字幕表 動画を再生する
So, I guess it is a result of globalization
that you can find Coca-Cola tins on top of Everest
エベレストの山頂にコカコーラの缶 モントレーに僧侶
and a Buddhist monk in Monterey.
私はちょうど 2日前 皆さんのお招きに上がりヒマラヤ山脈から来ました
And so I just came, two days ago, from the Himalayas
ですから 皆さんを しばらくの間 ヒマラヤ山脈に招待したいと思います
to your kind invitation.
So I would like to invite you, also, for a while, to the Himalayas themselves.
And to show the place where meditators, like me,
who began with being a molecular biologist in Pasteur Institute,
and found their way to the mountains.
東チベットのカイラシュ山 -- 素晴らしい景色です
So these are a few images I was lucky to take and be there.
There's Mount Kailash in Eastern Tibet -- wonderful setting.
This is from Marlboro country.
これは 青緑色の湖です
This is a turquoise lake.
これは 8月1日 一年で最も暑い日の東チベットです
A meditator.
前の晩 皆でキャンプしました チベットの友人はこう言いました
This is the hottest day of the year somewhere in Eastern Tibet, on August 1.
「我々は 外で眠ります」 私が「なぜ?テントは十分広いのに」と言うと
And the night before, we camped, and my Tibetan friends said,
「はい でもせっかくの夏ですから」と言いました
"We are going to sleep outside."
And I said, "Why? We have enough space in the tent."
さてと 幸福について語りましょう
They said, "Yes, but it's summertime."
私はフランス人ですが フランスには
So now, we are going to speak of happiness.
As a Frenchman, I must say
私はちょうど幸福に関するエッセイを書いたのですが すると論争が起こりました
that there are a lot of French intellectuals
誰かがこういうことを書きました 「幸せなんて冴えないものを押し付けないでくれ
that think happiness is not at all interesting.
幸せなんて関係ない 情熱的に生きるべきだ
I just wrote an essay on happiness, and there was a controversy.
And someone wrote an article saying,
苦しみもいいものだ 小休止のときに気分がいいからね」
"Don't impose on us the dirty work of happiness."
これは ヒマラヤ山脈の私の住処のバルコニーからの景色です
"We don't care about being happy. We need to live with passion.
3x2メートルの小部屋です 皆さんいつでも大歓迎です
We like the ups and downs of life.
We like our suffering because it's so good when it ceases for a while."
では 幸福または満たされた状態について話しましょう
まず最初に フランスの知識人がなんと言おうと
This is what I see from the balcony of my hermitage in the Himalayas.
It's about two meters by three, and you are all welcome any time.
Now, let's come to happiness or well-being.
つまり -- 意識しようがしまいが、直接であれ間接であれ
And first of all, you know, despite what the French intellectuals say,
it seems that no one wakes up in the morning thinking,
我々がすること 望むこと 夢見ること
"May I suffer the whole day?"
そういったこと全てが 心の奥底で幸せを求めることにつながっているのです
首をくくってしまう人は 苦しみを終わらせる方法を探した末に
Which means that somehow, consciously or not,
他の方法を見出せなかったのだと パスカルも言っています
directly or indirectly, in the short or the long term,
whatever we do, whatever we hope, whatever we dream --
somehow, is related to a deep, profound desire for well-being or happiness.
こう言う人がいます "過去の記憶を信じて
As Pascal said, even the one who hangs himself,
将来を想像し 現在は念頭にない"
somehow, is looking for cessation of suffering.
こう言う人もいます "幸せとは今という瞬間
He finds no other way.
But then, if you look in the literature, East and West,
そしてこれは フランスの哲学者 アンリ ベルクソンにこう言わせました
you can find incredible diversity of definition of happiness.
Some people say, I only believed in remembering the past,
imagining the future, never the present.
人生において幸せにそれほど関心がないなら かまわないでしょう
Some people say happiness is right now;
it's the quality of the freshness of the present moment.
And that led Henri Bergson, the French philosopher, to say,
私たちは それが何であるかを知り はっきりした考えを持った方が良いでしょう
"All the great thinkers of humanity have left happiness in the vague
そしておそらく 私たちが幸せについてよく知らないことが理由となって
so that each of them could define their own terms."
しばしば 幸せを求めながら それに背を向けてしまうのでしょう
Well, that would be fine if it was just a secondary preoccupation in life.
苦しみから逃れたいのに 苦しみに向って走っているかのようです
But now, if it is something that is going to determine
the quality of every instant of our life,
then we better know what it is, have some clearer idea.
この 2つの特徴をよく見てみると
And probably, the fact that we don't know that is why, so often,
喜びは 時間 目的 場所に左右されます
although we seek happiness, it seems we turn our back to it.
Although we want to avoid suffering,
チョコレートケーキの 最初の一切れはおいしいです
it seems we are running somewhat towards it.
二切れ目はそれほどでもなく 三切れ目には嫌気がさします
And that can also come from some kind of confusions.
One of the most common ones is happiness and pleasure.
それが物事の本質です 飽きが来ます
But if you look at the characteristics of those two,
私は昔バッハが大好きで ギターで弾いたりしました
pleasure is contingent upon time, upon its object,
upon the place.
もし24時間 休みなしで聴くことになれば飽きるかもしれません
It is something that -- changes of nature.
寒いとき 火のそばに近づくのは 気持ちがいいです
Beautiful chocolate cake: first serving is delicious,
そして しばらくすると 少し後ろに下がります それから すごく熱く感じます
second one not so much, then we feel disgust.
喜びは経験とともに 消費されるかのようです
そして それは あなたから
That's the nature of things.
We get tired.
I used to be a fan of Bach.
I used to play it on the guitar, you know.
では 幸福とはいったいなんでしょう
I can hear it two, three, five times.
幸福というと あまりにも漠然とした言葉なので 満ち足りた状態と言いましょう
If I had to hear it 24 hours, non-stop, it might be very tiring.
仏教徒の見解から 最もふさわしい定義は
If you are feeling very cold, you come near a fire, it's so wonderful.
満ち足りた状態とは ただ楽しいという感覚ではないということです
After some moments, you just go a little back,
and then it starts burning.
It sort of uses itself as you experience it.
しみ渡って その根底に横たわっています
And also, again, it can -- also, it's something that you --
it is not something that is radiating outside.
Like, you can feel intense pleasure
and some others around you can be suffering a lot.
Now, what, then, will be happiness?
And happiness, of course, is such a vague word, so let's say well-being.
And so, I think the best definition, according to the Buddhist view,
is that well-being is not just a mere pleasurable sensation.
It is a deep sense of serenity and fulfillment.
外洋をごらんなさい そこには鏡のように美しく穏やかな海があるかもしれません
A state that actually pervades
嵐の海かもしれません しかし 海の深さはそこにあり 変わらないのです
and underlies all emotional states,
and all the joys and sorrows that can come one's way.
それは つかの間の感情や感覚でなく そのものの状態です
For you, that might be surprising.
喜びもまた 幸福の源となりえますが
Can we have this kind of well-being while being sad?
In a way, why not?
ではどのように 幸せを探しましょうか? たいていは 外界から探し出そうとします
Because we are speaking of a different level.
'幸せ'になるために すべての状況
Look at the waves coming near the shore.
When you are at the bottom of the wave, you hit the bottom.
すべてを得ることで 幸せになる
You hit the solid rock.
When you are surfing on the top, you are all elated.
すべてを持つこと 何かが欠ければ それは崩れます
So you go from elation to depression -- there's no depth.
何かがうまく行かないと いつも外界を修正しようとします
Now, if you look at the high sea,
しかし 私たちが外に及ぼす力は限られたもの 一時のもの 錯覚かもしれません
there might be beautiful, calm ocean, like a mirror.
では内部の状況を見てください それらはより強くありませんか?
There might be storms,
外界から 幸福や苦しみを捉えるのは心ではないですか?
but the depth of the ocean is still there, unchanged.
So now, how is that?
It can only be a state of being, not just a fleeting emotion, sensation.
Even joy -- that can be the spring of happiness.
ダライ ラマがポルトガルに行ったとき
But there's also wicked joy, you can rejoice in someone's suffering.
そこでは 至る所で建設工事が行われていました
So how do we proceed in our quest for happiness?
ある晩 彼は言いました「立派な建物を建てるよりも
Very often, we look outside.
We think that if we could gather this and that, all the conditions,
そしてこう言いました「もしあなたが 素晴らしくモダンで
something that we say, "Everything to be happy --
居心地の良い ハイテクのマンションの100 階に住んでいても
to have everything to be happy."
That very sentence already reveals the doom, destruction of happiness.
To have everything.
If we miss something, it collapses.
非常に厳しい状況下でも落ち着き 芯の強さ 自由
And also, when things go wrong, we try to fix the outside so much,
but our control of the outer world is limited,
では 内面の条件が強ければどうか
temporary, and often, illusory.
もちろん 外部状況は 影響するでしょう
So now, look at inner conditions.
そして健康に長生きすることや 情報が得られ
Aren't they stronger?
教育が受けられ 旅行が出来 自由でいられることは
Isn't it the mind that translates
素晴らしいことです 大変望ましいことです
the outer condition into happiness and suffering?
しかしこれだけでは十分ではありません 補助的な条件に過ぎないのです
And isn't that stronger?
We know, by experience,
that we can be what we call "a little paradise,"
and yet, be completely unhappy within.
The Dalai Lama was once in Portugal,
and there was a lot of construction going on everywhere.
So one evening, he said, "Look, you are doing all these things,
but isn't it nice, also, to build something within?"
And he said, "[Without] that -- even if you get a high-tech flat
on the 100th floor of a super-modern and comfortable building,
怒りや憎悪 嫉妬 ごう慢 しつこいほどの欲望 執着 --
if you are deeply unhappy within,
そんな感情にとらわれた後は あまりよい状態とはいえません
all you are going to look for is a window from which to jump."
そのうえ それらは他人の幸せにも有害です
So now, at the opposite,
we know a lot of people who, in very difficult circumstances,
連鎖反応のように ますます惨めになり苦悩を感じます
manage to keep serenity, inner strength, inner freedom, confidence.
逆に 誰もが知っていることですが 献身的で寛大な行為の奥底では
So now, if the inner conditions are stronger --
of course, the outer conditions do influence,
and it's wonderful to live longer, healthier,
我々は 認識されることも 感謝されることも必要としません
to have access to information, education,
ただそうする事が 心の深みにおいて満ち足りたものを与えます
to be able to travel, to have freedom.
It's highly desirable.
では 生き方を変えて心の在りようを変容させることが可能でしょうか
However, this is not enough.
Those are just auxiliary, help conditions.
The experience that translates everything is within the mind.
我々のムードや 特徴そして 感情を変化させることは可能でしょうか?
So then, when we ask oneself
そのためには こう尋ねなければなりません 心の性質とは何でしょう?
how to nurture the condition for happiness,
the inner conditions, and which are those which will undermine happiness.
So then, this just needs to have some experience.
We have to know from ourselves, there are certain states of mind
意識は すべてのイメージを映し出す鏡のようです
that are conducive to this flourishing, to this well-being,
what the Greeks called eudaimonia, flourishing.
鏡は気にしません 鏡は汚されず
There are some which are adverse to this well-being.
And so, if we look from our own experience,
同様に すべての思考の背後には ありのままの意識 純粋な認識があります
anger, hatred, jealousy, arrogance,
そういう性質なのです 意識は憎悪や嫉妬によって損なわれるようなことはありません
obsessive desire, strong grasping,
they don't leave us in such a good state after we have experienced it.
And also, they are detrimental to others' happiness.
我々は いつも怒っていたり 嫉妬深かったり 気前がよかったりするわけではありません
So we may consider that the more those are invading our mind,
意識という布地は 純粋に認識をするというその性質において
and, like a chain reaction,
the more we feel miserable, we feel tormented.
だから変化の可能性があります すべての感情は過ぎ去っていくからです
At the opposite, everyone knows deep within
それが 心の訓練の基盤です
that an act of selfless generosity,
心の訓練は 2つの対立する精神要因が
if from the distance, without anyone knowing anything about it,
we could save a child's life, make someone happy.
We don't need the recognition. We don't need any gratitude.
でも 同じ時間に 同じもの 同じ人に対し
Just the mere fact of doing that
fills such a sense of adequation with our deep nature.
あなたは 握手しながら 殴ることはできません
And we would like to be like that all the time.
So is that possible,
to change our way of being, to transform one's mind?
そこに進むべき道があります 嫉妬に対しては喜び
Aren't those negative emotions, or destructive emotions,
貧欲な執着に対しては 内心の自由
inherent to the nature of mind?
憎悪に対しては 慈愛あふれる親切
Is change possible in our emotions, in our traits, in our moods?
もちろん それぞれの感情ごとに特定の解毒剤が必要です
For that we have to ask, what is the nature of mind?
もう一つの方法は 全ての感情の特質を分析することで
And if we look from the experiential point of view,
there is a primary quality of consciousness
通常 我々が誰かに対し 不快や 憎しみ 動揺を感じたり
that's just the mere fact to be cognitive, to be aware.
何かに執着すると 我々の心は その対象のことを繰り返し考えます
Consciousness is like a mirror that allows all images to rise on it.
その対象に思いを寄せるたびに 執着心や不快感が増します
You can have ugly faces, beautiful faces in the mirror.
The mirror allows that, but the mirror is not tainted,
今 我々が見るべきなのは 外を見る代わりに 内観するということです
is not modified, is not altered by those images.
Likewise, behind every single thought
there is the bare consciousness, pure awareness.
This is the nature.
同様に あなたが怒りという感情を直視すると
It cannot be tainted intrinsically with hatred or jealousy because then,
それは 朝日のあたった霜のように消えます
if it was always there --
like a dye that would permeate the whole cloth --
then it would be found all the time, somewhere.
We know we're not always angry, always jealous, always generous.
そしてついには たとえ怒りが生じても 心をかすめるのみで
So, because the basic fabric of consciousness
空を渡る鳥のように 痕跡も残さなくなります
is this pure cognitive quality that differentiates it from a stone,
これが 心の訓練の基本です
there is a possibility for change because all emotions are fleeting.
時間はかかります -- 心の欠点や 性癖を積み重ねるのに時間がかかったように
That is the ground for mind training.
Mind training is based on the idea that two opposite mental factors
cannot happen at the same time.
You could go from love to hate.
新しい在り方や ものの受け止め方を習熟することです
But you cannot, at the same time, toward the same object,
そのほうがより現実であり 相互に支えあい
the same person, want to harm and want to do good.
You cannot, in the same gesture, shake hand and give a blow.
So, there are natural antidotes to emotions
それでは 認知科学との接点について
that are destructive to our inner well-being.
So that's the way to proceed.
Rejoicing compared to jealousy.
脳の可塑性に関して 以前は脳の機能は不変のものと思われていました
A kind of sense of inner freedom
20年ほど前までは すべての神経の接続の総数は 成人した後には
as opposite to intense grasping and obsession.
Benevolence, loving kindness against hatred.
最近では それは大きく変化しうることが解かっています
But, of course, each emotion then would need a particular antidote.
10,000時間バイオリンの特訓をしたバイオリン奏者 の話を聞きましたが
Another way is to try to find a general antidote to all emotions,
and that's by looking at the very nature.
Usually, when we feel annoyed, hatred or upset with someone,
人間の品位において 愛あふれる慈悲や
or obsessed with something,
忍耐強さ 開かれた心によっても同じことができるでしょうか?
the mind goes again and again to that object.
これは それらの偉大な瞑想家が行っていることです
Each time it goes to the object,
it reinforces that obsession or that annoyance.
So then, it's a self-perpetuating process.
So what we need to look for now is,
その間毎日12時間、その後も毎日 3-4 時間瞑想します
instead of looking outward, we look inward.
彼らは 心の訓練の真のオリンピック勝者です
Look at anger itself.
It looks very menacing,
瞑想の達人の一人 -- すばらしいですね
like a billowing monsoon cloud or thunderstorm.
We think we could sit on the cloud,
but if you go there, it's just mist.
何が明らかになったでしょうか さきほどの話と同じです
Likewise, if you look at the thought of anger,
it will vanish like frost under the morning sun.
If you do this again and again, the propensity,
the tendencies for anger to arise again
will be less and less each time you dissolve it.
And, at the end, although it may rise,
it will just cross the mind,
like a bird crossing the sky without leaving any track.
苦しんでいる人々のこと 愛する人々のことを考えますが
So this is the principal of mind training.
Now, it takes time,
初期的な結果をここに示します これはすでに公開されているのでお話できます
because it took time for all those faults in our mind, the tendencies, to build up,
so it will take time to unfold them as well.
But that's the only way to go.
要点だけ言えば 前頭葉前部皮質の右側がより活動的な人は
Mind transformation -- that is the very meaning of meditation.
元気がなく 引っ込み思案で 良い情動が多くありません
It means familiarization with a new way of being,
反対に左側は: 利他的 幸福 表現する
new way of perceiving things,
which is more in adequation with reality,
with interdependence, with the stream and continuous transformation,
滑稽な映画を見れば 左側に寄ります
which our being and our consciousness is.
満足していれば もっと左に寄ります
So, the interface with cognitive science,
鬱病の発作におそわれれば 右側に行きます
since we need to come to that, it was, I suppose, the subject of --
we have to deal in such a short time -- with brain plasticity.
-0.45 という値は標準偏差の 4 倍で
The brain was thought to be more or less fixed.
All the nominal connections, in numbers and quantities,
were thought, until the last 20 years,
to be more or less fixed when we reached adult age.
Now, recently, it has been found that it can change a lot.
A violinist, as we heard, who has done 10,000 hours of violin practice,
some area that controls the movements of fingers in the brain changes a lot,
increasing reinforcement of the synaptic connections.
一部の瞑想家は それまで考えられていた以上に
So can we do that with human qualities?
With loving kindness, with patience, with openness?
So that's what those great meditators have been doing.
椅子に座らせた人に 生理機能を測定するあらゆる機器を取り付けます
Some of them who came to the labs,
like in Madison, Wisconsin, or in Berkeley,
これは本能的な応答なので この20 年の間 驚かなかった人はいませんでした
did 20 to 40,000 hours of meditation.
瞑想家の中には 驚かないように努力することなく
They do, like, three years' retreat, where they do meditate 12 hours a day.
And then, the rest of their life, they will do three or four hours a day.
They are real Olympic champions of mind training.
肝心なことは この実験はサーカスのように
This is the place where the meditators -- you can see it's kind of inspiring.
Now, here with 256 electrodes.
精神鍛錬は重要だと言いたいのです これはただの贅沢ではなく
So what did they find?
Of course, same thing.
皆さん 教育には すすんで 15 年を費やし
The scientific embargo --
if it's ever submitted to "Nature," hopefully, it will be accepted.
It deals with the state of compassion, unconditional compassion.
しかし 心の動かし方という最も重要なことには
We asked meditators, who have been doing that for years and years,
to put their mind in a state where there's nothing but loving kindness,
それは 我々の経験の質を決定する根本的なことです
total availability to sentient being.
Of course, during the training, we do that with objects.
We think of people suffering, of people we love,
この一つの例だけでも 骨折りの甲斐があります
but at some point, it can be a state which is all pervading.
この骨結核の女性は テントの中に一人娘と取り残され死ぬところでした
Here is the preliminary result,
which I can show because it's already been shown.
The bell curve shows 150 controls,
and what is being looked at
is the difference between the right and the left frontal lobe.
そして チベットの跳ぶ修道僧
In very short, people who have more activity
in the right side of the prefrontal cortex
are more depressed, withdrawn.
They don't describe a lot of positive affect.
It's the opposite on the left side:
more tendency to altruism,
to happiness, to express, and curiosity and so forth.
So there's a basic line for people. And also, it can be changed.
If you see a comic movie, you go off to the left side.
If you are happy about something, you'll go more to the left side.
If you have a bout of depression, you'll go to the right side.
Here, the -0.5 is the full standard deviation
of a meditator who meditated on compassion.
It's something that is totally out of the bell curve.
So, I've no time to go into all the different scientific results.
Hopefully, they will come.
But they found that -- this is after three and a half hours
in an fMRI,
it's like coming out of a space ship.
Also, it has been shown in other labs --
for instance, Paul Ekman's labs in Berkeley --
that some meditators are able, also,
to control their emotional response more than it could be thought.
Like the startle experiments, for example.
If you sit a guy on a chair
with all this apparatus measuring your physiology,
and there's kind of a bomb that goes off,
it's such an instinctive response that,
in 20 years, they never saw anyone who would not jump.
Some meditators, without trying to stop it,
but simply by being completely open,
thinking that that bang is just going to be a small event like a shooting star,
they are able not to move at all.
So the whole point of that is not, sort of, to make, like,
a circus thing of showing exceptional beings who can jump, or whatever.
It's more to say that mind training matters.
That this is not just a luxury.
This is not a supplementary vitamin for the soul.
This is something that's going to determine
the quality of every instant of our lives.
We are ready to spend 15 years achieving education.
We love to do jogging, fitness.
We do all kinds of things to remain beautiful.
Yet, we spend surprisingly little time taking care of what matters most --
the way our mind functions --
which, again, is the ultimate thing
that determines the quality of our experience.
Now, compassion is supposed to be put in action.
That's what we try to do in different places.
Just this one example is worth a lot of work.
This lady with bone TB, left alone in a tent,
was going to die with her only daughter.
One year later, how she is.
Different schools and clinics we've been doing in Tibet.
And just, I leave you with the beauty of those looks
that tells more about happiness than I could ever say.
And jumping monks of Tibet.
Flying monks.
Thank you very much.