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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • I Don't See How A World That Makes Such Wonderful Things

  • Could be bad

  • Look At This Stuff Isn't It Neat? Wouldn't You Think My Collections Complete?

  • Wouldn't You Think Im The Girl The Girl Who Has Everything

  • Look At This Trove Treasures Untold, How Many Wonders Can One Cavern Hold?

  • Looking Around Here You Think,

  • Sure, She's Got Everything

  • I've Got Gadgets And Gizmos A Plenty

  • I've Got Whosits And Whatsits Galore

  • You Want Thingamabobs?

  • I Got Twenty

  • But Who Cares?

  • No Big Deal

  • I Want More

  • I Wanna Be, Where The People Are

  • I Wanna See Wanna See 'Em Dancin'

  • Walkin' Around On Those

  • What Do You Call 'Em?

  • Oh - Feet

  • Flippin' Your Fins You Don't Get Too Far

  • Legs Are Required For Jumpin', Dancin'

  • Strollin' Along Down A

  • What's That Word Again?

  • Street

  • Up Where They Walk, Up Where They Run

  • Up Where They Stay All Day In The Sun

  • Wandering Free

  • Wish I Could Be

  • Part Of That World

  • What Would I Give If I Could Live Out Of These Waters?

  • What Would I Pay To Spend A Day Warm On The Sand?

  • Betcha' On Land, They'd Understand

  • Bet They Don't Reprimand Their Daughters

  • Bright Young Women, Sick Of Swimming

  • Ready To Stand

  • And Ready To Know What The People Know

  • Ask 'Em My Questions

  • And Get Some Answers

  • What's A Fire?

  • And Why Does It - What's The Word?

  • Burn?

  • When's It My Turn?

  • Wouldn't I Love,

  • Love To Explore That Shore Up Above?

  • Out Of The Sea

  • Wish I

  • Could Be

  • Part Of That

  • World

I Don't See How A World That Makes Such Wonderful Things


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ジョディ・ベンソン - 「リトル・マーメイド」より「あなたの世界の一部」字幕版 (Jodi Benson - Part of Your World From The Little Mermaid - Subtitled)

  • 475 50
    王璘 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日