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  • okay so earlier today

  • I went to make Q&A video with my mom

  • because it's something we've done before and

  • I think people like seeing how

  • great she is with dealing with me being gay

  • and just even being silly like how normal our relationship is and how awesome our relationship is

  • and I think people really

  • get a lot of hope from that and anyways we went to make another video

  • half way through recording the video my camera ran out of room

  • so I'm deleting stuff from it and in the middle of that me and my mom just started to have

  • a conversation

  • a pretty personal conversation and

  • she didn't know but I started recording a part of it

  • and um it's pretty emotional

  • but uh

  • I couldn't spread a better message than

  • what she said and I think

  • I dont know

  • it's just.. I'm amazed that that's my mom

  • and I'm so proud that she's my mom and I just think

  • it's something a lot of people will benefit from hearing

  • so even though it's super personal

  • I decided I'm gonna upload it

  • so here it is

  • We've got a better relationship than anyone else

  • Well I mean I felt so bad for you when you called me that time and you're like \"I've got everything going for me. I'm smart and I'm pretty and

  • people like me\" but I've got this thing about me and

  • you know I was like you don't have a thing, everybody has a thing

  • it doesn't matter you know. I was trying to make you feel like

  • that's nothing you know that's just everybody has a thing

  • and that's just a thing. It doesn't define anything about you. You know?

  • You're perfect just the way you are.

  • You know?

  • You're the best.

  • You are. You're just like a perfect girl. All that stuff, it doesn't matter. Why do people care about that?

  • Why are people so involved with your life that they've got to like, make that a big deal.

  • What is the big deal? Why do they care?

  • It's not a big deal.-me I know it's not - mom

  • and people don't get that. I don't think people get that unless

  • like if somebody has somebody in their life

  • you know that has that, I mean then they start to get it.

  • But it's like, until they are in that situation. Some people are just so close minded that they are like

  • nope this is how it is! and you know,

  • and it's like no that's not how it is. That's not how it has to be.

  • We'll teach em' - me But I mean yeah it's getting better and I think it's kind of cool that - mom

  • you do your

  • videos. And I mean some people in your situation commit suicide I mean and

  • then it's over for them and they can't change that

  • you know then it's done and if you let them know that

  • yes you're in a bad place, I was in that bad place

  • you know I felt the same way

  • What way do I have out of this? But it's like if you just

  • go with it and get comfortable with yourself and

  • you know you'll get to a point where you're like, this is okay

  • you know it doesn't matter - mom yeah it's true - me

  • but you know some people don't make it to that part

  • They commit suicide or just

  • I mean hopefully they get to that and can get past that and don't do that

  • Mac wants them to make it too

  • I just feel awful that there are people out there, GOOD people out there in that spot

  • and then they do that to themselves

  • and it's like, that didn't have to be that way you know? or other issues, whatever people deal with

  • that make

  • you know young people get to the point where they might kill themselves

  • they don't understand, this can change.

  • it's like I read that book, It Get's Better

  • if they don't make it there then you don't know

  • you don't have the chance to get passed that. If you just think there's no end, there's no way out of this

  • and that's your choice then you don't have a way to get beyond that and say

  • Wow, it could be okay and I

  • can actually be happy.- mom It's so easy to fall into that -me

  • yeah I mean if you feel trapped

  • like with you being able to talk to these people

  • it gives them hope that, Oh wow there's someone who was in my shoes

  • And she worked through that, and look how happy she is now.

  • It gives them the opportunity to see, that's not my only option.

  • My options are wide open.

  • yeah

  • what's it like having the best daughter ever

  • I don't know you'd have to ask my mother.

okay so earlier today


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よくなってきました|母から (It Gets Better | From My Mom)

  • 77 6
    Ann に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日