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While touring the remains of ancient Alexandria, Egypt, there are a few things that present day explorers should look for.
First, as you travel along the Great Harbor, keep your eyes open for large columns and statues.
Across the bay to your left is the island where the Great Lighthouse once stood.
And as you make your way through the palaces of the Royal Quarter and reach the area where the Library of Alexandria once stood, keep your eyes open for sharks.
<a href="#post_comment_1">大きな柱や像には、<i class="icon-star"></i>目を開けていてください。
Because if you visit this section of Alexandria, you'll be fifteen feet deep in the Mediterranean Sea.
Though people are most familiar with Plato's fictional Atlantis, many real underwater cities actually exist.
そして、<a href="#post_comment_2">ロイヤル・クォーターの宮殿を通りながら、<a href="#post_comment_2">make your way<i class="icon-star"></i><a>のようにして、あなたの道を進んでいきます。
Places like Alexandria, Port Royal Jamaica, and Pavlopetri, Greece.
Sunken cities are studied by scientists to help us understand the lives of our ancestors,
the dynamic nature of our planet, and the impact of each on the other.
Water is essential for life, food sources, and transport, so many cities have been built along coastlines and river banks.
However, these benefits also come with risks because natural forces that can sink a city are at their doorstep.
Take, for instance, an earthquake.
June 7, 1692 seemed like a normal morning in Port Royal, Jamaica, then one of the richest ports in the world,
but when a massive earthquake struck, two-thirds of Port Royal immediately sank to its rooftops.
Today, many buildings and elements of everyday life remain surprisingly intact on the sea floor, frozen in time.
That includes a 300-year-old pocket watch that stopped at 11:43, the moment Port Royal slipped beneath the Caribbean.
And during the winter of 373 BCE, the Greek city of Helike was struck by an earthquake so strong that it liquefied the sandy ground upon which the city was built.
Minutes later, a tsunami struck the city, and Helike and its inhabitants sunk downwards into the Mediterranean Sea.
<a href="#post_comment_3">ダイナミック<i class="icon-star"></i>地球の自然。
Centuries later, Roman tourists would sail on the lagoon that formed and peer down at the city's remains.
Earthquakes are sudden, unpredictable disasters that have drowned cities in an instant.
Luckily, however, throughout history, the majority of sunken cities were not submerged by a single cataclysmic event, but by a combination of more gradual processes.
For instance, Pavlopetri, the oldest known sunken city, was built on the southern coastline of Greece 5,000 years ago.
It's an example of a city that was submerged due to what is called isostatic sea level change.
なぜなら、都市を沈めることができる自然の力は、<a href="#post_comment_4">門前<i class="icon-star"></i>にあるからです。
18,000 years ago when the Ice Age ended, glaciers began melting and the sea level rose globally until about 5,000 years ago.
Isostatic sea level change isn't caused by that melt water,
but rather the Earth's crust slowly springing back from the released weight of the glaciers, making some places rise, and others sink.
The ground around Pavlopetri is still sinking at an average rate of a millimeter per year.
But the ancient inhabitants were able to move gradually inland over several generations before they finally abandoned the city about 3,000 years ago.
Today, divers swim over the streets of Pavlopetri and peer through ancient door jambs into the foundations of houses and community buildings.
They learn about the people who lived there by observing what they left behind.
<a href="#post_comment_5">そのまま<i class="icon-star"></i>のまま、時の流れの中で凍りついた海底に、驚くほど残っています。
Natural geological events, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, will continue to shape our continents, just as they have for millions of years.
As increased global warming melts our polar ice caps at accelerated rates and sea levels rise,
we will be forced to adapt, like Pavlopetri's inhabitants.
Undoubtedly, over the coming centuries, some of the coastal areas that we live in today will eventually be claimed by the water, too -
cities like Venice, New Orleans, Amsterdam, Miami, and Tokyo.
Imagine what future civilizations will learn about us as they swim around the ancient ruins of the cities that we live in today.
数分後、津波が街を襲った。とヘリケとその住民は地中海に沈んでいった。 何世紀か後、ローマの観光客は、ローマのラグーンの上を航海していました。 と街の遺構を覗き込む。 地震は突発的に起こる予測不可能な災害 一瞬にして都市を溺れさせてしまった 幸いなことに、しかし、歴史の中で。 沈没した都市の大部分は、単一の激変によって水没したのではない。 しかし、より段階的なプロセスの組み合わせによって、より多くのことが可能になります。 例えば、最古の沈没都市として知られるパブロペトリ。 は、5000年前にギリシャの南海岸に建設されました。 いわゆる等張海面変化で都市が水没した例ですね。 氷河期が終わった1万8000年前。 氷河が溶け始め、約5,000年前まで世界的に海面が上昇していました。 等値的な海面変化はあの雪解け水が原因ではない。 というよりも、地球の地殻が氷河の解放された重さからゆっくりと跳ね返ってきているのです。 ある場所を上昇させ、別の場所を沈める。 パブロペトリ周辺の地盤は今も年平均1ミリのペースで沈下している。 しかし、古代の住民は数世代に渡って徐々に内陸に移動することができました。 約3000年前についに街を放棄する前に。 今日は、パブロペトリの通りをダイバーが泳いでいます。 玄関の隙間から、家やコミュニティの建物の基礎を覗き見してみましょう。 残したものを観察しながら、そこに住んでいた人たちのことを学んでいきます。 地震や津波などの自然の地質学的事象。 は、私たちの大陸を形成し続けます。 何百万年も前からそうであったように 地球温暖化が進むと、極地の氷冠が加速度的に溶けていきます。 と海面が上昇します。 適応せざるを得ないでしょう パブロペトリの住人のように 間違いなく、これから何世紀にもわたって 沿岸部の一部 やがては水にも請求される-。 ヴェネツィアのような都市。 ニューオーリンズ アムステルダムだ マイアミ と東京都内にある。 未来の文明が私たちについて何を学ぶか想像してみてください 私たちが今住んでいる都市の古代遺跡の周りを泳ぎながら