字幕表 動画を再生する
Well, I mean the day... the day itself was pretty good.
But then, the very end of the day, Jun and Yuka--
でも、帰るころになって、 義妹のユカとジュンが、
they decide that they wanted to do the teacups again.
最後にもう一度、コーヒーカップに 乗ろうって言い出したんです。
That was something they were really excited about for some reason.
しかも、何故かすっごく楽しそうにしてて、 列に並びに行こうとしてました
So they go get on the teacups and I'm like, I don't want to be left alone! I wanna do it do.
1人で待つのは嫌だったので、 「私も乗りたい!」と言い、
So I go get on the teacups. And they're like,
"You know, we're gonna go really fast. We like going really fast on the teacups."
ジュンに、「あー、でも、すっごい速く回るよ?」 と言われたけど、
And I'm like, "Well, you know... it'll probably be okay."
Like, I get dizzy, but you know,
ちょっと酔うかもしれないけど、 2、3分もすれば気分もよくなるし、
it's just dizziness. It'll just go away in a couple minutes.
そんなに心配しなくても大丈夫よ」 と、返答しました。
So that's not anything to worry about.
So I'll handle it! And they're like,
"You know, you can really sit this out." And I'm like,
「一人待ってるのは嫌だから、 一緒に乗る!」と押し切り、
"That's really awkward, I don't wanna be left alone. I'm just gonna come with you guys!"
そしたら、いきなり義妹が すごい勢いでカップを回し始めて、
So we get on the teacups.
like immediately my sister-in-law is like super excited, and she's like spinning the teacups really fast.
And I'm like... Wow...
this is kinda fast. I'm getting a little dizzy. But you know, I'll just manage it.
ものすごく加速してきたのに、 2人はまっすぐに座ったままなんです!
And I'll be fine.
私なんか後ろに吹き飛ばされてましたよ。 身動きすらできずに。
And like both Jun and my sister-in-law, they're like sitting straight up.
2人は、「あははは!」 「あははは!」
And they're like smiling and laughing and they're having
私一人だけ、 頭すらも上げられず、
so much fun and they're just like spinning the teacups
何もできないので、ズルズルと 遠心力に押し流されてました。
And it's going so fast, and they're just, they're sitting straight up!
この時にはもう、 ゲロゲロに酔ってました。
And I'm like plastered to the back and I can't even move.
私 「ちょ、止めて...もう、限界...」
And they're just like smiling away! "Hahaha, teacups!"
And I'm in the back, I can't even like lift my neck up.
And I'm like sliding down the teacup. because I can't even control anything.
I'm SOOO dizzy at this point.
「コーヒーカップで死ぬ... 2人とも、止めて、もう無理...」
Like I'm starting to feel so sick, and I'm like, "NO, okay, you guys,"
"I can't do this." But they're not paying attention, they're like laughing so hard
私 「もう、動けない...
and they're having such a good time.
I'm just like,
2人は何事もなく ケロッとしてましたが、
laying down in the teacup, and I'm like,
私はゲロッと してしまいそうだったので、
this has to stop.
私 「助けて...ジュン、助けて...」
This has to--I'm gonna die.
ジュンの手を貸りて、 何とかカップから降りました。
I dunno what's happening. This is gonna kill me, you guys, you guys have to stop.
私はふらっふらだったので何とかカップから 這い出し、よろめきながら歩いて、
Eventually the teacup stops and I'm like, "Guys..."
ベンチまでジュンに 連れて行ってもらいました。
"I can't move."
ジュンは両親と合流して 帰ると言いましたが、
"I don't know what's happening. I'm gonna like throw up."
"This is... so bad, I can't see, everything is spinning."
And they're like, they're having a grand time.
こんなに酔ったことは 今まで一度もありません。
They're just walking off, and I'm like, "I can't... Guys, help me!"
"Help me! Jun please help me."
10メートル程先に トイレがあったので、
And so like, Jun helps me get up and walk out of the teacups.
おぼつかない足で向かい、 倒れこみながら嘔吐しました。
And I'm like doubled over, like my head is between my knees.
そして、10分くらいしたら、 義妹が来て、
And I'm like walking completely bent over,
義妹 「そろそろ帰りますが、大丈夫ですか? もう歩けそうですか?」
kind of stumbling away from the teacups.
私はまともに歩ける気が しなかったので、
And he takes me over to a bench, and they're like,
結局、ジュンに手を貸してもら わなければいけませんでした。
"Okay, well we're gonna go find the rest of our family."
また吐き気が襲ってきた時のために もう少しトイレに留まっていたかったのですが、
So I just kinda sit there on the bench and I am SOO nauseous and dizzy.
みんな、私1人をずっと待っていたので、 車に戻ることにしました。
And everything is spinning.
でも、車はすごく遠くに 駐車してあって、
I've never felt this way in my entire life.
And eventually I'm like, I can't, I'm gonna throw up.
さらに駐車場の端辺りまで 行かないといけませんでした。
So there's a bathroom that's like, like thirty feet away or something,
so I just kind of stumble over to the bathroom and then like I collapse into a toilet
戻る途中で、義父が お土産を買いに店に寄り、
and I throw up from being so dizzy.
ジュンも、私が祖父のために 買いたかった帽子を買いに行きました。
And I just kinda stay there for like ten minutes.
義母と義妹と3人で 車に戻りました。
And eventually my sister-in-law comes in and she's like, "Hey... We're leaving."
でも、私は道中ずっと 頭も上げられず、
"Everyone's ready to go... are you okay?"
地面はグニャグニャで、 ひどい目眩がしていましたが、
"Why don't you... come out now?"
And I'm like, I can't walk. I... nope.
No, I can't come out of this toilet right now.
This is a really bad idea.
So Jun has to come and get me.
木々の辺りに また嘔吐しました。
And, I'm like no
I need to stay in front of the toilet because I'm going to throw up again.
And, well everyone's ready to leave, so we just start the walk back to the car.
It's like, the car's like 3/4ths of a mile or a mile away. It's like a really long walk.
うがいをするためにコップと 飲み物を渡してくれました。
Because we have to walk all the way to the front of the gate,
その後、申し訳なく思いながら 車に戻ってじっと座っていました。
and then we parked really far around the side of the park.
そして、ホテルに直行してくれたらなぁ、 と密かに願っていましたが、
So it's like a really long walk.
いい雰囲気の日本の レストランに向かいました。
And it's like... really excruciating.
車中は義妹の好きなKpop の音楽が流れるだけで、
Like a really excruciating walk for me.
And like halfway through, Jun and my father-in-law, they go off
私は一人その中、本当に惨めで、 申し訳ないという思いでいっぱいでした。
'cause they're gonna buy souvenirs,
義母と義妹の前で嘔吐したことが 本当に恥ずかしかったのですが、
and Jun's gonna buy a hat for my grandpa that I wanted him to get.
「これ以上に悪いことなんて起こるはずが無い。 もしかしたら、回復して気分も晴れるかも」
And so I'm just,
I'm now left with my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law.
And we're walking back to the car by ourselves.
And I'm still so nauseous and I'm like walking with my head down, and I can't see anything.
Like the ground's spinning for me. I'm so dizzy.
It's terrible.
みんな本当に静かで、私1人が すっごいうるさいんです!
And we finally get back to the car.
私が義家族に行った行為の 全てが頭をよぎりました。
And we're parked next to-- We're parked in a--
義家族に初めてお会いしてから 1年ほどしか経っておらず、
It's a nice little parking lot, and there's like a tree right next to us,
私の家族にジュンを紹介した時は、 「彼を愛してるの。私はこの人と結婚するわ」
like a fancy park tree or whatever.
And as soon as we get back to the car and we stop walking
I immediately throw up into the tree
「いいや、私はそんなこと許さん!」 なんて言っても、
right in front of my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law.
And they're like freaking out. They're like, "Oh my gosh!"
と、多くのアメリカ人は 言い返すでしょう。
And they're like rummaging through everything in the back of the car.
でもジュンにとって、家族の了承を 得ることは非常に大事なことで、
And they get like a cup and some like drink for me so I can rinse my mouth out.
日本人全てがそうだとは 言いませんが、
And then I just get in the car and sit down because I'm feeling so bad.
日本では親・家族の了承が 自分の意思と同じくらい大切なんです。
We start driving
and instead of going back to the hotel like I had hoped we would,
we start driving toward a restaurant.
「息子にはもったいない位の御嬢さんだ」 とか、
It's like a really nice, fancy, Japanese restaurant.
「仕事もできて、礼儀正しく、性格も良い。 品格もある素晴らしい女性だ」
And the car is actually like completely silent, except for there's like some kpop on the radio
becasuse my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law love kpop.
So they're playing some of that music,
just like really low, like a low a volume.
ところが、私は彼らの車で ゲロってるんですよ!
And I'm just sitting in the back. I am soo miserable.
しかも、義家族みんなの前で! もう、どうしていいのかさっぱりですよ!
I'm feeling so bad.
日本語で、何と言えばいいのかすら 分かりませんでした。
And I am so embarrassed
that I had to throw up in front of my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law.
私がどれほど申し訳ないと 思っていたかも伝えられず、
And I'm like, this can't possibly get any worse.
唯一、知っていた日本語は 「ごめんなさい!」だけでした。
But you, maybe, MAYBE somehow I could recover from this.
Maybe it could get better.
But then
10~15分くらいここで待っていたら、 落ち着くかもしれないので、
I just start throwing up again...
into my cup.
Like in my little cup in this completely silent car while everyone's driving.
どうか先に行って下さい」 と、断りました。
And it's like so loud and everyone is so quiet
彼らはレストランに入り、 注文をしに行きました。
and no one is saying anything.
しばらくしたら、ジュンが私の注文を 尋ねに戻ってきました。
And like everything that I've done for my in-laws is flashing before my eyes.
店に入り、食事を始めたら また嘔吐しそうだったので、
the whole time that I've gotten to know my in laws, it's only been like a year,
since I've gotten to know them.
And like with my family, when I told them, "I'm gonna get married," like, "I love Jun."
Like, "Hey guys, I'm engaged to this guy from Japan. It's so great! I'm gonna get married!"
And if anyone was ever like,
ジュン 「料理を持ち帰ろうか? ホテルで食べる?」
"No. No, you can't do that." I would have just been like,
私 「本当にちょっと無理。 戻ってみんなと 楽しんできて、お願い」
"Okay, I don't care!"
レストランでは義家族が、私に対して 申し訳ないと思っていたはずです。
義娘が気分が悪いために車で休んでいる中で、 どうやってディナーを心から楽しめるでしょうか?
"Guess I'm not gonna talk to you again."
You know, that's the kind of attitude we have in America.
通園地で喚き散らし、 ディナーも台無しにして...
But for Jun it's so important to get along with his family.
でも、本当に気持ち悪くて、 何もできなかったんです。
Like this is--
I mean, I'm not going to say every Japanese person is like this,
車は動いてないのに、それでも気持ち悪くて、 またカップに嘔吐しました。
but it's really important in Japan. Family is much more important in Japan.
しかもコップから 溢れそうになってました。
So he really wanted his family's approval.
このまま帰る途中で 車が少し揺れたら、
And so I had been- I understand this. I had been trying SO hard
to, like, make a good impression.
Like, I wanted them to think like, "Oh, I'm really happy
that my son is marrying this woman who has a good job.
She's really polite. She's like such a nice woman. She's so feminine and mature.
おそらく排水溝かどこかに 捨てたと思います...
And like, I had spent a year building up all of this, like this image
and I worked so hard to get their approval.
(実際はジュンが捨てて、 綺麗にしてくれました。)
そして、みんなが食事を終え、 ホテルに向かいました。
In front of everyone. It's so awkward. I have no idea what to do at this point.
私はやっとホテルで休めると、 内心大喜びました。
And like I don't even know what to say in Japanese, like
my Japanese is not good enough at this point to explain how sorry I am.
So like the only thing I can think to say in Japanese is "Gomennasai! I'm so sorry!"
義父がドリフトしながら山道攻めてるんじゃないか、 と思ったくらいでした。
And eventually we get to the restaurant.
おかげで、私はもうゲロッゲロで、 とてもじゃないですが、耐えられず、
And they're like, "Hey! Come inside. Get some food."
I'm just like,
その後、ようやく着いたホテルは ヒルトンホテルで、
"Okay, maybe if I sit here for like ten or fifteen minutes then
こんなに素敵なホテルに行ったのは 生まれて初めてでした。
like my brain will calm down and I won't be as nauseous and I'll be able to eat, so I'm like,
"You guys go ahead. I'll come in in a little bit. I just need
to rest here a little bit because I'm so nauseous and dizzy.
ロビーにいた人達は 不思議に思ったはずです。
I can't see and everything so please let me just sit here for a little bit."
間違いなく私は彼らの人生で、 最も惨めなクズ白人女だった事でしょう。
So they go inside.
「何であんな酔っ払いみたいな外人女が 日本人家族一行と一緒にいるんだ?」と。
And they like wait to order and everything.
And eventually Jun comes back out, and he's like, "Hey, We're gonna start ordering."
And I'm still- Everything is still spinning for me.
そんなモノを持ち歩かないといけないのが、 どれほど屈辱か分かりますか!?
I'm like, "No. I'm sorry. I can't come inside, I need to stay here in the car.
しかも日本で! 義家族に好印象を 与えようとしてる時にですよ!!
I will throw up if I try to move. and go inside this restaurant.
Oh my gosh...
And that's, no. That's bad. I'm not gonna do that. That's not gonna happen."
そんな訳で、部屋に着いてからは すぐに就寝しました。
And he's like, "Oh, well why don't you just come try?"
And I'm like, "No."
And he's like, "Do you want us to bring you something?
Like, we can order something and take it back to the hotel for you."
And I'm like, "No. No, I don't think you understand.
「あの~、もう少し速度を落としていただけると...」 とか、
Like putting food in my body is not a good idea right now.
「そこの曲がり道は慎重に走っていただけると...」 とか、
So I'm just gonna stay here in the car. You guys please go enjoy your meal."
And I'm sure they're sitting inside the restaurant just like feeling really guilty, like
"Okay, so
our daughter-in-law is out in the car 'cause she's nauseous,
and we're sitting in here trying to enjoy our meal."
ご迷惑をおかけして、 本当に恥ずかしかった...
And I'm like ruining everything.
Like I ruined the whole day for them at the amusement park and I'm ruining their meal now.
義家族みんなでの楽しい 初めての旅行をぶち壊しにしました。
But I can't help it because I just can't do anything 'cause I'm so nauseous.
And so I'm sitting in the car,
最後までご視聴頂き、 ありがとうございました。
and I'm still so dizzy, and even though the car's not moving anymore I throw up AGAIN into my cup.
皆さんが、私のより恥ずかしい経験を されない事を祈っております。
My little vomit cup.
ところで、私は今までにこんな 事態になった事は一度もありませんでした。
And at this point it's getting like precariously full.
Like I don't want to start driving anymore because I'm afraid
if we hit a bump or something there could be like vomit splash out of the cup,
乗り物酔いして、嘔吐するとか。 そもそも、あんなに酔った事すらありません。
which would be the worst possible thing in the world.
ですから、本当に全く予想が できなかったんです。
So I open the door. I don't even know what I did with it.
I don't even remember if I got out of the car, or if I just like dumped it out from inside the car.
Pretty sure I tried to go find a place like a vent in the floor.
とにかく、ご視聴ありがとうございました。 また、次回の動画で。
Like a grating where I could like dump it.
ジュンがこっちにいる間に作ったビデオが もう1つあるので、
Anyway, I emptied my vomit cup.
次回はトランプゲーム、「大富豪」を お教えしたいと思います。
And eventually everyone comes back out to the car and we start on our way to the hotel.
And I'm like "Yay! Finally hotel!"
But we're like driving to the hotel and this whole area's like
really mountainous, so all of the turns are like really
sharp and like spinny, and turny and stuff.
I feel like my father-in-law's drifting everything.
And for my state of nausea it's so beyond what I can handle.
And so I throw up again
into my cup.
Finally we get to the hotel and it's the Hilton Hotel.
It's the nicest place I've ever been in my life. Like I've never been to a hotel like this before.
And we sit down in this lobby, and it's like a really grand and spacious lobby.
And we're waiting to get checked in.
There's like people all around us, and I'm sure they're thinking that I'm the
most wasted, trashy white girl they have ever seen in their entire lives.
Like I'm sure they were going crazy trying to figure out what I was doing with this
all-Japanese family.
And there's not even any trash cans anywhere
so I can't even throw away my cup of vomit.
Like do you know how humiliating it is to carry a cup of vomit with you somewhere.
In Japan! Trying to make a good impression on your in-laws.
Oh my gosh.
And so we get back to the room and I just go to sleep like immediately
because I can't handle anything at all.
And we wake up the next day and this is the 2nd day of our vacation, the last day of our vacation.
And we'd been planning on going around to see like all of the sights and the mountains and
see pretty things and things like that.
And so we start driving and I'm still feeling really nauseous and dizzy.
And I'm like, this is-
Can we drive a little bit slower?
Like take these turns a little bit slower, 'cause I'm not sure I can handle
turning this much. And eventually they're like,
"Okay, let's switch. We're gonna put you in the front seat."
So I sit in the front seat and it makes my mother-in-law get in the back seat with
Jun and my sister-in-law.
And I end up sitting in the front seat of the car for the rest of the day.
Which is also really embarrassing
that I made them move.
So that's the story of how I ruined
my first ever family vacation with my Japanese in-laws,
that I'd been trying to make a really great impression on.
Which I spectacularly failed at.
So thanks for watching my video about my most embarrassing moment in Japan.
Hopefully you will never have to go undergo anything as embarrassing as that.
And just for the record, I've never done anything like this before.
Like I've never cried because I was scared.
You know, maybe except for when I was like a little baby or something.
And I've never vomited from being dizzy. Like I've never been that dizzy in my life.
So there's no possible way I could have predicted what had happened.
It was just the most humiliating...
It was probably like the most humiliating thing of my life.
So anyway, thanks for watching! I'll see you guys next time we make a video.
Actually I have one more video that I made with my husband when he was here.
We'll teach you how to play daifugo, which is a card game.
It's my favorite card game ever.
So we'll teach you how to play that sometime soon.
And we've got a couple other videos in the works right now.
So I hope you guys will look forward to that.
So see you guys next time! Thanks!