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  • Okayin the last section, we learned one of the most important things about fractions!

  • We learned that they are numbers that are written like division problems.

  • We also know that fractions can be used to represent smaller parts of things.

  • Now since a fraction is just a division problem, if we wanted to,

  • we could go ahead and do the division and get an answer.

  • And that answer would be a regular number that‘s the value of the fraction.

  • Let’s look at this fraction for example: ten-fifths

  • That’s the same as the division problem 10 divided by 5.

  • Now we know that 10 divided by 5 is 2, so the value of this fraction is 2.

  • So what’s the deal? The value ‘2’ doesn’t seem like a smaller part of something!

  • In factit seems like TWO of something!

  • Aren’t fractions supposed to have a value smaller than one?

  • Here’s the deal

  • If the top number of a fraction is bigger than the bottom number,

  • then the value of the fraction will be greater than one.

  • But, if the top number is smaller than the bottom number,

  • then the value of the fraction will be smaller than one.

  • But if we divide a smaller number by a bigger number and get a value that’s smaller than one,

  • then how are we going to write that value down like a regular number?

  • Isn’t ‘1’ the smallest number we can write? (wellbesides zero)

  • Luckily the answer is no.

  • You see, we can write values that are smaller than one by using something calleddecimals numbers’.

  • To understand how decimal numbers work, let’s first review how we write down regular numbers that don’t involve fractions.

  • We call those numberswhole numbers’.

  • We use whole numbers when we count things, and counting things is very important in math.

  • The system that we count things with is based on the number 10. In fact, it’s calledBase 10’,

  • and it uses what we callpowers of 10’ as the groups or building blocks that we count with.

  • It’s probably no surprise that our first building block is ‘1’,

  • and we can get bigger building blocks just by multiplying by 10.

  • So our next building block is ‘1’ times 10 or 10.

  • And the one after that is 10 times 10 or 100.

  • And the one after that is 100 times 10 which is 1,000.

  • I could keep on multiplying by 10 to get bigger and bigger building block,

  • but I think I’m going to stop at 1,000 for now.

  • So what am I going to do with all these powers of 10 ?

  • Well, like I said, theyre the building blocks of our counting system, so I’m going to count with them!

  • But before I do that, I should mention two more things that our number system needs besides these building blocks.

  • And those two things aredigitsandnumber places’.

  • Digits are just the 10 different symbols we use for countingyou know: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9

  • Number places are like little imaginary boxes that can hold just one digit at a time,

  • and theyre used likecounters’… you knowto count things.

  • We use one number place for each of our building blocks, to count how many of each of them we have.

  • For example, let’s say I have ‘2’ hundreds, well then I just put a ‘2’ in the number place that counts how many hundreds I have.

  • And let’s say I have ‘5’ tens, then I put a ‘5’ in the number place that counts tens.

  • And I also have ‘3’ ones, so I put a ‘3’ in the number place that counts ones.

  • Each number place is named for the building block it counts.

  • For example, this number place is called theones placebecause it counts ones.

  • This is thetens placebecause it counts tens,

  • thehundreds placecounts hundreds, and so on

  • Of course, most of you aren’t used to seeing numbers written like this,

  • so let’s re-arrange our number places to make it look more like we are used to.

  • Therenow you can see that the ‘2’ in the hundreds place,

  • the ‘5’ in the tens place,

  • and the ‘3’ in the ones place all combine to make 253.

  • Ohand most of the time, we don’t actually show the number placestheyre invisible.

  • Therethat’s better.

  • Okay, so that’s how we use our building blocks, number places and digits to write any whole number we want to.

  • But this video is about fractions, right?

  • So how are we going to write fractions with this system?

  • A lot of fractions have values smaller than one, but right now, our smallest building block is ‘1’.

  • It looks like were going to need some smaller building blocks.

  • You remember how we got our otherBase 10’ building blocks.

  • We started with ‘1’ and kept multiplying by 10 to get bigger and bigger building blocks.

  • Wellto get smaller building blocks, all we have to do is start with ‘1’ and keep dividing by 10.

  • Wait a minute? …divide a smaller number like ‘1’ by a bigger number like 10 ?

  • Well that sounds like a fraction to me!

  • Exactly!… If we do that, the building block we get will be a fraction,

  • and its value will be one part out of ten (or one-tenth),

  • and we can use that to write values that are smaller than one.

  • A good way to see how this new building block fits in with the other ones is to look at a number line.

  • Oh look! …a number line!

  • And it goes from zero to ten, and it show our first two building blocks: 1 and 10

  • If we take ’10’ and divide it into ten equal parts, each of those parts is equal to ‘1’.

  • And if we take ‘1’ and divide it into ten equal parts, then each of those parts is a tenth.

  • Now the number line shows three building blocks: 10, 1 and a tenth.

  • A tenth is a small number, but we can get even smaller building blocks if we keep dividing by 10.

  • So let’s take one-tenth and divide it into 10 equal parts.

  • This even smaller fraction is called a hundredthwhich is one out of a hundred!

  • And since it’s ‘1’ over 100, it would take 100 of them to equal ‘1’.

  • We can see this by taking all 10 of our tenths and dividing each of them into 10 parts.

  • Now if you count up all these smaller parts, well find that there are 100 of them.

  • We could keep on dividing with our number line to get smaller and smaller building blocks,

  • but I’ll show you an even easier way to find them.

  • Let’s list the building blocks we have so far.

  • Notice that on this side of the ‘1’, the first building block is 10,

  • and on the other side of the ‘1’, the first building block is 1 OVER 10.

  • And back on this sideour next building block is 100,

  • and on the other side side it’s 1 OVER 100.

  • Well thenif the next building block on this side is 1,000,

  • what do you suppose the next building block on the other side will be?

  • Yepyou guessed it! 1 OVER 1,000 (or a thousandth).

  • Of course, I could keep on going in either direction getting powers of 10

  • that are bigger and bigger whole numbers

  • or smaller and smaller fractions,

  • but I think these are enough for now.

  • Alrightnow that we have all these new smaller orfractionalbuilding blocks,

  • it means that we can count smaller and smaller parts of things.

  • But to do that, were going to need a new number place for each of them.

  • This will be called thetenths placebecause it counts tenths.

  • And this will be thehundredths placebecause it counts hundredths,

  • And this will be thethousandths placebecause it counts thousandths.

  • To see how the new number places work, let’s bring back our last example digits:

  • 2 hundreds, 5 tens and 3 ones,

  • but this time let’s add ‘6’ tenths by putting a ‘6’ in the tenths place,

  • and ‘4’ hundredths by putting a ‘4’ in the hundredths place.

  • Now let’s put our number places back like we are used to seeing them.

  • Uh-ohIt looks like there’s a problem!

  • This number looks like twenty-five thousand, three-hundred and sixty four!

  • But we only added tiny little fractions to our 253… it can’t be that big!

  • Here’s our problemwe can’t tell which number place is which because they all look the same.

  • What we need is a kind of a marker that will help us tell them apart.

  • And that marker is called a ‘decimal point’.

  • The decimal point is just a dot that we always put right here between the ones place and the tenths place.

  • That way, we always know that the ones place is on the left of the decimal point, and the tenths place is on the right.

  • Therethat’s better! Now our number reads: 253 point 64.

  • That’s how you read the decimal point when you get to ityou just saypoint”.

  • So the decimal point is really just a separator between the number places that count whole numbers on this side,

  • from the number places that count fractions on this side.

  • These amounts are greater than ‘1’.

  • And these amounts are smaller than ‘1’.

  • We call numbers that use a decimal point, “decimal numbers”, ordecimalsfor short.

  • So that’s how decimal numbers work, and theyre important

  • because we use them to convert a fraction from a division problem to a regular number.

  • In the next section well learn how to convert some special fractions into decimals.

  • But before that, let’s do a quick review.

  • If we take a fraction and do the division, we will get an answer.

  • And that answer is called thevalueof the fraction.

  • Our number system is calledBase 10’.

  • It usespowers of 10’ as building blocks for counting as well as 10 different digits.

  • Number places are like counters that hold one digit at a time

  • and help us count how many of eachBase 10’ building block a number is made of.

  • There areBase 10’ building blocks like 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 that help us make really big numbers.

  • There are also very smallBase 10’ building blocks (fractions that are smaller than ‘1’) that help us make really small numbers.

  • These building blocks have names like tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.

  • The decimal point is a separator that goes between the number places that count values of ‘1’ or greater,

  • from the number places that count values smaller than ‘1’.

  • To make sure you understand how decimals work and how they relate to fractions, be sure to do those exercises!

  • bet ya didn’t see that coming, did ya!

  • Learn more at

Okayin the last section, we learned one of the most important things about fractions!


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A2 初級

数学のアンチティクス - 分数と小数 (Math Antics - Fractions and Decimals)

  • 19 4
    Yassion Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日