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  • A: Welcome to a very special birthday edition of Just Between Us!

  • G: My birthday was June 1st.

  • A: My birthday is June 20th!

  • A: You are watching it, on my birthday.

  • G: Today, when we're filming it, not your birthday.

  • - A: Don't reveal our secrets! - G: Sorry!

  • A: Every year I drive to a very creepy store in Pasadena that has like a lot of

  • taxidermy and like weird stuff, to get Gaby a birthday gift.

  • A: This year I went and I got her an

  • - A: amatomical (wrong pronunciation) - G: A-Amatoical? (questioning Allison)

  • A: Ana- How do you say it?

  • G: Anatomically.

  • A: That's what I said! Is amatomical not a word?

  • - G: Am-amatomical? - A: What word are you saying?

  • - G: AN...? - A: What that right or wrong?

  • G: No it's right.

  • - G: A-N, an...atomical. - A: ANatomical.

  • G: Anatomical.

  • A: It's an anatomical heart necklace.

  • G: And then I got Allison this necklace, that is a key that says "Love" and the

  • crux of it is that you're supposed to wear it until you feel and absorb the word on

  • the key, and then once you've done that for yourself, then you give it to someone

  • else who you think needs it.

  • A: So Gaby gave it to me and I said:

  • "Thank you so much, I'm gonna die in this thing,"

  • introduction music

  • A: This week we have a

  • (to the tune of "happy birthday") ♪ International question for you! ♪

  • International question for you! ♪

  • International question for yoouu! ♪

  • A: Toby! In the EU! (blows candles on imaginary cake)

  • A: Have you ever seen a movie and thought: "That was a pretty good movie but I'd

  • rather see the sequel?"

  • G: I mean, I'm sure you're gearing up to something so what is it?

  • A: People might remember a little episode, a few years ago...

  • - G: A few years ago? - A: A year ago,

  • A: Entitled: "Why is Gaby prettier than Allison?"

  • - G: I remember it, Harry from Cambodia. - A: Yes, fuck you Harry.

  • A: This week, we had an interesting follow-up question:

  • "Why is Allison prettier than Gaby?" (makes explosion noises)

  • A: Pew, pew pew pew pew, po-pow!

  • A: Oh, hold, hold, hold, hold. (uses soundbox)

  • G: No.

  • G: The point of that first episode was that we shouldn't be pitted against

  • each other for our looks or anything else because we're best friends and we're a

  • comedy duo and that's besides the point.

  • A: Yes, that's what you took the time to say when it was your episode, but in my

  • episode, I just want to say, "Thank you so much Toby, I really appreciate it."

  • G: Don't you think this is a pity question?

  • A: Yes.

  • G: And?

  • A: Fine.

  • A: Honestly, I don't have the luxury to not accept pity.

  • A: That is a luxury that is not afforded to someone with a hot sister.

  • - G: We all have hot sisters. - A: Yeah but whatever, you had girls too.

  • - G: So? - A: You had your weird, you were queer,

  • and that's fun.

  • A: You were out having fun, you were experimenting. You were doing things

  • Cheyenne would never do.

  • - G: Uh-huh. - A: I just had Jocelyn.

  • - G: Uh-huh. Here's the thing-- - A: She's so pretty.

  • A: Obviously, the big takeaway from this is that people have different preferences.

  • - G: Yeah! - A: And some are better than others.

  • G: Some party can be hot to one person and not hot to someone

  • - G: else and vice versa. - A: I never find the people you find

  • - A: attractive, attractive. - G: Exactly!

  • - G: And that's great! - A: and vice-ver... and you don't find my

  • - A: people attractive. - G: Right because those people are for

  • you and those people are for me.

  • A: And that's how we will divide the world once we rule it.

  • - A: We'll have an Allison world... - G: Yeah.

  • - A: ...and then Gaby world. - G: Yeah.

  • A: And then every Sunday you and me will get tea, and that will be the only time we

  • can cross the wall.

  • G: What side of the world do you want?

  • - G: Like the one with America? - A: The hot, I want...

  • - G: Oh you want to divide it by...? - A: I'm gonna have it, no I'm gonna have

  • around the equator, and you can have the top and bottom.

  • - G: But then my countries are divided! - A: You're bi!

  • A: Blonde, brunette, it's a competition as old as time.

  • G: Ugh, I hate this.

  • A: Betty and Veronica?

  • G: I hate this. I hate that if you have a show one has to be a blonde and one has to

  • be a brunette because no one can tell the difference between women.

  • A: Well I think you should have purple hair but you stopped doing that.

  • - G: It's because-- - A: I said that's what made us unique,

  • that's what's gonna get us a goddamn TV show, and then you went and undid it.

  • A: I feel like anyone who likes you could never like me.

  • - A: Like if... if a... - G: Well if they... once they get to know

  • us.

  • A: I don't know.

  • - G: Once they get to know us! - A: If anyone... if someone hits on you I

  • immediately cross him off the list of possibilities for me.

  • G: But people have liked you initially and then gotten to know you and been like "No

  • thank you," and then started liking me... and vice-versa! And vice-versa!

  • G: Now everyone in the comments is gonna be like: (in commenter voice) "Am I the

  • only one who thinks Allison is hotter than Gaby?"

  • A: No, now, because the question was so... actually all the comments in this

  • episode you're gonna get the pity.

  • G: I don't think they're gonna give me pity every--

  • A: They are! They're gonna go "What are you even talking about?! I come for Gaby.

  • Look at her body! Wow, what a great outfit."

  • A: I think I'm gonna peak at 32

  • - A: prettiness-wise. - G: Mhmm, I agree.

  • - A: Like, you think 32? - G: Mhmm, for both of us, yeah.

  • -A: Because I think we'll have more money, - G: Mhmm.

  • - A: and we'll have stylists, - G: Oh my god.

  • - A: and we'll like be in better shape, - G: And we'll get our teeth whitened.

  • - A: and our hair, and our makeup. - G: Yeah.

  • - A: We'll have better clothes. - G: I agree.

  • A: Ugh, and then it's downhill.

  • G: Well, I'm gonna get a lot of plastic surgery so I can't wait for that.

  • G: I don't even want it to look natural... (Allison laughs)

  • G: ...I wanna look like one of those really hot, plastic surgery girls.

  • A: I just want like gentle injections so it looks like I've never laughed.

  • jazz music

  • A: Put the ladies up here, men down there, all genders, sorry, oh god. (Gaby laughs)

  • A: I'm in big trouble again.

  • G: Welcome to Just Between Us, we're your problematic faves.

  • outro music

  • Subtitles by the community

A: Welcome to a very special birthday edition of Just Between Us!


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A2 初級

アリソンはなぜギャビーより可愛いのか?/ ここだけの話 (Why Is Allison Prettier Than Gaby? / Just Between Us)

  • 50 3
    Jack に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日