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So if you lived in ancient bible times odds are you lived under the authority of a king
And many of these kings claimed that they were Gods and they would even call themselves the Image of God
Meaning they had authority to tell people what to do order things to be made
Yah, they got to define good and evil
And these kings would often make statues of themselves which in hebrew were called Tselem often translated as idol or image
But for Israel they didn't view their kings as the God. In fact they were never supposed to even make images of God.
It's exactly right and that was really unique for that time and culture.
This is rooted first of all in Israel's belief that you can´t reduce the creator God down to any one thing in creation.
When did he do that
Lets go to page 1 of the bible and the first person we meet there is God.
He is the one with authority over all creation. He speaks and the creation obeys and He defines what is good and not good
In other words, He alone is King but then surprisingly as the pinnacle of all of God's creative work He makes humans.
and he calls all of them the Image of God
So he gives all humans the authority to rule
Exactly. That is what He goes on to say.
He tells the humans to subdue the earth and to rule it. And so this task,
that once belonged only to elite kings is here in the bible, the task of every human being
This was a revolutionary statement in its day because all humans are being called
to rule and to participate in the human project.
So what does this mean, I mean, how are we all supposed to rule.
So, the picture we get in Genesis is
gardening, "Gardening?!"
Yes, Gardening. So, they rule the earth
by cultivating it, by harnessing all of the earth's raw potential and then making something more and new out of it
So, growing food for each other.
Yes, but that also includes growing families which then becomes neighborhoods
and then they create communities where people are going to work and take care of each other
and build businesses and cities and will expand to new places and so on
So, ruling is really the day to day acts of our work and creativity
Yes, we take the world somewhere
This is humanity's divine and sacred task.
This all sounds really nice
And humans have designed some pretty great things
But just as often we create things that cause a lot of sufferring and a lot of injustice
So, maybe we shouldn't actually be ruling
Yah, so the bible addresses this
In Genesis, what happens is that God gives humans
a choice of how they are going to rule.
So, are they going to use their authority for the benefit of others
which is God's definition of good
Or are they going to turn away and define good and evil for themselves
and use their authority for self advantage
and in the story they choose to define good and evil on their own terms
And so this is the bible's depiction of the human condition
so sometimes we pull off amazingly good stuff but just as often
despite our best intentions we act selfishly and we create evil in the world
and so we are stuck as mediocre rulers
making a mess of things
But that's not the end of the story
so, the bible goes on and makes this claim
that all of this was resolved when God bound himself
to humanity through Jesus and
He showed us what it looks like to truly rule as a human
So what does it look like
Well, Jesus ruled by serving and by seeking
the best for others by putting himself underneath them
and loving not just His friends but also His enemies
And that's not a typical way to rule
And not only that Jesus confronted the consequences of
all the evil and death that we have created by
our messed up ways of ruling
and he takes it, I mean he lets it kill Him
And so, when the new testament writers looked back
to Jesus's resurrection they see
a whole new future opening up for all humanity
Jesus is a new way to be human
Yah, that's why they call Jesus the Image of God or New Human
And not only that they also believe that Jesus is divine
life and power is now available to
heal and transform us to become our life and power
and this sounds really nice
but what does it really look like
So, practically the apostle Paul said it looks
like people being filled by Jesus's own presence and spirit
filled with love and joy and peace and patience
and kindness and goodness and integrity and gentleness and self control
He says this is the new humanity that God wants
to create in us. So that we become people
in whom God's image is being restored
people who will move the human project forward
and that's actually how the story of the bible ends
It's a renewed world where God is on
His throne and His servants are all around Him
But they are the ones ruling over this new world
Taking it into new uncharted territory with Jesus
as their healer and their God.
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