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Welcome to another tutor sure provided by the Educational Support Services
Department up the high carbon Community College in snacks fell Pennsylvania
which is just outside a valid tell these videos review key learnings for the
science courses provided herein tell Tracy
completion member that the Educational Support Services Department does provide
walk into during five days a week this video review the
basic naming conventions that we use for ion I can call failing compounds in
house start at the bottom here
just two to let you know that I E um will review how to deal with transition
metals and I am compounds on the next slide
in this video and that for polyatomic ions in acids I'll have a separate video
that you can look up and use but if we start with basic Diana compounds
how to compounds are a metal in a non-metal
combined together and the naming convention
is the metal is just um
stated its full name and as a second term
you will state the non-metal ru
plus you landed with I D E and I'll show you
the first example a sodium chloride you name the metal
strictly sodium and the non-metal here
is chlorine hand you take the route of chlorine which is Clore celo
Chlo are and added and I D E
risen indeed so its sodium chloride
when you move on to the next example you'll see lithium
sulfide you notice the metal you still just say the
the full metal name lithium you do not have to
address the subscript authors to hmmm
and then for sulfur over here
nonmetals the routers SU LF
and then he had the ides a sulfide and then
the last example I have aluminum oxide again you just
state the metal you don't worry about the subscript
and also here on the Tom non-metal
you do not worry about the subscript you um
you represent an oxygen here this the route is all wax
and edger I D E for aluminum oxide
and Dom so the subscripts
um welcome into name mean hun I am account pounds
that's basically because you can look at the to charges
%uh home-based charges of aluminum in oxygen
you out you know aluminum oxide must be al2o3
see only way it can be formed up so you don't need to show
any representation of the subscripts now we go to
Cole valence there you do home
have to in some way address
the subscripts and so
Kovan its are non metals with another non-metal
to prefix here in green that's how you address the
so serve hmmm subscripts
in the elements so like for down down here in SF's
6 you gonna deal with the 6-foot-2 in some way with a prefix prefix
as to be on either term the first others second
and the the next one down here you'll see a when the two in a 5-4 gonna have
deal with those prefix though such scripts
so let's look at our first one nitrogen
oxide we have no: because the subscripts here are both won
hmmm you do not need to use a prefix model
model represents one %uh but if
the Nomad the basic um nomenclature
for cough and a compound you don't need to use
model Hudson if you don't see a term it's implied that its model so
you not the same model nitrogen it's just nitrogen
safety and a second term its oxygen
with the the room with the iDEN date so it's oxide
you don't have to say mono now you will obviously come across some exceptions
are very common one that
yeah I'm sure you'll deal with your science classes see all which is carbon
in there they do use um the modern
form on oxide but that's just
%uh a long time use it's not really following the namee
a convention but it's just been you so much
over the years that everybody how uses it that term
now so that is one exception a and there are few others occasionally you may come
with the model term so now we look at
the next example we have here um
solve for with 6 Florence
again because sulfurous a single element there
you just use the full term of sulfur
but now on the farm the fluorine
you going to use a prefix hexafluoride represents six
your roof for fluorine is fluo
our floor and then your iDEN deed
salt sulphur hexafluoride in our final example here for Oracle valances
and 2005 here you need to use a prefix a dying nitrogen
and a gurney you sure pentoxide
pentoxide so you're prefix
you wrote when you're heading there suffix if I D
so if we now move over to our
seconds convention here
I wanted to get rid of this their ego
um if we have a transition metal in arianna count pound
transition metals um most of them are some other
can have more than one oxidation state
and so you need to address that in the name me
so for transition metals you you name them that'll
but you also have to give some indication up with the oxidation state
you do that with the Roman numeral and then again UN with here
your non-metal routine your ID sonar first example with iron
um chloride I say if Iran chlorine
in this case hired here is hired three witches
FEC plus 23 that's the
%ah oxidation state of iron in this case
so you have hired three Roman numeral 3 here
%uh chloride the route and the ID the suffix
the Nexus sample here CEUs this case
its copper to sulfide
and a copper here represents
its oxidation state is close to you notice in the next example
see you to s--- here the
oxidation state a copper is plus one
it so its copper one sulfide
so by doing the one in the two
you can rip you know where the you have CEUs
for cu2+ s so it's important when you have a
transition metal with multiple oxidation states
that you introduce om this Roman numeral convention
and then again as I mentioned ball have another video here in polyatomic ion
in Aus on a min yes it's thank you