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my name is Eric Benson thank you for your viewing my
presentation on social exchange theory is
we'll be looking at some alternative perspectives and
and possible uses for report systems
within so slick seems theory a.m.
so for stuff we will
will begin by addressing some of the criticisms
so social exchange theory
assumes that people are rational and their core that they will make
decisions that will best benefit them in the future
um the problem with that is is
that its media this no we often make decisions that are not in our
self-interest or
kin in fact be detrimental to a
tour will be so
this dis is a pretty valid criticism
it also assumes it it that
it has difficulty explaining so actions such as
outward altruism or or any kind of selfless
kinds of actions because arm
social exchange theory talks to us
about um there we don't act unless we feel like we're going to get
benefit or ward um
in in if we r acting a
altruism then then by definition where
not really seeking decorative reward
it also values
a it also seems to value selfishness
over selflessness again this goes back to you
the idea altruism um there also is a
personal bias that that eats her purse perceptions have certain situations
so um going any he
into any interaction with another individual
or relationship we're always looking at that relationship
with the a concept love
what are we going to get out of it or how are we get a bit benefit from this
particular relationship
from in it also love the criticisms is that it's limited to you
i'd take relationships which are basically just relationships where like
a a buyer-seller relationship or
or relationships that are
just between two people in nature um
so so what I wanted to
to talk about nine I didn't see
a whole lot of research in this particular area
but um if we start to look at your words not only is coming from
the other person or from the individual but internally within ourselves then we
can start to see
that the the reasons why we're doing
things is still based on a reward punishment
and give situation um they're also actions that
armored intrinsically rewarding love themselves so
we get the ward just simply by doing the action
um so for instance if we r
see to speeding in maybe a food bank
and and we are helping out
a either
giving food or a.m. were helping setting up for
anyway that were not this yearly getting heat for these things
then the reward really comes from
from within ourselves also
maybe a perceived social status that we
can feel like that weird
better standing so sleepy with our peers ur or people we interact with
we also can gain sensitive personal integrity so
by doing these things we can't say
that the war would be
dead I i've reinforced the sense of my soul third
I'm a good person and I do these things and and
I'm a compassionate person to help people out in that
that is reward because it makes me feel good or
because a a
I a appreciate more who I am after doing these things
so in that sense it kind of takes away some of the selfless selfish and self
a selfishness that
so slick steam exchange theory seems to have
so a.m. when the things that
who that social exchange theory mentions is that
overtime is a word is giving and
for specific action Lake CA I mow the lawn
and I get paid a certain amount for that well
over time the are you love mowing the lawn
action that reward is not going to be
North by its gonna lose its value over time
so one of the things that
that we could talk about is reward schedules
so they're four different kinds are forward schedules
which are basically the timings have win awards are
so when would be a continuous awards so every time
you do a particular action
then you will receive a specific were
reward every single time you do that action
and it's not based on a time
or or anything does other than
do action game work the next would be a fixed ratio
word so it would be Lake
if you
if you get get the reward for maybe every other time that you do the action
or every fifth time
that you do the action flexes instead of saying
dead I'm I'm going to get paid for mowing the line
every time lawn I'm gonna get paid
every other time over every three times that I mow the lawn and that would be an
fix reach your word fixed interval
forward E is with your word
combs at a fixed
time Lake CA
every Friday no matter what you do during the week
this is they win the award is given so you do the actions during the week
admits the rewards good Friday a paycheck would be
a a good example
have a fixed it forward occurs we work
and then we get paid on specific days so
in the last war type would be the variable
your with the variable word
on there's no guarantee there or be given
and there's no it's not it fixed ratio its own to fix
interval it's not every time
so really good example this kind of award
would-be the slot machines
so slot machine you put your money in you pull the lever
then miss at the time we don't get anything
or a.m. you pull the lever is
maybe you get a few koreans or if you're really lucky you might
you might hit the jackpot get a lot of money so
that would be you really good example love
fearful word so 18 years that could be used
in an educational setting would be to you
a.m. use for words as a
with completing assignments and then incentive saying
you know earning tickets leads and have some teachers we use
tickets for good behavior or you're being there on time or for any number of
things and then making supportive
a at a specific time like
spin the tickets on
on like a prize box
so instead of doing that it would be. get to take eight you can get a turn in
the ticket
maybe there could be like kind of a slot machine or something like that
in in the classroom day word they get to spin a wheel
and there's a chance they could get something there's a good chance they can
get nothing but
by by a.m.
by doing this you can kind of make the the exchange little more interesting
and it helps to diminish the a.m.
the the effects of having the
a word the reward lose its value
overtime so there's some ideas
how you could use
reward system that would be related to social exchange theory
within your classroom