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  • this is probably my favorite combination of flavors for a frittata and it makes

  • them very easy supper dish

  • scrirrel away a wedge for your child's lunchbox next day and it guarantees not

  • to be returned to sender first heat the oil in a non-stick on the pan over low heat

  • add the onion and sauté for about five minutes until soft and then add the

  • potatoes and spring onions stir and season to taste

  • in a bowl add the grated cheese

  • the eggs and milk and see them season and pour into the omelet pan arrange the cherry

  • tomatoes and sprinkle with the chives place under the grill for about five minutes

  • lightly golden and set in the middle and then slice into wedges and serve hot or

  • cold

  • yeah

this is probably my favorite combination of flavors for a frittata and it makes


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簡単チーズとトマトのフリッタータ|Annabel Karmel's Busy Mum's Cookbook (Easy cheese and tomato frittata | Annabel Karmel's Busy Mum's Cookbook)

  • 257 19
    Yassion Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日