where you've been drying it or setting it in the

  • fridge. So I'm just going to insert that stick about halfway into that ball. So that's going

  • to give you a really nice little chocolate seal. We're going to sit that over here to

  • fully dry. Now I did that first. You can put it in the

  • fridge to accelerate the drying process of that chocolate. But I did that first because

  • I know that we're going to pipe our little ears.

  • Okay, I've also got a pair of scissors here. So I'm just going to just pour a little bit

  • of that candy melt into our zip lock bag. This is just going to act like a little bit

  • of a piping bag. With these ears, I suggest piping a few extra than you think you're going

  • to need because there will be some that going to come out a little bit [wonky] or you're

  • not quite happy with the size and you may break 1 or 2.

  • So I'm just going to cut just a very fine little tip off that bag. And that's just going

  • to fashion our zip lock bag into a bit of a makeshift piping bag. Now, for Pikachu's

  • ears, what you're looking for is just sort of, I guess, a bit of an arc on 1 side and

  • a bit of an arc on the other. So don't make these too fat. And once you've got your little

  • outline, just pipe in a little bit more of that chocolate and then, without even squeezing,

  • I'm just using the bag just to push that chocolate down into those little outline bits. There's

  • 1 ear. Now here's the tricky part is getting the 2 of them relatively even. They're not

  • too bad at all. So just piping at your 2nd ear. So pop those off into the fridge for

  • about 5 minutes or so until they're fully set. When they come out, they're going to

  • come off that wax paper really really easily. Now as I mentioned, I've pre-prepared a couple

  • just for a little bit of ease of time for us today. So what we're going to do is, first

  • of all, we're going to get your ears at the ready, ears and your little cheeks.

  • And you want to take that cakepop ball, that seal will be nice and set now. And we're going

  • to dip it into our yellow chocolate. Make sure that that chocolate meets all the way

  • up and just covers that yellow candy melt seal or that yellow chocolate seal. And then

  • I'm just going to just tap off any excess as I turn the cakepop.

  • Alright, now you don't want to let that set too much before you add in your ears. So I'm

  • just going to turn the ball around and just find your best side, so the neatest-looking

  • side and then I'm going to put in one of Pikachu's ears mainly into the chocolate, but just ever

  • so slightly pushing it into that ball. And then I'm going to pop the other one off out

  • on a little bit of an angle. This one here I actually want a little bit... Perfect. So

  • you should have 1 that's sort of sticking up and the other 1 going out on an angle.

  • Now, you want to take those little cheeks and you want to put those cheeks right sort

  • of down about the bottom quarter in line with those ears. Perfect.

  • Now you want to let that completely set before we go and do any of the detailing.

  • Alright, so I've let my little Pikachu completely dry. Now, we want to start adding a little

  • bit of the detailing. So we're just going to dip just the tips of his ears on a bit

  • of an angle into that black candy melt. So you'll see that I've used quite a shallow

  • ball for my candy melt. Perfect. And then the other one. Make sure that you're looking

  • at them as you do it so that you can just sort of see how far you're dipping and what

  • sort of an angle you're getting them on. Perfect. There's our little dipped ears.

  • Now, you want to do your mouth next. So we're going to do the mouth, just dipping in. You

  • can use a zip lock bag here as a bit of a piping bag but I found it just as easy and

  • that I had a bit more control. Just dipping in with the toothpick and just starting in

  • the center on 1 cheek. And you can choose what expression you want your little Pokemon

  • to have. I just went with a relatively easy one which is just his little smile.

  • And then for the eyes. So for the eyes you want to take, I guess, a decent amount on

  • that toothpick. So you can see there, I've actually got quite a bit on the toothpick

  • and then I'm going to place 1 blob down for his eye. Wipe off that toothpick. And I'm

  • just going to use the same toothpick just to take a, I guess, a little bit of that tip

  • off the eye. Because when you use a toothpick to pop the eye down, it's going to leave,

  • I guess, a little bit of a pointy tip. Now I'm going to take that other toothpick. I'm

  • going to dip it in the water and that's just going to moisten it so that I can use it to

  • pick up just a couple of these little white sprinkles. So you only want 1 and then you

  • just decide where you want to position his eye ball depending on where you want him to

  • be looking. So just push it in with that toothpick and it gives him the little bright of his

  • eyes and just really brings him to life. Now as I mentioned, you can white chocolate

  • for that but I prefer to use the white sprinkles just because they're always a consistent size

  • and they give it a little bit of a 3-dimensional bright of the eye. Just moving on to the 2nd

  • eye. We can repeat that process. Perfect. And we're almost finished. We just want to

  • wipe off that toothpick and just take a little bit more and give him a little tiny nose.

  • So there you've got your gorgeous little Pikachu Pokemon cakepop. If you love this cakepop,

  • make sure that you check out our Poke-ball candy bombs. They're really sweet and they've

  • got a gorgeous little candy surprise inside. They'll match perfectly with these Pikachu

  • cakepops. As always, thanks very much for tuning in to My Cupcake Addiction.

Hello! Welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Pikachu Pokemon Cakepop Tutorial where I'll be showing


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ポケモンピカチュウのケーキポップを作ろうカップケーキ中毒チュートリアルへの方法 (Make Pokemon Pikachu Cake Pops! A Cupcake Addiction How to Tutorial)

  • 137 5
    Miriam Sung に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日