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This is Adele - Hello. And I'll try to make this as clear as I can. So, lets get started.
There're going to be a few sets of chords that you're going to have to learn for this
song. The one you're always going to have to go back to is Fm which is F, G#, C. Fminor.
F, G#, C. The next one, and this is for the beginning of the song, before the chorus...
so its Fm, and then we're going to go to the G# chord. Now you can play G# like this, but
it sounds better if you keep it like this. From Fm, keep your middle finger on G# and
move on up so that you're playing D#, G#, C. So you go Fm, G#... And then keep your
thumb here on D# and then move your middle finger and your pinky down a little bit so
that you're playing the D# chord. This is D#, G, Bb. So we have Fm, G#, D# and now keep
the same shape of your hand and just jump it down to the next spot so that we're playing
the C# chord which is ... C#major I should say which is C#, F, and G#. So we've got this
progression of 4 chords: Fm, G#, D#, C#. (MUSIC) Keep in mind we are going to be playing this
with the bass as well down here. (MUSIC) If you're not familiar with this, what this means
is that basically the main chord that you're going to be playing up here, you're just going
to be playing that down here and you can just hit this one key. So I'm playing Fm, so I'll
hit F. Then move up to G#, so I'm on G# down here as I play the G# chord. Then go down
to D# and then jump it down to C#. By now it should be sounding very familiar to you
because that's the beginning of the song. We've got the main verse down. (MUSIC) This
is the part that leads into the chorus, its just one way through and then we're into the
chorus. What we're going to do is play Fm, D#, Cm, C#. You will play those chords. So
we know Fm and D#. Here's the new one, Cm. This is C, D#, G. Then you can play C in your
bass. Then we go up to C#. That is C#, F, D#. Again its: (Plays MUSIC) Then we play
(Plays Music) and hold that for the chorus. So this doesn't like repeat or anything. That
next part was Fm, D#, C#. Okay? So we will just play it through one more time real quick.
Fm, D#, Cm, C#, Fm, D#, C# and hold it. Just to repeat and review the verse was (plays
music) and this new part is, at least before the chorus: (plays music). Then we get into
the "Hello from the other side!" part. (Laughs) Alright, so for the chorus, for the bass note
you can also play the lower octave note which gives it more power. I think it gives it more
power for the chorus, people often do that to just give the chorus more power, so. Here
we go! These are very similar chords to you by now, it's Fm, C#, G#, D#. (Plays music
with bass) Again, its Fm, C#, G#, D#. We will play that through the chorus and go back into
the verse (plays music). Now there's really only one more part of this song that you haven't
really learned because obviously he's just going to play through that verse part and
then he's going to go into the chorus again. What we haven't seen yet is towards the end
of the song she goes into a part, I'll just post the lyrics right here, and instead of
playing the normal (music) for the chorus, they play Fm, C#, D#, G#, Fm, C#, D#, G#.
This is the part where she is like going "oooh", something like that. That is most of the song
and then it goes back into the chorus (Music), and then it just ends the song. "Hey dad,"
Hey what's going on? You want to say hey? Say hello. "Hello." Then at the end it goes
back into the (plays music)