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Uhm...so uncomfortably quiet
Ok, hi guys!
My name's Shannon
and this
is my beautiful best friend Cammie
who I want nothing but every good thing in the world for
That was so cute
I didn't know what you were gonna say
I love you
Don't cry!
Oh my gosh, sorry
I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry
I think a little bit of crying is normal
A light cry
Just a light cry
Thank you
Ok, wow
I started that off with a burn
I cry everytime I laugh
I'm just so funny
Ok, so basically
this isn't a fun video to make
not necessarily a video we would love to make but
in some level we've realized
Cammie: we need to make
We need to make, so we're making it
so now we're making it
So basically
we broke up
The end! Ok!
There we go
See you later!
Do we...continue?
As much as we love
wholeheartedly each other
and want the absolute best for each other
the most important part of life is self happiness
and we drive that into you guys
I feel like (and I hope you feel like)
in most of our videos we were always talking about
your personal happiness is the most important thing in the world
and Shannon and I both came to a point that
even though we love each other
we were not feeling happy
within ourselves and with our personal growth
and the only way to discover that
and to reach that personal growth
was individually
that's ok
And I know you guys are heartbroken
and we were and are heartbroken
and it was a really hard thing to accept
However I'm so insanely proud of both of us
for recognizing that and doing it
not just for ourselves but for each other, like
I knew Shannon wasn't totally happy with where she was
and she knew that the same with me
and we decided that
being on our own and having to figure out ourselves separately
was the best way for us to grow as individuals
To be the best us
I can't say anything better
I just think it's important for you guys to know like
we care about each other so much and will obviously love each other forever
Like I will do anything for you
And viceversa, always
But it's just...
that's not like enough
which sucks
That's like- there's really nothing more to say
The thing is there's not some big crazy drama to tell you guys
or some like woah!
Like Cammie just nailed it completely
That's what it is and that's like
I know you guys have been speculating and wanting to know
wanting us to tell you but like
we needed to figure this all out on our own
Which we've been doing
It would've been easier if we had some big thing to tell you
But we didn't and that's why it took so long
'cause we needed time to ourselves and to really think about things
before we brought you guys into that and I know
that you guys...since the breakup have been like
"Oh, you guys are being fine" or like
whatever, all this stuff just so many speculations
You feel like we've been lying to you for all these years that we've been together and
how you make it look like "you guys are fine"
One, you don't see every aspect of our life
We don't share every thing
But also
We were ok
but that's the thing; we were just ok
like we knew that we could be better
so that's what we're gonna do
That's what we're working on now
I regret nothing of our relationship
I wouldn't change anything for the world
I'm so happy
Shannon will always hold such a special place in my heart
and I cherish every second with her
and I'm still gonna continue to know who Shannon is
I will always be a part of her life and she will always be a part of mine
We support each other so much
and I hope you guys can do the same
I love that you guys supported us and our relationship
but I hope you can also support us as individuals
So that being said
This channel 'nowthisisliving'
is going to be Shannon's channel
Shannon started this like
'Nowthisisliving' is Shannon
and I was part of Shannon
so I was part of this journey
so is gonna continue to be Shannon
and I'm so excited to see what that brings
I've personally wanted you to make videos by yourself for so long
She's so much to share
She has...she has so much to say like
when we discussed video ideas that you had
Oh my gosh! You were so excited for them
You guys saw the video from Bonnaroo like
that was so badass!
and I'm so excited to watch your content
Number one fan
So I hope you guys can do the same like
you shouldn't stop supporting us just because
our "relationship" holds a different title now
But like...
We've always been Shannon and Cammie as well
Shannon and Cammie
And we're still Shannon and Cammie
And we still support each other
so you guys can support-
Like there's no like...
We don't need to pick sides, there's nothing
There's literally nothing wrong
that's- I was gonna say with either one of us
There's nothing wrong with either one of us!
But like there's nothing
No one did something wrong
This is all good we're all...this
*both* This is fine
And you guys should be fine
If I can support her then you should support her
and that being said as well
Everyone who follows this channel should go and follow Cammie's channel
She has her own channel where she's gonna be creating her own content
that she's already been doing for a long time
but she's gonna continue to do
and I want you guys to support her and follow her and
be there with here the same way that I want you to be with me
because she makes great content
and like look at her face
Look at her face
You should follow her
*mouthing* Stop it, so cute
They ship it
Too soon or...?
Never too soon
That's basically it, right?
Yeah, and like I don't wanna leave you guys unsatisfied but
that's all it is
and I know it feels like more in
just...you gotta not read into things
Like I know you guys wanted it to be something
Yeah, maybe we should've said this sooner so you could...
but we had to figure it out first so
And we needed to be ready to do this as well
'Cause obviously
But we also wanted to tell you guys what we're saying now 'cause we do think like
it's...you should hear it
And you could hear it from us and you hear from our mouths
and this is us telling you and then
that's really all that there is
And like we're friends so like
You'll se us together
We're gonna post pictures I'm sure at some point like
There's things...will be...
I will like her tweets, she'll probably like mine every once in a while
Don't freak out about it
I mean you can get excited but I'm saying like
If we ever do get back together you guys will know
It won't be...please don't...
Please, don't think every little thing is like "woah, woah, woah"
And just because this was
mutual and amicable
that doesn't mean we aren't sad and we aren't hurting
this is a big life change for us and that
That was...
Big is an understatement
Every aspect of mine and Shannon's life
were intertwined
and that was a huge problem
That was a problem, yeah
We didn't have our own identities
and now we're discovering them and we're gonna take some time
I don't know who I am right now, Shannon doesn't really know who she is right now
But it's fun discovering ourselves
And we will discover those things and
those new people will still be friends like
Don't think that like "Oh, they are so fine, that was so easy for them"
This has been very difficult but at the end of the day
we know it's what both of us need
It's the best thing for both of us
And I know it hurts you guys
and you guys are losing out on like...
being a part of this
But like...
As hard as you are hurt
This is...
Probably shit was harder for us
Our whole life is changing so like
Please...You guys have been great, you really have been really
for the most part so understanding and nice and awesome
But like
Just kn- we know you're hurting and we appreciate and we...
I understand and you deserve to hurt
we did- we brought you along in this journey
but be respectful the fact that we are also very much so hurting
Cammie: And we never wanted to hurt you guys Shannon: And that's ok
If we could have made this unhappen we would've but
Life happens, it really does
and I know I personally have always said and lived by
it's not about the things that happen to you, it's how you react to them and handle them
And I'm really proud of how both of us are handling things
And how you guys are handling things
and I hope that we can all keep handling things and that's all gonna be good
It's all gonna be great
So if you wanna see a club in the future- just kidding!
Like, subscribe!
If this gets 40k thumbs up...
40 million, thousand trillions...
Thumbs up!
We'll do a making out video!
Oh my god...
That's really all there's to say, right?
We nailed it
I think we nailed it
I love you
I love you
Oh, this is sad though
This is real sad
Oh, sad
I love you
Cammie: I love you
Ok, let's end the video
Love you guys
Now this is depressing
Now this is dying!
It ended now